Releasing Pyramid ================= - Make sure all unit tests pass and statement coverage is at 100%:: $ python nosetests --with-coverage - Make sure paster templates pass: $ python - Ensure all features of the release are documented (audit CHANGES.txt or communicate with contributors). - Copy relevant changes (delta bug fixes) from CHANGES.txt to docs/whatsnew-X.X. - Make sure docs render OK:: $ cd docs $ make clean html There should be no meaningful errors or warnings. - Change version to the new version number. - Change docs/ version to the new version number. - Change CHANGES.txt heading to reflect the new version number. - Make sure PyPI long description renders (requires ``collective.dist`` installed into your Python):: $ python check --restructuredtext - Create a release tag. - Release to PyPI:: $ python sdist register upload - Edit ` `_. - Publish new version of docs. - Announce to maillist. - Announce to Twitter.