Releasing Pyramid ================= - For clarity, we define releases as follows. - Alpha, beta, dev and similar statuses do not qualify whether a release is major or minor. The term "pre-release" means alpha, beta, or dev. - A release is final when it is no longer pre-release. - A *major* release is where the first number either before or after the first dot increases. Examples: 1.6 to 1.7a1, or 1.8 to 2.0. - A *minor* or *bug fix* release is where the number after the second dot increases. Example: 1.6 to 1.6.1. Prepare new release branch -------------------------- - Create a new release branch, incrementing the version number. - Do any necessary branch merges (e.g., master to branch, branch to master). - On release branch: $ git pull - Do platform test via tox: $ tox -r Make sure statement coverage is at 100% (the test run will fail if not). - Run tests on Windows if feasible. - Make sure all scaffold tests pass (Py 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and pypy on UNIX; this doesn't work on Windows): $ ./ - Ensure all features of the release are documented (audit CHANGES.txt or communicate with contributors). - Change CHANGES.txt heading to reflect the new version number. - Copy relevant changes (delta bug fixes) from CHANGES.txt to docs/whatsnew-X.X (if it's a major release). Minor releases should include a link under "Bug Fix Releases" to the minor feature changes in CHANGES.txt. - Update README.rst to use correct versions of badges and URLs according to each branch and context, i.e., RTD "latest" == GitHub/Travis "1.x-branch". - Update whatsnew-X.X.rst in docs to point at change log entries for individual releases if applicable. - For major version releases, in, update branch descriptions. - For major version releases, in docs/, update values under html_theme_options for in_progress and outdated across master, releasing branch, and previously released branch. Also in the previously released branch only, uncomment the sections to enable pylons_sphinx_latesturl. - Change version to the release version number. - Make sure PyPI long description renders (requires ``collective.dist`` installed into your Python):: $ python check -r - Create a release tag. - Make sure your Python has ``setuptools-git``, ``twine``, and ``wheel`` installed and release to PyPI:: $ python sdist bdist_wheel $ twine upload dist/pyramid-X.X-* - Configure RTD to publish the new release version of the docs. Prepare master for further development (major releases only) ------------------------------------------------------------ - Checkout master. - In CHANGES.txt, preserve headings but clear out content. Add heading "unreleased" for the version number. - From the release branch, forward port the changes in CHANGES.txt to HISTORY.txt. - In, forward port branch descriptions from release branch. - In docs/, add a commented line under pylons_sphinx_latesturl_pagename_overrides for the release. - Change version to the next version number. Update previous version (final releases only) --------------------------------------------- - In docs/, update values under html_theme_options for in_progress and outdated. Uncomment the sections to enable pylons_sphinx_latesturl. - Configure RTD to point the "latest" alias to the new release version of the docs. Marketing and communications ---------------------------- - Edit Pylons/pylonshq/templates/home/home.mako. - Edit Pylons/pylonshq/templates/home/inside.rst for major releases only. - Edit Pylons/ for major releases only. - Edit Pylons/pylonsrtd/pylonsrtd/docs/pyramid.rst for major releases only. - Edit ` `_. - Edit ` `_. - Announce to Twitter. ``` Pyramid 1.x released. PyPI === One time only for new version, first pre-release === What's New === For all subsequent pre-releases === Changes Issues ``` - Announce to maillist. ``` Pyramid 1.X.X has been released. Here are the changes: <> What's New In Pyramid 1.X: 1.X release documentation (across all alphas and betas, as well as when it gets to final release): You can install it via PyPI: pip install Pyramid==1.X Enjoy, and please report any issues you find to the issue tracker at Thanks! - Pyramid core developers ```