from contextlib import contextmanager import functools try: # py2.7.7+ and py3.3+ have native comparison support from hmac import compare_digest except ImportError: # pragma: no cover compare_digest = None import inspect import weakref from pyramid.exceptions import ( ConfigurationError, CyclicDependencyError, ) from pyramid.compat import ( getargspec, im_func, is_nonstr_iter, integer_types, string_types, bytes_, text_, PY2, native_ ) from pyramid.path import DottedNameResolver as _DottedNameResolver _marker = object() class DottedNameResolver(_DottedNameResolver): def __init__(self, package=None): # default to package = None for bw compat _DottedNameResolver.__init__(self, package) def is_string_or_iterable(v): if isinstance(v, string_types): return True if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): return True def as_sorted_tuple(val): if not is_nonstr_iter(val): val = (val,) val = tuple(sorted(val)) return val class InstancePropertyHelper(object): """A helper object for assigning properties and descriptors to instances. It is not normally possible to do this because descriptors must be defined on the class itself. This class is optimized for adding multiple properties at once to an instance. This is done by calling :meth:`.add_property` once per-property and then invoking :meth:`.apply` on target objects. """ def __init__(self): = {} @classmethod def make_property(cls, callable, name=None, reify=False): """ Convert a callable into one suitable for adding to the instance. This will return a 2-tuple containing the computed (name, property) pair. """ is_property = isinstance(callable, property) if is_property: fn = callable if name is None: raise ValueError('must specify "name" for a property') if reify: raise ValueError('cannot reify a property') elif name is not None: fn = lambda this: callable(this) fn.__name__ = get_callable_name(name) fn.__doc__ = callable.__doc__ else: name = callable.__name__ fn = callable if reify: import pyramid.decorator # avoid circular import fn = pyramid.decorator.reify(fn) elif not is_property: fn = property(fn) return name, fn @classmethod def apply_properties(cls, target, properties): """Accept a list or dict of ``properties`` generated from :meth:`.make_property` and apply them to a ``target`` object. """ attrs = dict(properties) if attrs: parent = target.__class__ # fix the module name so it appears to still be the parent # e.g. pyramid.request instead of pyramid.util attrs.setdefault('__module__', parent.__module__) newcls = type(parent.__name__, (parent, object), attrs) # We assign __provides__ and __implemented__ below to prevent a # memory leak that results from from the usage of this instance's # eventual use in an adapter lookup. Adapter lookup results in # ``zope.interface.implementedBy`` being called with the # newly-created class as an argument. Because the newly-created # class has no interface specification data of its own, lookup # causes new ClassProvides and Implements instances related to our # just-generated class to be created and set into the newly-created # class' __dict__. We don't want these instances to be created; we # want this new class to behave exactly like it is the parent class # instead. See GitHub issues #1212, #1529 and #1568 for more # information. for name in ('__implemented__', '__provides__'): # we assign these attributes conditionally to make it possible # to test this class in isolation without having any interfaces # attached to it val = getattr(parent, name, _marker) if val is not _marker: setattr(newcls, name, val) target.__class__ = newcls @classmethod def set_property(cls, target, callable, name=None, reify=False): """A helper method to apply a single property to an instance.""" prop = cls.make_property(callable, name=name, reify=reify) cls.apply_properties(target, [prop]) def add_property(self, callable, name=None, reify=False): """Add a new property configuration. This should be used in combination with :meth:`.apply` as a more efficient version of :meth:`.set_property`. """ name, fn = self.make_property(callable, name=name, reify=reify)[name] = fn def apply(self, target): """ Apply all configured properties to the ``target`` instance.""" if self.apply_properties(target, class InstancePropertyMixin(object): """ Mixin that will allow an instance to add properties at run-time as if they had been defined via @property or @reify on the class itself. """ def set_property(self, callable, name=None, reify=False): """ Add a callable or a property descriptor to the instance. Properties, unlike attributes, are lazily evaluated by executing an underlying callable when accessed. They can be useful for adding features to an object without any cost if those features go unused. A property may also be reified via the :class:`pyramid.decorator.reify` decorator by setting ``reify=True``, allowing the result of the evaluation to be cached. Using this method, the value of the property is only computed once for the lifetime of the object. ``callable`` can either be a callable that accepts the instance as its single positional parameter, or it can be a property descriptor. If the ``callable`` is a property descriptor, the ``name`` parameter must be supplied or a ``ValueError`` will be raised. Also note that a property descriptor cannot be reified, so ``reify`` must be ``False``. If ``name`` is None, the name of the property will be computed from the name of the ``callable``. .. code-block:: python :linenos: class Foo(InstancePropertyMixin): _x = 1 def _get_x(self): return _x def _set_x(self, value): self._x = value foo = Foo() foo.set_property(property(_get_x, _set_x), name='x') foo.set_property(_get_x, name='y', reify=True) >>> foo.x 1 >>> foo.y 1 >>> foo.x = 5 >>> foo.x 5 >>> foo.y # notice y keeps the original value 1 """ InstancePropertyHelper.set_property( self, callable, name=name, reify=reify) class WeakOrderedSet(object): """ Maintain a set of items. Each item is stored as a weakref to avoid extending their lifetime. The values may be iterated over or the last item added may be accessed via the ``last`` property. If items are added more than once, the most recent addition will be remembered in the order: order = WeakOrderedSet() order.add('1') order.add('2') order.add('1') list(order) == ['2', '1'] order.last == '1' """ def __init__(self): self._items = {} self._order = [] def add(self, item): """ Add an item to the set.""" oid = id(item) if oid in self._items: self._order.remove(oid) self._order.append(oid) return ref = weakref.ref(item, lambda x: self._remove_by_id(oid)) self._items[oid] = ref self._order.append(oid) def _remove_by_id(self, oid): """ Remove an item from the set.""" if oid in self._items: del self._items[oid] self._order.remove(oid) def remove(self, item): """ Remove an item from the set.""" self._remove_by_id(id(item)) def empty(self): """ Clear all objects from the set.""" self._items = {} self._order = [] def __len__(self): return len(self._order) def __contains__(self, item): oid = id(item) return oid in self._items def __iter__(self): return (self._items[oid]() for oid in self._order) @property def last(self): if self._order: oid = self._order[-1] return self._items[oid]() def strings_differ(string1, string2, compare_digest=compare_digest): """Check whether two strings differ while avoiding timing attacks. This function returns True if the given strings differ and False if they are equal. It's careful not to leak information about *where* they differ as a result of its running time, which can be very important to avoid certain timing-related crypto attacks: .. versionchanged:: 1.6 Support :func:`hmac.compare_digest` if it is available (Python 2.7.7+ and Python 3.3+). """ len_eq = len(string1) == len(string2) if len_eq: invalid_bits = 0 left = string1 else: invalid_bits = 1 left = string2 right = string2 if compare_digest is not None: invalid_bits += not compare_digest(left, right) else: for a, b in zip(left, right): invalid_bits += a != b return invalid_bits != 0 def object_description(object): """ Produce a human-consumable text description of ``object``, usually involving a Python dotted name. For example: >>> object_description(None) u'None' >>> from xml.dom import minidom >>> object_description(minidom) u'module xml.dom.minidom' >>> object_description(minidom.Attr) u'class xml.dom.minidom.Attr' >>> object_description(minidom.Attr.appendChild) u'method appendChild of class xml.dom.minidom.Attr' If this method cannot identify the type of the object, a generic description ala ``object `` will be returned. If the object passed is already a string, it is simply returned. If it is a boolean, an integer, a list, a tuple, a set, or ``None``, a (possibly shortened) string representation is returned. """ if isinstance(object, string_types): return text_(object) if isinstance(object, integer_types): return text_(str(object)) if isinstance(object, (bool, float, type(None))): return text_(str(object)) if isinstance(object, set): if PY2: return shortrepr(object, ')') else: return shortrepr(object, '}') if isinstance(object, tuple): return shortrepr(object, ')') if isinstance(object, list): return shortrepr(object, ']') if isinstance(object, dict): return shortrepr(object, '}') module = inspect.getmodule(object) if module is None: return text_('object %s' % str(object)) modulename = module.__name__ if inspect.ismodule(object): return text_('module %s' % modulename) if inspect.ismethod(object): oself = getattr(object, '__self__', None) if oself is None: # pragma: no cover oself = getattr(object, 'im_self', None) return text_('method %s of class %s.%s' % (object.__name__, modulename, oself.__class__.__name__)) if inspect.isclass(object): dottedname = '%s.%s' % (modulename, object.__name__) return text_('class %s' % dottedname) if inspect.isfunction(object): dottedname = '%s.%s' % (modulename, object.__name__) return text_('function %s' % dottedname) return text_('object %s' % str(object)) def shortrepr(object, closer): r = str(object) if len(r) > 100: r = r[:100] + ' ... %s' % closer return r class Sentinel(object): def __init__(self, repr): self.repr = repr def __repr__(self): return self.repr FIRST = Sentinel('FIRST') LAST = Sentinel('LAST') class TopologicalSorter(object): """ A utility class which can be used to perform topological sorts against tuple-like data.""" def __init__( self, default_before=LAST, default_after=None, first=FIRST, last=LAST, ): self.names = [] self.req_before = set() self.req_after = set() self.name2before = {} self.name2after = {} self.name2val = {} self.order = [] self.default_before = default_before self.default_after = default_after self.first = first self.last = last def values(self): return self.name2val.values() def remove(self, name): """ Remove a node from the sort input """ self.names.remove(name) del self.name2val[name] after = self.name2after.pop(name, []) if after: self.req_after.remove(name) for u in after: self.order.remove((u, name)) before = self.name2before.pop(name, []) if before: self.req_before.remove(name) for u in before: self.order.remove((name, u)) def add(self, name, val, after=None, before=None): """ Add a node to the sort input. The ``name`` should be a string or any other hashable object, the ``val`` should be the sortable (doesn't need to be hashable). ``after`` and ``before`` represents the name of one of the other sortables (or a sequence of such named) or one of the special sentinel values :attr:`pyramid.util.FIRST`` or :attr:`pyramid.util.LAST` representing the first or last positions respectively. ``FIRST`` and ``LAST`` can also be part of a sequence passed as ``before`` or ``after``. A sortable should not be added after LAST or before FIRST. An example:: sorter = TopologicalSorter() sorter.add('a', {'a':1}, before=LAST, after='b') sorter.add('b', {'b':2}, before=LAST, after='c') sorter.add('c', {'c':3}) sorter.sorted() # will be {'c':3}, {'b':2}, {'a':1} """ if name in self.names: self.remove(name) self.names.append(name) self.name2val[name] = val if after is None and before is None: before = self.default_before after = self.default_after if after is not None: if not is_nonstr_iter(after): after = (after,) self.name2after[name] = after self.order += [(u, name) for u in after] self.req_after.add(name) if before is not None: if not is_nonstr_iter(before): before = (before,) self.name2before[name] = before self.order += [(name, o) for o in before] self.req_before.add(name) def sorted(self): """ Returns the sort input values in topologically sorted order""" order = [(self.first, self.last)] roots = [] graph = {} names = [self.first, self.last] names.extend(self.names) for a, b in self.order: order.append((a, b)) def add_node(node): if node not in graph: roots.append(node) graph[node] = [0] # 0 = number of arcs coming into this node def add_arc(fromnode, tonode): graph[fromnode].append(tonode) graph[tonode][0] += 1 if tonode in roots: roots.remove(tonode) for name in names: add_node(name) has_before, has_after = set(), set() for a, b in order: if a in names and b in names: # deal with missing dependencies add_arc(a, b) has_before.add(a) has_after.add(b) if not self.req_before.issubset(has_before): raise ConfigurationError( 'Unsatisfied before dependencies: %s' % (', '.join(sorted(self.req_before - has_before))) ) if not self.req_after.issubset(has_after): raise ConfigurationError( 'Unsatisfied after dependencies: %s' % (', '.join(sorted(self.req_after - has_after))) ) sorted_names = [] while roots: root = roots.pop(0) sorted_names.append(root) children = graph[root][1:] for child in children: arcs = graph[child][0] arcs -= 1 graph[child][0] = arcs if arcs == 0: roots.insert(0, child) del graph[root] if graph: # loop in input cycledeps = {} for k, v in graph.items(): cycledeps[k] = v[1:] raise CyclicDependencyError(cycledeps) result = [] for name in sorted_names: if name in self.names: result.append((name, self.name2val[name])) return result def get_callable_name(name): """ Verifies that the ``name`` is ascii and will raise a ``ConfigurationError`` if it is not. """ try: return native_(name, 'ascii') except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError): msg = ( '`name="%s"` is invalid. `name` must be ascii because it is ' 'used on __name__ of the method' ) raise ConfigurationError(msg % name) @contextmanager def hide_attrs(obj, *attrs): """ Temporarily delete object attrs and restore afterward. """ obj_vals = obj.__dict__ if obj is not None else {} saved_vals = {} for name in attrs: saved_vals[name] = obj_vals.pop(name, _marker) try: yield finally: for name in attrs: saved_val = saved_vals[name] if saved_val is not _marker: obj_vals[name] = saved_val elif name in obj_vals: del obj_vals[name] def is_same_domain(host, pattern): """ Return ``True`` if the host is either an exact match or a match to the wildcard pattern. Any pattern beginning with a period matches a domain and all of its subdomains. (e.g. ```` matches ```` and ````). Anything else is an exact string match. """ if not pattern: return False pattern = pattern.lower() return (pattern[0] == "." and (host.endswith(pattern) or host == pattern[1:]) or pattern == host) def make_contextmanager(fn): if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(fn): return contextmanager(fn) if fn is None: fn = lambda *a, **kw: None @contextmanager @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapper(*a, **kw): yield fn(*a, **kw) return wrapper def takes_one_arg(callee, attr=None, argname=None): ismethod = False if attr is None: attr = '__call__' if inspect.isroutine(callee): fn = callee elif inspect.isclass(callee): try: fn = callee.__init__ except AttributeError: return False ismethod = hasattr(fn, '__call__') else: try: fn = getattr(callee, attr) except AttributeError: return False try: argspec = getargspec(fn) except TypeError: return False args = argspec[0] if hasattr(fn, im_func) or ismethod: # it's an instance method (or unbound method on py2) if not args: return False args = args[1:] if not args: return False if len(args) == 1: return True if argname: defaults = argspec[3] if defaults is None: defaults = () if args[0] == argname: if len(args) - len(defaults) == 1: return True return False class SimpleSerializer(object): def loads(self, bstruct): return native_(bstruct) def dumps(self, appstruct): return bytes_(appstruct)