import functools import itertools import operator import sys import traceback from zope.interface import implementer from pyramid.compat import reraise from pyramid.exceptions import ( ConfigurationConflictError, ConfigurationError, ConfigurationExecutionError, ) from pyramid.interfaces import IActionInfo from pyramid.registry import undefer from pyramid.util import is_nonstr_iter class ActionConfiguratorMixin(object): @property def action_info(self): info = # usually a ZCML action (ParserInfo) if if not info: # Try to provide more accurate info for conflict reports if self._ainfo: info = self._ainfo[0] else: info = ActionInfo(None, 0, '', '') return info def action( self, discriminator, callable=None, args=(), kw=None, order=0, introspectables=(), **extra ): """ Register an action which will be executed when :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.commit` is called (or executed immediately if ``autocommit`` is ``True``). .. warning:: This method is typically only used by :app:`Pyramid` framework extension authors, not by :app:`Pyramid` application developers. The ``discriminator`` uniquely identifies the action. It must be given, but it can be ``None``, to indicate that the action never conflicts. It must be a hashable value. The ``callable`` is a callable object which performs the task associated with the action when the action is executed. It is optional. ``args`` and ``kw`` are tuple and dict objects respectively, which are passed to ``callable`` when this action is executed. Both are optional. ``order`` is a grouping mechanism; an action with a lower order will be executed before an action with a higher order (has no effect when autocommit is ``True``). ``introspectables`` is a sequence of :term:`introspectable` objects (or the empty sequence if no introspectable objects are associated with this action). If this configurator's ``introspection`` attribute is ``False``, these introspectables will be ignored. ``extra`` provides a facility for inserting extra keys and values into an action dictionary. """ # catch nonhashable discriminators here; most unit tests use # autocommit=False, which won't catch unhashable discriminators assert hash(discriminator) if kw is None: kw = {} autocommit = self.autocommit action_info = self.action_info if not self.introspection: # if we're not introspecting, ignore any introspectables passed # to us introspectables = () if autocommit: # callables can depend on the side effects of resolving a # deferred discriminator self.begin() try: undefer(discriminator) if callable is not None: callable(*args, **kw) for introspectable in introspectables: introspectable.register(self.introspector, action_info) finally: self.end() else: action = extra action.update( dict( discriminator=discriminator, callable=callable, args=args, kw=kw, order=order, info=action_info, includepath=self.includepath, introspectables=introspectables, ) ) self.action_state.action(**action) def _get_action_state(self): registry = self.registry try: state = registry.action_state except AttributeError: state = ActionState() registry.action_state = state return state def _set_action_state(self, state): self.registry.action_state = state action_state = property(_get_action_state, _set_action_state) _ctx = action_state # bw compat def commit(self): """ Commit any pending configuration actions. If a configuration conflict is detected in the pending configuration actions, this method will raise a :exc:`ConfigurationConflictError`; within the traceback of this error will be information about the source of the conflict, usually including file names and line numbers of the cause of the configuration conflicts. .. warning:: You should think very carefully before manually invoking ``commit()``. Especially not as part of any reusable configuration methods. Normally it should only be done by an application author at the end of configuration in order to override certain aspects of an addon. """ self.begin() try: self.action_state.execute_actions(introspector=self.introspector) finally: self.end() self.action_state = ActionState() # old actions have been processed # this class is licensed under the ZPL (stolen from Zope) class ActionState(object): def __init__(self): # NB "actions" is an API, dep'd upon by pyramid_zcml's load_zcml func self.actions = [] self._seen_files = set() def processSpec(self, spec): """Check whether a callable needs to be processed. The ``spec`` refers to a unique identifier for the callable. Return True if processing is needed and False otherwise. If the callable needs to be processed, it will be marked as processed, assuming that the caller will procces the callable if it needs to be processed. """ if spec in self._seen_files: return False self._seen_files.add(spec) return True def action( self, discriminator, callable=None, args=(), kw=None, order=0, includepath=(), info=None, introspectables=(), **extra ): """Add an action with the given discriminator, callable and arguments """ if kw is None: kw = {} action = extra action.update( dict( discriminator=discriminator, callable=callable, args=args, kw=kw, includepath=includepath, info=info, order=order, introspectables=introspectables, ) ) self.actions.append(action) def execute_actions(self, clear=True, introspector=None): """Execute the configuration actions This calls the action callables after resolving conflicts For example: >>> output = [] >>> def f(*a, **k): ... output.append(('f', a, k)) >>> context = ActionState() >>> context.actions = [ ... (1, f, (1,)), ... (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x', )), ... (2, f, (2,)), ... ] >>> context.execute_actions() >>> output [('f', (1,), {}), ('f', (2,), {})] If the action raises an error, we convert it to a ConfigurationExecutionError. >>> output = [] >>> def bad(): ... >>> context.actions = [ ... (1, f, (1,)), ... (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x', )), ... (2, f, (2,)), ... (3, bad, (), {}, (), 'oops') ... ] >>> try: ... v = context.execute_actions() ... except ConfigurationExecutionError, v: ... pass >>> print(v) exceptions.AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'xxx' in: oops Note that actions executed before the error still have an effect: >>> output [('f', (1,), {}), ('f', (2,), {})] The execution is re-entrant such that actions may be added by other actions with the one caveat that the order of any added actions must be equal to or larger than the current action. >>> output = [] >>> def f(*a, **k): ... output.append(('f', a, k)) ... context.actions.append((3, g, (8,), {})) >>> def g(*a, **k): ... output.append(('g', a, k)) >>> context.actions = [ ... (1, f, (1,)), ... ] >>> context.execute_actions() >>> output [('f', (1,), {}), ('g', (8,), {})] """ try: all_actions = [] executed_actions = [] action_iter = iter([]) conflict_state = ConflictResolverState() while True: # We clear the actions list prior to execution so if there # are some new actions then we add them to the mix and resolve # conflicts again. This orders the new actions as well as # ensures that the previously executed actions have no new # conflicts. if self.actions: all_actions.extend(self.actions) action_iter = resolveConflicts( self.actions, state=conflict_state ) self.actions = [] action = next(action_iter, None) if action is None: # we are done! break callable = action['callable'] args = action['args'] kw = action['kw'] info = action['info'] # we use "get" below in case an action was added via a ZCML # directive that did not know about introspectables introspectables = action.get('introspectables', ()) try: if callable is not None: callable(*args, **kw) except Exception: t, v, tb = sys.exc_info() try: reraise( ConfigurationExecutionError, ConfigurationExecutionError(t, v, info), tb, ) finally: del t, v, tb if introspector is not None: for introspectable in introspectables: introspectable.register(introspector, info) executed_actions.append(action) self.actions = all_actions return executed_actions finally: if clear: self.actions = [] class ConflictResolverState(object): def __init__(self): # keep a set of resolved discriminators to test against to ensure # that a new action does not conflict with something already executed self.resolved_ainfos = {} # actions left over from a previous iteration self.remaining_actions = [] # after executing an action we memoize its order to avoid any new # actions sending us backward self.min_order = None # unique tracks the index of the action so we need it to increase # monotonically across invocations to resolveConflicts self.start = 0 # this function is licensed under the ZPL (stolen from Zope) def resolveConflicts(actions, state=None): """Resolve conflicting actions Given an actions list, identify and try to resolve conflicting actions. Actions conflict if they have the same non-None discriminator. Conflicting actions can be resolved if the include path of one of the actions is a prefix of the includepaths of the other conflicting actions and is unequal to the include paths in the other conflicting actions. Actions are resolved on a per-order basis because some discriminators cannot be computed until earlier actions have executed. An action in an earlier order may execute successfully only to find out later that it was overridden by another action with a smaller include path. This will result in a conflict as there is no way to revert the original action. ``state`` may be an instance of ``ConflictResolverState`` that can be used to resume execution and resolve the new actions against the list of executed actions from a previous call. """ if state is None: state = ConflictResolverState() # pick up where we left off last time, but track the new actions as well state.remaining_actions.extend(normalize_actions(actions)) actions = state.remaining_actions def orderandpos(v): n, v = v return (v['order'] or 0, n) def orderonly(v): n, v = v return v['order'] or 0 sactions = sorted(enumerate(actions, start=state.start), key=orderandpos) for order, actiongroup in itertools.groupby(sactions, orderonly): # "order" is an integer grouping. Actions in a lower order will be # executed before actions in a higher order. All of the actions in # one grouping will be executed (its callable, if any will be called) # before any of the actions in the next. output = [] unique = {} # error out if we went backward in order if state.min_order is not None and order < state.min_order: r = [ 'Actions were added to order={0} after execution had moved ' 'on to order={1}. Conflicting actions: '.format( order, state.min_order ) ] for i, action in actiongroup: for line in str(action['info']).rstrip().split('\n'): r.append(" " + line) raise ConfigurationError('\n'.join(r)) for i, action in actiongroup: # Within an order, actions are executed sequentially based on # original action ordering ("i"). # "ainfo" is a tuple of (i, action) where "i" is an integer # expressing the relative position of this action in the action # list being resolved, and "action" is an action dictionary. The # purpose of an ainfo is to associate an "i" with a particular # action; "i" exists for sorting after conflict resolution. ainfo = (i, action) # wait to defer discriminators until we are on their order because # the discriminator may depend on state from a previous order discriminator = undefer(action['discriminator']) action['discriminator'] = discriminator if discriminator is None: # The discriminator is None, so this action can never conflict. # We can add it directly to the result. output.append(ainfo) continue L = unique.setdefault(discriminator, []) L.append(ainfo) # Check for conflicts conflicts = {} for discriminator, ainfos in unique.items(): # We use (includepath, i) as a sort key because we need to # sort the actions by the paths so that the shortest path with a # given prefix comes first. The "first" action is the one with the # shortest include path. We break sorting ties using "i". def bypath(ainfo): path, i = ainfo[1]['includepath'], ainfo[0] return path, order, i ainfos.sort(key=bypath) ainfo, rest = ainfos[0], ainfos[1:] _, action = ainfo # ensure this new action does not conflict with a previously # resolved action from an earlier order / invocation prev_ainfo = state.resolved_ainfos.get(discriminator) if prev_ainfo is not None: _, paction = prev_ainfo basepath, baseinfo = paction['includepath'], paction['info'] includepath = action['includepath'] # if the new action conflicts with the resolved action then # note the conflict, otherwise drop the action as it's # effectively overriden by the previous action if ( includepath[: len(basepath)] != basepath or includepath == basepath ): L = conflicts.setdefault(discriminator, [baseinfo]) L.append(action['info']) else: output.append(ainfo) basepath, baseinfo = action['includepath'], action['info'] for _, action in rest: includepath = action['includepath'] # Test whether path is a prefix of opath if ( includepath[: len(basepath)] != basepath or includepath == basepath # not a prefix ): L = conflicts.setdefault(discriminator, [baseinfo]) L.append(action['info']) if conflicts: raise ConfigurationConflictError(conflicts) # sort resolved actions by "i" and yield them one by one for i, action in sorted(output, key=operator.itemgetter(0)): # do not memoize the order until we resolve an action inside it state.min_order = action['order'] state.start = i + 1 state.remaining_actions.remove(action) state.resolved_ainfos[action['discriminator']] = (i, action) yield action def normalize_actions(actions): """Convert old-style tuple actions to new-style dicts.""" result = [] for v in actions: if not isinstance(v, dict): v = expand_action_tuple(*v) result.append(v) return result def expand_action_tuple( discriminator, callable=None, args=(), kw=None, includepath=(), info=None, order=0, introspectables=(), ): if kw is None: kw = {} return dict( discriminator=discriminator, callable=callable, args=args, kw=kw, includepath=includepath, info=info, order=order, introspectables=introspectables, ) @implementer(IActionInfo) class ActionInfo(object): def __init__(self, file, line, function, src): self.file = file self.line = line self.function = function self.src = src def __str__(self): srclines = self.src.split('\n') src = '\n'.join(' %s' % x for x in srclines) return 'Line %s of file %s:\n%s' % (self.line, self.file, src) def action_method(wrapped): """ Wrapper to provide the right conflict info report data when a method that calls Configurator.action calls another that does the same. Not a documented API but used by some external systems.""" def wrapper(self, *arg, **kw): if self._ainfo is None: self._ainfo = [] info = kw.pop('_info', None) # backframes for outer decorators to actionmethods backframes = kw.pop('_backframes', 0) + 2 if is_nonstr_iter(info) and len(info) == 4: # _info permitted as extract_stack tuple info = ActionInfo(*info) if info is None: try: f = traceback.extract_stack(limit=4) # Work around a Python 3.5 issue whereby it would insert an # extra stack frame. This should no longer be necessary in # Python 3.5.1 last_frame = ActionInfo(*f[-1]) if last_frame.function == 'extract_stack': # pragma: no cover f.pop() info = ActionInfo(*f[-backframes]) except Exception: # pragma: no cover info = ActionInfo(None, 0, '', '') self._ainfo.append(info) try: result = wrapped(self, *arg, **kw) finally: self._ainfo.pop() return result if hasattr(wrapped, '__name__'): functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped) wrapper.__docobj__ = wrapped return wrapper