1.0a8 (2010-12-27) ================== Bug Fixes --------- - The name ``registry`` was not available in the ``paster pshell`` environment under IPython. Features -------- - If a resource implements a ``__resource_url__`` method, it will be called as the result of invoking the ``pyramid.url.resource_url`` function to generate a URL, overriding the default logic. See the new "Generating The URL Of A Resource" section within the Resources narrative chapter. - Added flash messaging, as described in the "Flash Messaging" narrative documentation chapter. - Added CSRF token generation, as described in the narrative chapter entitled "Preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks". - Prevent misunderstanding of how the ``view`` and ``view_permission`` arguments to add_route work by raising an exception during configuration if view-related arguments exist but no ``view`` argument is passed. - Add ``paster proute`` command which displays a summary of the routing table. See the narrative documentation section within the "URL Dispatch" chapter entitled "Displaying All Application Routes". Paster Templates ---------------- - The ``pyramid_zodb`` Paster template no longer employs ZCML. Instead, it is based on scanning. Documentation ------------- - Added "Generating The URL Of A Resource" section to the Resources narrative chapter (includes information about overriding URL generation using ``__resource_url__``). - Added "Generating the Path To a Resource" section to the Resources narrative chapter. - Added "Finding a Resource by Path" section to the Resources narrative chapter. - Added "Obtaining the Lineage of a Resource" to the Resources narrative chapter. - Added "Determining if a Resource is In The Lineage of Another Resource" to Resources narrative chapter. - Added "Finding the Root Resource" to Resources narrative chapter. - Added "Finding a Resource With a Class or Interface in Lineage" to Resources narrative chapter. - Added a "Flash Messaging" narrative documentation chapter. - Added a narrative chapter entitled "Preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks". - Changed the "ZODB + Traversal Wiki Tutorial" based on changes to ``pyramid_zodb`` Paster template. - Added "Advanced Configuration" narrative chapter which documents how to deal with configuration conflicts, two-phase configuration, ``include`` and ``commit``. - Fix API documentation rendering for ``pyramid.view.static`` - Add "Pyramid Provides More Than One Way to Do It" to Design Defense documentation. - Changed "Static Assets" narrative chapter: clarify that ``name`` represents a prefix unless it's a URL, added an example of a root-relative static view fallback for URL dispatch, added an example of creating a simple view that returns the body of a file. - Move ZCML usage in Hooks chapter to Declarative Configuration chapter. - Merge "Static Assets" chapter into the "Assets" chapter. - Added narrative documentation section within the "URL Dispatch" chapter entitled "Displaying All Application Routes" (for ``paster proutes`` command). 1.0a7 (2010-12-20) ================== Terminology Changes ------------------- - The Pyramid concept previously known as "model" is now known as "resource". As a result: - The following API changes have been made:: pyramid.url.model_url -> pyramid.url.resource_url pyramid.traversal.find_model -> pyramid.url.find_resource pyramid.traversal.model_path -> pyramid.traversal.resource_path pyramid.traversal.model_path_tuple -> pyramid.traversal.resource_path_tuple pyramid.traversal.ModelGraphTraverser -> pyramid.traversal.ResourceTreeTraverser pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_models -> pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_resources pyramid.testing.registerModels -> pyramid.testing.registerResources pyramid.testing.DummyModel -> pyramid.testing.DummyResource - All documentation which previously referred to "model" now refers to "resource". - The ``starter`` and ``starter_zcml`` paster templates now have a ``resources.py`` module instead of a ``models.py`` module. - Positional argument names of various APIs have been changed from ``model`` to ``resource``. Backwards compatibility shims have been left in place in all cases. They will continue to work "forever". - The Pyramid concept previously known as "resource" is now known as "asset". As a result: - The (non-API) module previously known as ``pyramid.resource`` is now known as ``pyramid.asset``. - All docs that previously referred to "resource specification" now refer to "asset specification". - The following API changes were made:: pyramid.config.Configurator.absolute_resource_spec -> pyramid.config.Configurator.absolute_asset_spec pyramid.config.Configurator.override_resource -> pyramid.config.Configurator.override_asset - The ZCML directive previously known as ``resource`` is now known as ``asset``. - The setting previously known as ``BFG_RELOAD_RESOURCES`` (envvar) or ``reload_resources`` (config file) is now known, respectively, as ``PYRAMID_RELOAD_ASSETS`` and ``reload_assets``. Backwards compatibility shims have been left in place in all cases. They will continue to work "forever". Bug Fixes --------- - Make it possible to succesfully run all tests via ``nosetests`` command directly (rather than indirectly via ``python setup.py nosetests``). - When a configuration conflict is encountered during scanning, the conflict exception now shows the decorator information that caused the conflict. Features -------- - Added ``debug_routematch`` configuration setting that logs matched routes (including the matchdict and predicates). - The name ``registry`` is now available in a ``pshell`` environment by default. It is the application registry object. Environment ----------- - All environment variables which used to be prefixed with ``BFG_`` are now prefixed with ``PYRAMID_`` (e.g. ``BFG_DEBUG_NOTFOUND`` is now ``PYRAMID_DEBUG_NOTFOUND``) Documentation ------------- - Added "Debugging Route Matching" section to the urldispatch narrative documentation chapter. - Added reference to ``PYRAMID_DEBUG_ROUTEMATCH`` envvar and ``debug_routematch`` config file setting to the Environment narrative docs chapter. - Changed "Project" chapter slightly to expand on use of ``paster pshell``. - Direct Jython users to Mako rather than Jinja2 in "Install" narrative chapter. - Many changes to support terminological renaming of "model" to "resource" and "resource" to "asset". - Added an example of ``WebTest`` functional testing to the testing narrative chapter. - Rearranged chapter ordering by popular demand (URL dispatch first, then traversal). Put hybrid chapter after views chapter. - Split off "Renderers" as its own chapter from "Views" chapter in narrative documentation. Paster Templates ---------------- - Added ``debug_routematch = false`` to all paster templates. Dependencies ------------ - Depend on Venusian >= 0.5 (for scanning conflict exception decoration). 1.0a6 (2010-12-15) ================== Bug Fixes --------- - 1.0a5 introduced a bug when ``pyramid.config.Configurator.scan`` was used without a ``package`` argument (e.g. ``config.scan()`` as opposed to ``config.scan('packagename')``. The symptoms were: lots of deprecation warnings printed to the console about imports of deprecated Pyramid functions and classes and non-detection of view callables decorated with ``view_config`` decorators. This has been fixed. - Tests now pass on Windows (no bugs found, but a few tests in the test suite assumed UNIX path segments in filenames). Documentation ------------- - If you followed it to-the-letter, the ZODB+Traversal Wiki tutorial would instruct you to run a test which would fail because the view callable generated by the ``pyramid_zodb`` tutorial used a one-arg view callable, but the test in the sample code used a two-arg call. - Updated ZODB+Traversal tutorial setup.py of all steps to match what's generated by ``pyramid_zodb``. - Fix reference to ``repoze.bfg.traversalwrapper`` in "Models" chapter (point at ``pyramid_traversalwrapper`` instead). 1.0a5 (2010-12-14) ================== Features -------- - Add a ``handler`` ZCML directive. This directive does the same thing as ``pyramid.configuration.add_handler``. - A new module named ``pyramid.config`` was added. It subsumes the duties of the older ``pyramid.configuration`` module. - The new ``pyramid.config.Configurator` class has API methods that the older ``pyramid.configuration.Configurator`` class did not: ``with_context`` (a classmethod), ``include``, ``action``, and ``commit``. These methods exist for imperative application extensibility purposes. - The ``pyramid.testing.setUp`` function now accepts an ``autocommit`` keyword argument, which defaults to ``True``. If it is passed ``False``, the Config object returned by ``setUp`` will be a non-autocommiting Config object. - Add logging configuration to all paster templates. - ``pyramid_alchemy``, ``pyramid_routesalchemy``, and ``pylons_sqla`` paster templates now use idiomatic SQLAlchemy configuration in their respective ``.ini`` files and Python code. - ``pyramid.testing.DummyRequest`` now has a class variable, ``query_string``, which defaults to the empty string. - Add support for json on GAE by catching NotImplementedError and importing simplejson from django.utils. - The Mako renderer now accepts a resource specification for ``mako.module_directory``. - New boolean Mako settings variable ``mako.strict_undefined``. See `Mako Context Variables `_ for its meaning. Dependencies ------------ - Depend on Mako 0.3.6+ (we now require the ``strict_undefined`` feature). Bug Fixes --------- - When creating a Configurator from within a ``paster pshell`` session, you were required to pass a ``package`` argument although ``package`` is not actually required. If you didn't pass ``package``, you would receive an error something like ``KeyError: '__name__'`` emanating from the ``pyramid.path.caller_module`` function. This has now been fixed. - The ``pyramid_routesalchemy`` paster template's unit tests failed (``AssertionError: 'SomeProject' != 'someproject'``). This is fixed. - Make default renderer work (renderer factory registered with no name, which is active for every view unless the view names a specific renderer). - The Mako renderer did not properly turn the ``mako.imports``, ``mako.default_filters``, and ``mako.imports`` settings into lists. - The Mako renderer did not properly convert the ``mako.error_handler`` setting from a dotted name to a callable. Documentation ------------- - Merged many wording, readability, and correctness changes to narrative documentation chapters from https://github.com/caseman/pyramid (up to and including "Models" narrative chapter). - "Sample Applications" section of docs changed to note existence of Cluegun, Shootout and Virginia sample applications, ported from their repoze.bfg origin packages. - SQLAlchemy+URLDispatch tutorial updated to integrate changes to ``pyramid_routesalchemy`` template. - Add ``pyramid.interfaces.ITemplateRenderer`` interface to Interfaces API chapter (has ``implementation()`` method, required to be used when getting at Chameleon macros). - Add a "Modifying Package Structure" section to the project narrative documentation chapter (explain turning a module into a package). - Documentation was added for the new ``handler`` ZCML directive in the ZCML section. Deprecations ------------ - ``pyramid.configuration.Configurator`` is now deprecated. Use ``pyramid.config.Configurator``, passing its constructor ``autocommit=True`` instead. The ``pyramid.configuration.Configurator`` alias will live for a long time, as every application uses it, but its import now issues a deprecation warning. The ``pyramid.config.Configurator`` class has the same API as ``pyramid.configuration.Configurator`` class, which it means to replace, except by default it is a *non-autocommitting* configurator. The now-deprecated ``pyramid.configuration.Configurator`` will autocommit every time a configuration method is called. The ``pyramid.configuration`` module remains, but it is deprecated. Use ``pyramid.config`` instead. 1.0a4 (2010-11-21) ================== Features -------- - URL Dispatch now allows for replacement markers to be located anywhere in the pattern, instead of immediately following a ``/``. - URL Dispatch now uses the form ``{marker}`` to denote a replace marker in the route pattern instead of ``:marker``. The old colon-style marker syntax is still accepted for backwards compatibility. The new format allows a regular expression for that marker location to be used instead of the default ``[^/]+``, for example ``{marker:\d+}`` is now valid to require the marker to be digits. - Add a ``pyramid.url.route_path`` API, allowing folks to generate relative URLs. Calling ``route_path`` is the same as calling ``pyramid.url.route_url`` with the argument ``_app_url`` equal to the empty string. - Add a ``pyramid.request.Request.route_path`` API. This is a convenience method of the request which calls ``pyramid.url.route_url``. - Make test suite pass on Jython (requires PasteScript trunk, presumably to be 1.7.4). - Make test suite pass on PyPy (Chameleon doesn't work). - Surrounding application configuration with ``config.begin()`` and ``config.end()`` is no longer necessary. All paster templates have been changed to no longer call these functions. - Fix configurator to not convert ``ImportError`` to ``ConfigurationError`` if the import that failed was unrelated to the import requested via a dotted name when resolving dotted names (such as view dotted names). Documentation ------------- - SQLAlchemy+URLDispatch and ZODB+Traversal tutorials have been updated to not call ``config.begin()`` or ``config.end()``. Bug Fixes --------- - Add deprecation warnings to import of ``pyramid.chameleon_text`` and ``pyramid.chameleon_zpt`` of ``get_renderer``, ``get_template``, ``render_template``, and ``render_template_to_response``. - Add deprecation warning for import of ``pyramid.zcml.zcml_configure`` and ``pyramid.zcml.file_configure``. - The ``pyramid_alchemy`` paster template had a typo, preventing an import from working. - Fix apparent failures when calling ``pyramid.traversal.find_model(root, path)`` or ``pyramid.traversal.traverse(path)`` when ``path`` is (erroneously) a Unicode object. The user is meant to pass these APIs a string object, never a Unicode object. In practice, however, users indeed pass Unicode. Because the string that is passed must be ASCII encodeable, now, if they pass a Unicode object, its data is eagerly converted to an ASCII string rather than being passed along to downstream code as a convenience to the user and to prevent puzzling second-order failures from cropping up (all failures will occur within ``pyramid.traversal.traverse`` rather than later down the line as the result of calling e.g. ``traversal_path``). Backwards Incompatibilities --------------------------- - The ``pyramid.testing.zcml_configure`` API has been removed. It had been advertised as removed since repoze.bfg 1.2a1, but hadn't actually been. Deprecations ------------ - The ``pyramid.settings.get_settings`` API is now deprecated. Use ``pyramid.threadlocals.get_current_registry().settings`` instead or use the ``settings`` attribute of the registry available from the request (``request.registry.settings``). Documentation ------------- - Removed ``zodbsessions`` tutorial chapter. It's still useful, but we now have a SessionFactory abstraction which competes with it, and maintaining documentation on both ways to do it is a distraction. Internal -------- - Replace Twill with WebTest in internal integration tests (avoid deprecation warnings generated by Twill). 1.0a3 (2010-11-16) ================== Features -------- - Added Mako TemplateLookup settings for ``mako.error_handler``, ``mako.default_filters``, and ``mako.imports``. - Normalized all paster templates: each now uses the name ``main`` to represent the function that returns a WSGI application, each now uses WebError, each now has roughly the same shape of development.ini style. - Added class vars ``matchdict`` and ``matched_route`` to ``pyramid.request.Request``. Each is set to ``None``. - New API method: ``pyramid.settings.asbool``. - New API methods for ``pyramid.request.Request``: ``model_url``, ``route_url``, and ``static_url``. These are simple passthroughs for their respective functions in ``pyramid.url``. - The ``settings`` object which used to be available only when ``request.settings.get_settings`` was called is now available as ``registry.settings`` (e.g. ``request.registry.settings`` in view code). Bug Fixes --------- - The pylons_* paster templates erroneously used the ``{squiggly}`` routing syntax as the pattern supplied to ``add_route``. This style of routing is not supported. They were replaced with ``:colon`` style route patterns. - The pylons_* paster template used the same string (``your_app_secret_string``) for the ``session.secret`` setting in the generated ``development.ini``. This was a security risk if left unchanged in a project that used one of the templates to produce production applications. It now uses a randomly generated string. Documentation ------------- - ZODB+traversal wiki (``wiki``) tutorial updated due to changes to ``pyramid_zodb`` paster template. - SQLAlchemy+urldispach wiki (``wiki2``) tutorial updated due to changes to ``pyramid_routesalchemy`` paster template. - Documented the ``matchdict`` and ``matched_route`` attributes of the request object in the Request API documentation. Deprecations ------------ - Obtaining the ``settings`` object via ``registry.{get|query}Utility(ISettings)`` is now deprecated. Instead, obtain the ``settings`` object via the ``registry.settings`` attribute. A backwards compatibility shim was added to the registry object to register the settings object as an ISettings utility when ``setattr(registry, 'settings', foo)`` is called, but it will be removed in a later release. - Obtaining the ``settings`` object via ``pyramid.settings.get_settings`` is now deprecated. Obtain it as the ``settings`` attribute of the registry now (obtain the registry via ``pyramid.threadlocal.get_registry`` or as ``request.registry``). Behavior Differences -------------------- - Internal: ZCML directives no longer call get_current_registry() if there's a ``registry`` attribute on the ZCML context (kill off use of threadlocals). - Internal: Chameleon template renderers now accept two arguments: ``path`` and ``lookup``. ``Lookup`` will be an instance of a lookup class which supplies (late-bound) arguments for debug, reload, and translate. Any third-party renderers which use (the non-API) function ``pyramid.renderers.template_renderer_factory`` will need to adjust their implementations to obey the new callback argument list. This change was to kill off inappropriate use of threadlocals. 1.0a2 (2010-11-09) ================== Documentation ------------- - All references to events by interface (e.g. ``pyramid.interfaces.INewRequest``) have been changed to reference their concrete classes (e.g. ``pyramid.events.NewRequest``) in documentation about making subscriptions. - All references to Pyramid-the-application were changed from mod-`pyramid` to app-`Pyramid`. A custom role setting was added to ``docs/conf.py`` to allow for this. (internal) 1.0a1 (2010-11-05) ================== Features (delta from BFG 1.3) ------------------------------- - Mako templating renderer supports resource specification format for template lookups and within Mako templates. Absolute filenames must be used in Pyramid to avoid this lookup process. - Add ``pyramid.httpexceptions`` module, which is a facade for the ``webob.exc`` module. - Direct built-in support for the Mako templating language. - A new configurator method exists: ``add_handler``. This method adds a Pylons-style "view handler" (such a thing used to be called a "controller" in Pylons 1.0). - New argument to configurator: ``session_factory``. - New method on configurator: ``set_session_factory`` - Using ``request.session`` now returns a (dictionary-like) session object if a session factory has been configured. - The request now has a new attribute: ``tmpl_context`` for benefit of Pylons users. - The decorator previously known as ``pyramid.view.bfg_view`` is now known most formally as ``pyramid.view.view_config`` in docs and paster templates. An import of ``pyramid.view.bfg_view``, however, will continue to work "forever". - New API methods in ``pyramid.session``: ``signed_serialize`` and ``signed_deserialize``. - New interface: ``pyramid.interfaces.IRendererInfo``. An object of this type is passed to renderer factory constructors (see "Backwards Incompatibilities"). - New event type: ``pyramid.interfaces.IBeforeRender``. An object of this type is sent as an event before a renderer is invoked (but after the application-level renderer globals factory added via ``pyramid.configurator.configuration.set_renderer_globals_factory``, if any, has injected its own keys). Applications may now subscribe to the ``IBeforeRender`` event type in order to introspect the and modify the set of renderer globals before they are passed to a renderer. The event object iself has a dictionary-like interface that can be used for this purpose. For example:: from repoze.events import subscriber from pyramid.interfaces import IRendererGlobalsEvent @subscriber(IRendererGlobalsEvent) def add_global(event): event['mykey'] = 'foo' If a subscriber attempts to add a key that already exist in the renderer globals dictionary, a ``KeyError`` is raised. This limitation is due to the fact that subscribers cannot be ordered relative to each other. The set of keys added to the renderer globals dictionary by all subscribers and app-level globals factories must be unique. - New class: ``pyramid.response.Response``. This is a pure facade for ``webob.Response`` (old code need not change to use this facade, it's existence is mostly for vanity and documentation-generation purposes). - All preexisting paster templates (except ``zodb``) now use "imperative" configuration (``starter``, ``routesalchemy``, ``alchemy``). - A new paster template named ``pyramid_starter_zcml`` exists, which uses declarative configuration. Documentation (delta from BFG 1.3) ----------------------------------- - Added a ``pyramid.httpexceptions`` API documentation chapter. - Added a ``pyramid.session`` API documentation chapter. - Added a ``Session Objects`` narrative documentation chapter. - Added an API chapter for the ``pyramid.personality`` module. - Added an API chapter for the ``pyramid.response`` module. - All documentation which previously referred to ``webob.Response`` now uses ``pyramid.response.Response`` instead. - The documentation has been overhauled to use imperative configuration, moving declarative configuration (ZCML) explanations to a separate narrative chapter ``declarative.rst``. - The ZODB Wiki tutorial was updated to take into account changes to the ``pyramid_zodb`` paster template. - The SQL Wiki tutorial was updated to take into account changes to the ``pyramid_routesalchemy`` paster template. Backwards Incompatibilities (with BFG 1.3) ------------------------------------------ - There is no longer an ``IDebugLogger`` registered as a named utility with the name ``repoze.bfg.debug``. - The logger which used to have the name of ``repoze.bfg.debug`` now has the name ``pyramid.debug``. - The deprecated API ``pyramid.testing.registerViewPermission`` has been removed. - The deprecated API named ``pyramid.testing.registerRoutesMapper`` has been removed. - The deprecated API named ``pyramid.request.get_request`` was removed. - The deprecated API named ``pyramid.security.Unauthorized`` was removed. - The deprecated API named ``pyramid.view.view_execution_permitted`` was removed. - The deprecated API named ``pyramid.view.NotFound`` was removed. - The ``bfgshell`` paster command is now named ``pshell``. - The Venusian "category" for all built-in Venusian decorators (e.g. ``subscriber`` and ``view_config``/``bfg_view``) is now ``pyramid`` instead of ``bfg``. - ``pyramid.renderers.rendered_response`` function removed; use ``render_pyramid.renderers.render_to_response`` instead. - Renderer factories now accept a *renderer info object* rather than an absolute resource specification or an absolute path. The object has the following attributes: ``name`` (the ``renderer=`` value), ``package`` (the 'current package' when the renderer configuration statement was found), ``type``: the renderer type, ``registry``: the current registry, and ``settings``: the deployment settings dictionary. Third-party ``repoze.bfg`` renderer implementations that must be ported to Pyramid will need to account for this. This change was made primarily to support more flexible Mako template rendering. - The presence of the key ``repoze.bfg.message`` in the WSGI environment when an exception occurs is now deprecated. Instead, code which relies on this environ value should use the ``exception`` attribute of the request (e.g. ``request.exception[0]``) to retrieve the message. - The values ``bfg_localizer`` and ``bfg_locale_name`` kept on the request during internationalization for caching purposes were never APIs. These however have changed to ``localizer`` and ``locale_name``, respectively. - The default ``cookie_name`` value of the ``authtktauthenticationpolicy`` ZCML now defaults to ``auth_tkt`` (it used to default to ``repoze.bfg.auth_tkt``). - The default ``cookie_name`` value of the ``pyramid.authentication.AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy`` constructor now defaults to ``auth_tkt`` (it used to default to ``repoze.bfg.auth_tkt``). - The ``request_type`` argument to the ``view`` ZCML directive, the ``pyramid.configuration.Configurator.add_view`` method, or the ``pyramid.view.view_config`` decorator (nee ``bfg_view``) is no longer permitted to be one of the strings ``GET``, ``HEAD``, ``PUT``, ``POST`` or ``DELETE``, and now must always be an interface. Accepting the method-strings as ``request_type`` was a backwards compatibility strategy servicing repoze.bfg 1.0 applications. Use the ``request_method`` parameter instead to specify that a view a string request-method predicate.