import mimetypes from os.path import ( getmtime, getsize, ) import venusian from webob import Response as _Response from zope.interface import implementer from pyramid.interfaces import IResponse, IResponseFactory def init_mimetypes(mimetypes): # this is a function so it can be unittested if hasattr(mimetypes, 'init'): mimetypes.init() return True return False # See which is a recursion bug # that seems to effect Python 2.6, Python 2.6.1, and 2.6.2 (a fix # has been applied on the Python 2 trunk). init_mimetypes(mimetypes) _BLOCK_SIZE = 4096 * 64 # 256K class _MarkerString(str): def __new__(cls, val): return str.__new__(cls, val) _DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = _MarkerString(_Response.default_content_type) @implementer(IResponse) class Response(_Response): default_content_type = _DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE class FileResponse(Response): """ A Response object that can be used to serve a static file from disk simply. ``path`` is a file path on disk. ``request`` must be a Pyramid :term:`request` object. Note that a request *must* be passed if the response is meant to attempt to use the ``wsgi.file_wrapper`` feature of the web server that you're using to serve your Pyramid application. ``cache_max_age`` is the number of seconds that should be used to HTTP cache this response. ``content_type`` is the content_type of the response. ``content_encoding`` is the content_encoding of the response. It's generally safe to leave this set to ``None`` if you're serving a binary file. This argument will be ignored if you also leave ``content-type`` as ``None``. """ def __init__(self, path, request=None, cache_max_age=None, content_type=None, content_encoding=None): if content_type is None: content_type, content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type( path, strict=False ) if content_type is None: content_type = 'application/octet-stream' # str-ifying content_type is a workaround for a bug in Python 2.7.7 # on Windows where mimetypes.guess_type returns unicode for the # content_type. content_type = str(content_type) super(FileResponse, self).__init__( conditional_response=True, content_type=content_type, content_encoding=content_encoding ) self.last_modified = getmtime(path) content_length = getsize(path) f = open(path, 'rb') app_iter = None if request is not None: environ = request.environ if 'wsgi.file_wrapper' in environ: app_iter = environ['wsgi.file_wrapper'](f, _BLOCK_SIZE) if app_iter is None: app_iter = FileIter(f, _BLOCK_SIZE) self.app_iter = app_iter # assignment of content_length must come after assignment of app_iter self.content_length = content_length if cache_max_age is not None: self.cache_expires = cache_max_age class FileIter(object): """ A fixed-block-size iterator for use as a WSGI app_iter. ``file`` is a Python file pointer (or at least an object with a ``read`` method that takes a size hint). ``block_size`` is an optional block size for iteration. """ def __init__(self, file, block_size=_BLOCK_SIZE): self.file = file self.block_size = block_size def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): val = if not val: raise StopIteration return val __next__ = next # py3 def close(self): self.file.close() class response_adapter(object): """ Decorator activated via a :term:`scan` which treats the function being decorated as a :term:`response adapter` for the set of types or interfaces passed as ``*types_or_ifaces`` to the decorator constructor. For example, if you scan the following response adapter: .. code-block:: python from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid.response import response_adapter @response_adapter(int) def myadapter(i): return Response(status=i) You can then return an integer from your view callables, and it will be converted into a response with the integer as the status code. More than one type or interface can be passed as a constructor argument. The decorated response adapter will be called for each type or interface. .. code-block:: python import json from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid.response import response_adapter @response_adapter(dict, list) def myadapter(ob): return Response(json.dumps(ob)) This method will have no effect until a :term:`scan` is performed agains the package or module which contains it, ala: .. code-block:: python from pyramid.config import Configurator config = Configurator() config.scan('somepackage_containing_adapters') """ venusian = venusian # for unit testing def __init__(self, *types_or_ifaces): self.types_or_ifaces = types_or_ifaces def register(self, scanner, name, wrapped): config = scanner.config for type_or_iface in self.types_or_ifaces: config.add_response_adapter(wrapped, type_or_iface) def __call__(self, wrapped): self.venusian.attach(wrapped, self.register, category='pyramid') return wrapped def _get_response_factory(registry): """ Obtain a :class: `pyramid.response.Response` using the `pyramid.interfaces.IResponseFactory`. """ response_factory = registry.queryUtility( IResponseFactory, default=lambda r: Response() ) return response_factory