import inspect import itertools import logging import operator import os import sys import threading import venusian from webob.exc import WSGIHTTPException as WebobWSGIHTTPException from pyramid.interfaces import ( IDebugLogger, IExceptionResponse, IPredicateList, PHASE0_CONFIG, PHASE1_CONFIG, PHASE2_CONFIG, PHASE3_CONFIG, ) from pyramid.asset import resolve_asset_spec from pyramid.authorization import ACLAuthorizationPolicy from pyramid.compat import text_, reraise, string_types from import ApplicationCreated from pyramid.exceptions import ( ConfigurationConflictError, ConfigurationError, ConfigurationExecutionError, ) from pyramid.httpexceptions import default_exceptionresponse_view from pyramid.path import caller_package, package_of from pyramid.registry import Introspectable, Introspector, Registry, undefer from pyramid.router import Router from pyramid.settings import aslist from pyramid.threadlocal import manager from pyramid.util import WeakOrderedSet, object_description from pyramid.config.util import ActionInfo, PredicateList, action_method, not_ from pyramid.config.adapters import AdaptersConfiguratorMixin from pyramid.config.assets import AssetsConfiguratorMixin from pyramid.config.factories import FactoriesConfiguratorMixin from pyramid.config.i18n import I18NConfiguratorMixin from pyramid.config.rendering import RenderingConfiguratorMixin from pyramid.config.routes import RoutesConfiguratorMixin from import SecurityConfiguratorMixin from pyramid.config.settings import SettingsConfiguratorMixin from pyramid.config.testing import TestingConfiguratorMixin from pyramid.config.tweens import TweensConfiguratorMixin from pyramid.config.views import ViewsConfiguratorMixin from pyramid.config.zca import ZCAConfiguratorMixin from pyramid.path import DottedNameResolver empty = text_('') _marker = object() not_ = not_ # api PHASE0_CONFIG = PHASE0_CONFIG # api PHASE1_CONFIG = PHASE1_CONFIG # api PHASE2_CONFIG = PHASE2_CONFIG # api PHASE3_CONFIG = PHASE3_CONFIG # api class Configurator( TestingConfiguratorMixin, TweensConfiguratorMixin, SecurityConfiguratorMixin, ViewsConfiguratorMixin, RoutesConfiguratorMixin, ZCAConfiguratorMixin, I18NConfiguratorMixin, RenderingConfiguratorMixin, AssetsConfiguratorMixin, SettingsConfiguratorMixin, FactoriesConfiguratorMixin, AdaptersConfiguratorMixin, ): """ A Configurator is used to configure a :app:`Pyramid` :term:`application registry`. The Configurator lifecycle can be managed by using a context manager to automatically handle calling :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.begin` and :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.end` as well as :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.commit`. .. code-block:: python with Configurator(settings=settings) as config: config.add_route('home', '/') app = config.make_wsgi_app() If the ``registry`` argument is not ``None``, it must be an instance of the :class:`pyramid.registry.Registry` class representing the registry to configure. If ``registry`` is ``None``, the configurator will create a :class:`pyramid.registry.Registry` instance itself; it will also perform some default configuration that would not otherwise be done. After its construction, the configurator may be used to add further configuration to the registry. .. warning:: If ``registry`` is assigned the above-mentioned class instance, all other constructor arguments are ignored, with the exception of ``package``. If the ``package`` argument is passed, it must be a reference to a Python :term:`package` (e.g. ``sys.modules['thepackage']``) or a :term:`dotted Python name` to the same. This value is used as a basis to convert relative paths passed to various configuration methods, such as methods which accept a ``renderer`` argument, into absolute paths. If ``None`` is passed (the default), the package is assumed to be the Python package in which the *caller* of the ``Configurator`` constructor lives. If the ``root_package`` is passed, it will propagate through the configuration hierarchy as a way for included packages to locate resources relative to the package in which the main ``Configurator`` was created. If ``None`` is passed (the default), the ``root_package`` will be derived from the ``package`` argument. The ``package`` attribute is always pointing at the package being included when using :meth:`.include`, whereas the ``root_package`` does not change. If the ``settings`` argument is passed, it should be a Python dictionary representing the :term:`deployment settings` for this application. These are later retrievable using the :attr:`pyramid.registry.Registry.settings` attribute (aka ``request.registry.settings``). If the ``root_factory`` argument is passed, it should be an object representing the default :term:`root factory` for your application or a :term:`dotted Python name` to the same. If it is ``None``, a default root factory will be used. If ``authentication_policy`` is passed, it should be an instance of an :term:`authentication policy` or a :term:`dotted Python name` to the same. If ``authorization_policy`` is passed, it should be an instance of an :term:`authorization policy` or a :term:`dotted Python name` to the same. .. note:: A ``ConfigurationError`` will be raised when an authorization policy is supplied without also supplying an authentication policy (authorization requires authentication). If ``renderers`` is ``None`` (the default), a default set of :term:`renderer` factories is used. Else, it should be a list of tuples representing a set of renderer factories which should be configured into this application, and each tuple representing a set of positional values that should be passed to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_renderer`. If ``debug_logger`` is not passed, a default debug logger that logs to a logger will be used (the logger name will be the package name of the *caller* of this configurator). If it is passed, it should be an instance of the :class:`logging.Logger` (PEP 282) standard library class or a Python logger name. The debug logger is used by :app:`Pyramid` itself to log warnings and authorization debugging information. If ``locale_negotiator`` is passed, it should be a :term:`locale negotiator` implementation or a :term:`dotted Python name` to same. See :ref:`custom_locale_negotiator`. If ``request_factory`` is passed, it should be a :term:`request factory` implementation or a :term:`dotted Python name` to the same. See :ref:`changing_the_request_factory`. By default it is ``None``, which means use the default request factory. If ``response_factory`` is passed, it should be a :term:`response factory` implementation or a :term:`dotted Python name` to the same. See :ref:`changing_the_response_factory`. By default it is ``None``, which means use the default response factory. If ``default_permission`` is passed, it should be a :term:`permission` string to be used as the default permission for all view configuration registrations performed against this Configurator. An example of a permission string:``'view'``. Adding a default permission makes it unnecessary to protect each view configuration with an explicit permission, unless your application policy requires some exception for a particular view. By default, ``default_permission`` is ``None``, meaning that view configurations which do not explicitly declare a permission will always be executable by entirely anonymous users (any authorization policy in effect is ignored). .. seealso:: See also :ref:`setting_a_default_permission`. If ``session_factory`` is passed, it should be an object which implements the :term:`session factory` interface. If a nondefault value is passed, the ``session_factory`` will be used to create a session object when ``request.session`` is accessed. Note that the same outcome can be achieved by calling :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.set_session_factory`. By default, this argument is ``None``, indicating that no session factory will be configured (and thus accessing ``request.session`` will throw an error) unless ``set_session_factory`` is called later during configuration. If ``autocommit`` is ``True``, every method called on the configurator will cause an immediate action, and no configuration conflict detection will be used. If ``autocommit`` is ``False``, most methods of the configurator will defer their action until :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.commit` is called. When :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.commit` is called, the actions implied by the called methods will be checked for configuration conflicts unless ``autocommit`` is ``True``. If a conflict is detected, a ``ConfigurationConflictError`` will be raised. Calling :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.make_wsgi_app` always implies a final commit. If ``default_view_mapper`` is passed, it will be used as the default :term:`view mapper` factory for view configurations that don't otherwise specify one (see :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IViewMapperFactory`). If ``default_view_mapper`` is not passed, a superdefault view mapper will be used. If ``exceptionresponse_view`` is passed, it must be a :term:`view callable` or ``None``. If it is a view callable, it will be used as an exception view callable when an :term:`exception response` is raised. If ``exceptionresponse_view`` is ``None``, no exception response view will be registered, and all raised exception responses will be bubbled up to Pyramid's caller. By default, the ``pyramid.httpexceptions.default_exceptionresponse_view`` function is used as the ``exceptionresponse_view``. If ``route_prefix`` is passed, all routes added with :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` will have the specified path prepended to their pattern. If ``introspection`` is passed, it must be a boolean value. If it's ``True``, introspection values during actions will be kept for use for tools like the debug toolbar. If it's ``False``, introspection values provided by registrations will be ignored. By default, it is ``True``. .. versionadded:: 1.1 The ``exceptionresponse_view`` argument. .. versionadded:: 1.2 The ``route_prefix`` argument. .. versionadded:: 1.3 The ``introspection`` argument. .. versionadded:: 1.6 The ``root_package`` argument. The ``response_factory`` argument. .. versionadded:: 1.9 The ability to use the configurator as a context manager with the ``with``-statement to make threadlocal configuration available for further configuration with an implicit commit. """ manager = manager # for testing injection venusian = venusian # for testing injection _ainfo = None basepath = None includepath = () info = '' object_description = staticmethod(object_description) introspectable = Introspectable inspect = inspect def __init__( self, registry=None, package=None, settings=None, root_factory=None, authentication_policy=None, authorization_policy=None, renderers=None, debug_logger=None, locale_negotiator=None, request_factory=None, response_factory=None, default_permission=None, session_factory=None, default_view_mapper=None, autocommit=False, exceptionresponse_view=default_exceptionresponse_view, route_prefix=None, introspection=True, root_package=None, ): if package is None: package = caller_package() if root_package is None: root_package = package name_resolver = DottedNameResolver(package) self.name_resolver = name_resolver self.package_name = name_resolver.get_package_name() self.package = name_resolver.get_package() self.root_package = root_package self.registry = registry self.autocommit = autocommit self.route_prefix = route_prefix self.introspection = introspection if registry is None: registry = Registry(self.package_name) self.registry = registry self.setup_registry( settings=settings, root_factory=root_factory, authentication_policy=authentication_policy, authorization_policy=authorization_policy, renderers=renderers, debug_logger=debug_logger, locale_negotiator=locale_negotiator, request_factory=request_factory, response_factory=response_factory, default_permission=default_permission, session_factory=session_factory, default_view_mapper=default_view_mapper, exceptionresponse_view=exceptionresponse_view, ) def setup_registry( self, settings=None, root_factory=None, authentication_policy=None, authorization_policy=None, renderers=None, debug_logger=None, locale_negotiator=None, request_factory=None, response_factory=None, default_permission=None, session_factory=None, default_view_mapper=None, exceptionresponse_view=default_exceptionresponse_view, ): """ When you pass a non-``None`` ``registry`` argument to the :term:`Configurator` constructor, no initial setup is performed against the registry. This is because the registry you pass in may have already been initialized for use under :app:`Pyramid` via a different configurator. However, in some circumstances (such as when you want to use a global registry instead of a registry created as a result of the Configurator constructor), or when you want to reset the initial setup of a registry, you *do* want to explicitly initialize the registry associated with a Configurator for use under :app:`Pyramid`. Use ``setup_registry`` to do this initialization. ``setup_registry`` configures settings, a root factory, security policies, renderers, a debug logger, a locale negotiator, and various other settings using the configurator's current registry, as per the descriptions in the Configurator constructor.""" registry = self.registry self._fix_registry() self._set_settings(settings) if isinstance(debug_logger, string_types): debug_logger = logging.getLogger(debug_logger) if debug_logger is None: debug_logger = logging.getLogger(self.package_name) registry.registerUtility(debug_logger, IDebugLogger) self.add_default_response_adapters() self.add_default_renderers() self.add_default_accept_view_order() self.add_default_view_predicates() self.add_default_view_derivers() self.add_default_route_predicates() self.add_default_tweens() self.add_default_security() if exceptionresponse_view is not None: exceptionresponse_view = self.maybe_dotted(exceptionresponse_view) self.add_view(exceptionresponse_view, context=IExceptionResponse) self.add_view( exceptionresponse_view, context=WebobWSGIHTTPException ) # commit below because: # # - the default exceptionresponse_view requires the superdefault view # mapper, so we need to configure it before adding # default_view_mapper # # - superdefault renderers should be overrideable without requiring # the user to commit before calling config.add_renderer self.commit() # self.commit() should not be called within this method after this # point because the following registrations should be treated as # analogues of methods called by the user after configurator # construction. Rationale: user-supplied implementations should be # preferred rather than add-on author implementations with the help of # automatic conflict resolution. if authentication_policy and not authorization_policy: authorization_policy = ACLAuthorizationPolicy() # default if authorization_policy: self.set_authorization_policy(authorization_policy) if authentication_policy: self.set_authentication_policy(authentication_policy) if default_view_mapper is not None: self.set_view_mapper(default_view_mapper) if renderers: for name, renderer in renderers: self.add_renderer(name, renderer) if root_factory is not None: self.set_root_factory(root_factory) if locale_negotiator: self.set_locale_negotiator(locale_negotiator) if request_factory: self.set_request_factory(request_factory) if response_factory: self.set_response_factory(response_factory) if default_permission: self.set_default_permission(default_permission) if session_factory is not None: self.set_session_factory(session_factory) tweens = aslist(registry.settings.get('pyramid.tweens', [])) for factory in tweens: self._add_tween(factory, explicit=True) includes = aslist(registry.settings.get('pyramid.includes', [])) for inc in includes: self.include(inc) def _make_spec(self, path_or_spec): package, filename = resolve_asset_spec(path_or_spec, self.package_name) if package is None: return filename # absolute filename return '%s:%s' % (package, filename) def _fix_registry(self): """ Fix up a ZCA component registry that is not a pyramid.registry.Registry by adding analogues of ``has_listeners``, ``notify``, ``queryAdapterOrSelf``, and ``registerSelfAdapter`` through monkey-patching.""" _registry = self.registry if not hasattr(_registry, 'notify'): def notify(*events): [_ for _ in _registry.subscribers(events, None)] _registry.notify = notify if not hasattr(_registry, 'has_listeners'): _registry.has_listeners = True if not hasattr(_registry, 'queryAdapterOrSelf'): def queryAdapterOrSelf(object, interface, default=None): if not interface.providedBy(object): return _registry.queryAdapter( object, interface, default=default ) return object _registry.queryAdapterOrSelf = queryAdapterOrSelf if not hasattr(_registry, 'registerSelfAdapter'): def registerSelfAdapter( required=None, provided=None, name=empty, info=empty, event=True, ): return _registry.registerAdapter( lambda x: x, required=required, provided=provided, name=name, info=info, event=event, ) _registry.registerSelfAdapter = registerSelfAdapter if not hasattr(_registry, '_lock'): _registry._lock = threading.Lock() if not hasattr(_registry, '_clear_view_lookup_cache'): def _clear_view_lookup_cache(): _registry._view_lookup_cache = {} _registry._clear_view_lookup_cache = _clear_view_lookup_cache # API def _get_introspector(self): introspector = getattr(self.registry, 'introspector', _marker) if introspector is _marker: introspector = Introspector() self._set_introspector(introspector) return introspector def _set_introspector(self, introspector): self.registry.introspector = introspector def _del_introspector(self): del self.registry.introspector introspector = property( _get_introspector, _set_introspector, _del_introspector ) def get_predlist(self, name): predlist = self.registry.queryUtility(IPredicateList, name=name) if predlist is None: predlist = PredicateList() self.registry.registerUtility(predlist, IPredicateList, name=name) return predlist def _add_predicate( self, type, name, factory, weighs_more_than=None, weighs_less_than=None ): factory = self.maybe_dotted(factory) discriminator = ('%s option' % type, name) intr = self.introspectable( '%s predicates' % type, discriminator, '%s predicate named %s' % (type, name), '%s predicate' % type, ) intr['name'] = name intr['factory'] = factory intr['weighs_more_than'] = weighs_more_than intr['weighs_less_than'] = weighs_less_than def register(): predlist = self.get_predlist(type) predlist.add( name, factory, weighs_more_than=weighs_more_than, weighs_less_than=weighs_less_than, ) self.action( discriminator, register, introspectables=(intr,), order=PHASE1_CONFIG, ) # must be registered early @property def action_info(self): info = # usually a ZCML action (ParserInfo) if if not info: # Try to provide more accurate info for conflict reports if self._ainfo: info = self._ainfo[0] else: info = ActionInfo(None, 0, '', '') return info def action( self, discriminator, callable=None, args=(), kw=None, order=0, introspectables=(), **extra ): """ Register an action which will be executed when :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.commit` is called (or executed immediately if ``autocommit`` is ``True``). .. warning:: This method is typically only used by :app:`Pyramid` framework extension authors, not by :app:`Pyramid` application developers. The ``discriminator`` uniquely identifies the action. It must be given, but it can be ``None``, to indicate that the action never conflicts. It must be a hashable value. The ``callable`` is a callable object which performs the task associated with the action when the action is executed. It is optional. ``args`` and ``kw`` are tuple and dict objects respectively, which are passed to ``callable`` when this action is executed. Both are optional. ``order`` is a grouping mechanism; an action with a lower order will be executed before an action with a higher order (has no effect when autocommit is ``True``). ``introspectables`` is a sequence of :term:`introspectable` objects (or the empty sequence if no introspectable objects are associated with this action). If this configurator's ``introspection`` attribute is ``False``, these introspectables will be ignored. ``extra`` provides a facility for inserting extra keys and values into an action dictionary. """ # catch nonhashable discriminators here; most unit tests use # autocommit=False, which won't catch unhashable discriminators assert hash(discriminator) if kw is None: kw = {} autocommit = self.autocommit action_info = self.action_info if not self.introspection: # if we're not introspecting, ignore any introspectables passed # to us introspectables = () if autocommit: # callables can depend on the side effects of resolving a # deferred discriminator self.begin() try: undefer(discriminator) if callable is not None: callable(*args, **kw) for introspectable in introspectables: introspectable.register(self.introspector, action_info) finally: self.end() else: action = extra action.update( dict( discriminator=discriminator, callable=callable, args=args, kw=kw, order=order, info=action_info, includepath=self.includepath, introspectables=introspectables, ) ) self.action_state.action(**action) def _get_action_state(self): registry = self.registry try: state = registry.action_state except AttributeError: state = ActionState() registry.action_state = state return state def _set_action_state(self, state): self.registry.action_state = state action_state = property(_get_action_state, _set_action_state) _ctx = action_state # bw compat def commit(self): """ Commit any pending configuration actions. If a configuration conflict is detected in the pending configuration actions, this method will raise a :exc:`ConfigurationConflictError`; within the traceback of this error will be information about the source of the conflict, usually including file names and line numbers of the cause of the configuration conflicts. .. warning:: You should think very carefully before manually invoking ``commit()``. Especially not as part of any reusable configuration methods. Normally it should only be done by an application author at the end of configuration in order to override certain aspects of an addon. """ self.begin() try: self.action_state.execute_actions(introspector=self.introspector) finally: self.end() self.action_state = ActionState() # old actions have been processed def include(self, callable, route_prefix=None): """Include a configuration callable, to support imperative application extensibility. .. warning:: In versions of :app:`Pyramid` prior to 1.2, this function accepted ``*callables``, but this has been changed to support only a single callable. A configuration callable should be a callable that accepts a single argument named ``config``, which will be an instance of a :term:`Configurator`. However, be warned that it will not be the same configurator instance on which you call this method. The code which runs as a result of calling the callable should invoke methods on the configurator passed to it which add configuration state. The return value of a callable will be ignored. Values allowed to be presented via the ``callable`` argument to this method: any callable Python object or any :term:`dotted Python name` which resolves to a callable Python object. It may also be a Python :term:`module`, in which case, the module will be searched for a callable named ``includeme``, which will be treated as the configuration callable. For example, if the ``includeme`` function below lives in a module named ``myapp.myconfig``: .. code-block:: python :linenos: # myapp.myconfig module def my_view(request): from pyramid.response import Response return Response('OK') def includeme(config): config.add_view(my_view) You might cause it to be included within your Pyramid application like so: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.config import Configurator def main(global_config, **settings): config = Configurator() config.include('myapp.myconfig.includeme') Because the function is named ``includeme``, the function name can also be omitted from the dotted name reference: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.config import Configurator def main(global_config, **settings): config = Configurator() config.include('myapp.myconfig') Included configuration statements will be overridden by local configuration statements if an included callable causes a configuration conflict by registering something with the same configuration parameters. If the ``route_prefix`` is supplied, it must be a string. Any calls to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` within the included callable will have their pattern prefixed with the value of ``route_prefix``. This can be used to help mount a set of routes at a different location than the included callable's author intended, while still maintaining the same route names. For example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.config import Configurator def included(config): config.add_route('show_users', '/show') def main(global_config, **settings): config = Configurator() config.include(included, route_prefix='/users') In the above configuration, the ``show_users`` route will have an effective route pattern of ``/users/show``, instead of ``/show`` because the ``route_prefix`` argument will be prepended to the pattern. .. versionadded:: 1.2 The ``route_prefix`` parameter. .. versionchanged:: 1.9 The included function is wrapped with a call to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.begin` and :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.end` while it is executed. """ # """ <-- emacs action_state = self.action_state c = self.maybe_dotted(callable) module = self.inspect.getmodule(c) if module is c: try: c = getattr(module, 'includeme') except AttributeError: raise ConfigurationError( "module %r has no attribute 'includeme'" % (module.__name__) ) spec = module.__name__ + ':' + c.__name__ sourcefile = self.inspect.getsourcefile(c) if sourcefile is None: raise ConfigurationError( 'No source file for module %r (.py file must exist, ' 'refusing to use orphan .pyc or .pyo file).' % module.__name__ ) if action_state.processSpec(spec): with self.route_prefix_context(route_prefix): configurator = self.__class__( registry=self.registry, package=package_of(module), root_package=self.root_package, autocommit=self.autocommit, route_prefix=self.route_prefix, ) configurator.basepath = os.path.dirname(sourcefile) configurator.includepath = self.includepath + (spec,) self.begin() try: c(configurator) finally: self.end() def add_directive(self, name, directive, action_wrap=True): """ Add a directive method to the configurator. .. warning:: This method is typically only used by :app:`Pyramid` framework extension authors, not by :app:`Pyramid` application developers. Framework extenders can add directive methods to a configurator by instructing their users to call ``config.add_directive('somename', 'some.callable')``. This will make ``some.callable`` accessible as ``config.somename``. ``some.callable`` should be a function which accepts ``config`` as a first argument, and arbitrary positional and keyword arguments following. It should use config.action as necessary to perform actions. Directive methods can then be invoked like 'built-in' directives such as ``add_view``, ``add_route``, etc. The ``action_wrap`` argument should be ``True`` for directives which perform ``config.action`` with potentially conflicting discriminators. ``action_wrap`` will cause the directive to be wrapped in a decorator which provides more accurate conflict cause information. ``add_directive`` does not participate in conflict detection, and later calls to ``add_directive`` will override earlier calls. """ c = self.maybe_dotted(directive) if not hasattr(self.registry, '_directives'): self.registry._directives = {} self.registry._directives[name] = (c, action_wrap) def __getattr__(self, name): # allow directive extension names to work directives = getattr(self.registry, '_directives', {}) c = directives.get(name) if c is None: raise AttributeError(name) c, action_wrap = c if action_wrap: c = action_method(c) # Create a bound method (works on both Py2 and Py3) # m = c.__get__(self, self.__class__) return m def with_package(self, package): """ Return a new Configurator instance with the same registry as this configurator. ``package`` may be an actual Python package object or a :term:`dotted Python name` representing a package.""" configurator = self.__class__( registry=self.registry, package=package, root_package=self.root_package, autocommit=self.autocommit, route_prefix=self.route_prefix, introspection=self.introspection, ) configurator.basepath = self.basepath configurator.includepath = self.includepath = return configurator def maybe_dotted(self, dotted): """ Resolve the :term:`dotted Python name` ``dotted`` to a global Python object. If ``dotted`` is not a string, return it without attempting to do any name resolution. If ``dotted`` is a relative dotted name (e.g. ````, consider it relative to the ``package`` argument supplied to this Configurator's constructor.""" return self.name_resolver.maybe_resolve(dotted) def absolute_asset_spec(self, relative_spec): """ Resolve the potentially relative :term:`asset specification` string passed as ``relative_spec`` into an absolute asset specification string and return the string. Use the ``package`` of this configurator as the package to which the asset specification will be considered relative when generating an absolute asset specification. If the provided ``relative_spec`` argument is already absolute, or if the ``relative_spec`` is not a string, it is simply returned.""" if not isinstance(relative_spec, string_types): return relative_spec return self._make_spec(relative_spec) absolute_resource_spec = absolute_asset_spec # b/w compat forever def begin(self, request=_marker): """ Indicate that application or test configuration has begun. This pushes a dictionary containing the :term:`application registry` implied by ``registry`` attribute of this configurator and the :term:`request` implied by the ``request`` argument onto the :term:`thread local` stack consulted by various :mod:`pyramid.threadlocal` API functions. If ``request`` is not specified and the registry owned by the configurator is already pushed as the current threadlocal registry then this method will keep the current threadlocal request unchanged. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 The current threadlocal request is propagated if the current threadlocal registry remains unchanged. """ if request is _marker: current = self.manager.get() if current['registry'] == self.registry: request = current['request'] else: request = None self.manager.push({'registry': self.registry, 'request': request}) def end(self): """ Indicate that application or test configuration has ended. This pops the last value pushed onto the :term:`thread local` stack (usually by the ``begin`` method) and returns that value. """ return self.manager.pop() def __enter__(self): self.begin() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): self.end() if exc_value is None: self.commit() # this is *not* an action method (uses caller_package) def scan( self, package=None, categories=None, onerror=None, ignore=None, **kw ): """Scan a Python package and any of its subpackages for objects marked with :term:`configuration decoration` such as :class:`pyramid.view.view_config`. Any decorated object found will influence the current configuration state. The ``package`` argument should be a Python :term:`package` or module object (or a :term:`dotted Python name` which refers to such a package or module). If ``package`` is ``None``, the package of the *caller* is used. The ``categories`` argument, if provided, should be the :term:`Venusian` 'scan categories' to use during scanning. Providing this argument is not often necessary; specifying scan categories is an extremely advanced usage. By default, ``categories`` is ``None`` which will execute *all* Venusian decorator callbacks including :app:`Pyramid`-related decorators such as :class:`pyramid.view.view_config`. See the :term:`Venusian` documentation for more information about limiting a scan by using an explicit set of categories. The ``onerror`` argument, if provided, should be a Venusian ``onerror`` callback function. The onerror function is passed to :meth:`venusian.Scanner.scan` to influence error behavior when an exception is raised during the scanning process. See the :term:`Venusian` documentation for more information about ``onerror`` callbacks. The ``ignore`` argument, if provided, should be a Venusian ``ignore`` value. Providing an ``ignore`` argument allows the scan to ignore particular modules, packages, or global objects during a scan. ``ignore`` can be a string or a callable, or a list containing strings or callables. The simplest usage of ``ignore`` is to provide a module or package by providing a full path to its dotted name. For example: ``config.scan(ignore='my.module.subpackage')`` would ignore the ``my.module.subpackage`` package during a scan, which would prevent the subpackage and any of its submodules from being imported and scanned. See the :term:`Venusian` documentation for more information about the ``ignore`` argument. To perform a ``scan``, Pyramid creates a Venusian ``Scanner`` object. The ``kw`` argument represents a set of keyword arguments to pass to the Venusian ``Scanner`` object's constructor. See the :term:`venusian` documentation (its ``Scanner`` class) for more information about the constructor. By default, the only keyword arguments passed to the Scanner constructor are ``{'config':self}`` where ``self`` is this configurator object. This services the requirement of all built-in Pyramid decorators, but extension systems may require additional arguments. Providing this argument is not often necessary; it's an advanced usage. .. versionadded:: 1.1 The ``**kw`` argument. .. versionadded:: 1.3 The ``ignore`` argument. """ package = self.maybe_dotted(package) if package is None: # pragma: no cover package = caller_package() ctorkw = {'config': self} ctorkw.update(kw) scanner = self.venusian.Scanner(**ctorkw) scanner.scan( package, categories=categories, onerror=onerror, ignore=ignore ) def make_wsgi_app(self): """ Commits any pending configuration statements, sends a :class:`` event to all listeners, adds this configuration's registry to :attr:`pyramid.config.global_registries`, and returns a :app:`Pyramid` WSGI application representing the committed configuration state.""" self.commit() app = Router(self.registry) # Allow tools like "pshell development.ini" to find the 'last' # registry configured. global_registries.add(self.registry) # Push the registry onto the stack in case any code that depends on # the registry threadlocal APIs used in listeners subscribed to the # IApplicationCreated event. self.begin() try: self.registry.notify(ApplicationCreated(app)) finally: self.end() return app # this class is licensed under the ZPL (stolen from Zope) class ActionState(object): def __init__(self): # NB "actions" is an API, dep'd upon by pyramid_zcml's load_zcml func self.actions = [] self._seen_files = set() def processSpec(self, spec): """Check whether a callable needs to be processed. The ``spec`` refers to a unique identifier for the callable. Return True if processing is needed and False otherwise. If the callable needs to be processed, it will be marked as processed, assuming that the caller will procces the callable if it needs to be processed. """ if spec in self._seen_files: return False self._seen_files.add(spec) return True def action( self, discriminator, callable=None, args=(), kw=None, order=0, includepath=(), info=None, introspectables=(), **extra ): """Add an action with the given discriminator, callable and arguments """ if kw is None: kw = {} action = extra action.update( dict( discriminator=discriminator, callable=callable, args=args, kw=kw, includepath=includepath, info=info, order=order, introspectables=introspectables, ) ) self.actions.append(action) def execute_actions(self, clear=True, introspector=None): """Execute the configuration actions This calls the action callables after resolving conflicts For example: >>> output = [] >>> def f(*a, **k): ... output.append(('f', a, k)) >>> context = ActionState() >>> context.actions = [ ... (1, f, (1,)), ... (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x', )), ... (2, f, (2,)), ... ] >>> context.execute_actions() >>> output [('f', (1,), {}), ('f', (2,), {})] If the action raises an error, we convert it to a ConfigurationExecutionError. >>> output = [] >>> def bad(): ... >>> context.actions = [ ... (1, f, (1,)), ... (1, f, (11,), {}, ('x', )), ... (2, f, (2,)), ... (3, bad, (), {}, (), 'oops') ... ] >>> try: ... v = context.execute_actions() ... except ConfigurationExecutionError, v: ... pass >>> print(v) exceptions.AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'xxx' in: oops Note that actions executed before the error still have an effect: >>> output [('f', (1,), {}), ('f', (2,), {})] The execution is re-entrant such that actions may be added by other actions with the one caveat that the order of any added actions must be equal to or larger than the current action. >>> output = [] >>> def f(*a, **k): ... output.append(('f', a, k)) ... context.actions.append((3, g, (8,), {})) >>> def g(*a, **k): ... output.append(('g', a, k)) >>> context.actions = [ ... (1, f, (1,)), ... ] >>> context.execute_actions() >>> output [('f', (1,), {}), ('g', (8,), {})] """ try: all_actions = [] executed_actions = [] action_iter = iter([]) conflict_state = ConflictResolverState() while True: # We clear the actions list prior to execution so if there # are some new actions then we add them to the mix and resolve # conflicts again. This orders the new actions as well as # ensures that the previously executed actions have no new # conflicts. if self.actions: all_actions.extend(self.actions) action_iter = resolveConflicts( self.actions, state=conflict_state ) self.actions = [] action = next(action_iter, None) if action is None: # we are done! break callable = action['callable'] args = action['args'] kw = action['kw'] info = action['info'] # we use "get" below in case an action was added via a ZCML # directive that did not know about introspectables introspectables = action.get('introspectables', ()) try: if callable is not None: callable(*args, **kw) except Exception: t, v, tb = sys.exc_info() try: reraise( ConfigurationExecutionError, ConfigurationExecutionError(t, v, info), tb, ) finally: del t, v, tb if introspector is not None: for introspectable in introspectables: introspectable.register(introspector, info) executed_actions.append(action) self.actions = all_actions return executed_actions finally: if clear: self.actions = [] class ConflictResolverState(object): def __init__(self): # keep a set of resolved discriminators to test against to ensure # that a new action does not conflict with something already executed self.resolved_ainfos = {} # actions left over from a previous iteration self.remaining_actions = [] # after executing an action we memoize its order to avoid any new # actions sending us backward self.min_order = None # unique tracks the index of the action so we need it to increase # monotonically across invocations to resolveConflicts self.start = 0 # this function is licensed under the ZPL (stolen from Zope) def resolveConflicts(actions, state=None): """Resolve conflicting actions Given an actions list, identify and try to resolve conflicting actions. Actions conflict if they have the same non-None discriminator. Conflicting actions can be resolved if the include path of one of the actions is a prefix of the includepaths of the other conflicting actions and is unequal to the include paths in the other conflicting actions. Actions are resolved on a per-order basis because some discriminators cannot be computed until earlier actions have executed. An action in an earlier order may execute successfully only to find out later that it was overridden by another action with a smaller include path. This will result in a conflict as there is no way to revert the original action. ``state`` may be an instance of ``ConflictResolverState`` that can be used to resume execution and resolve the new actions against the list of executed actions from a previous call. """ if state is None: state = ConflictResolverState() # pick up where we left off last time, but track the new actions as well state.remaining_actions.extend(normalize_actions(actions)) actions = state.remaining_actions def orderandpos(v): n, v = v return (v['order'] or 0, n) def orderonly(v): n, v = v return v['order'] or 0 sactions = sorted(enumerate(actions, start=state.start), key=orderandpos) for order, actiongroup in itertools.groupby(sactions, orderonly): # "order" is an integer grouping. Actions in a lower order will be # executed before actions in a higher order. All of the actions in # one grouping will be executed (its callable, if any will be called) # before any of the actions in the next. output = [] unique = {} # error out if we went backward in order if state.min_order is not None and order < state.min_order: r = [ 'Actions were added to order={0} after execution had moved ' 'on to order={1}. Conflicting actions: '.format( order, state.min_order ) ] for i, action in actiongroup: for line in str(action['info']).rstrip().split('\n'): r.append(" " + line) raise ConfigurationError('\n'.join(r)) for i, action in actiongroup: # Within an order, actions are executed sequentially based on # original action ordering ("i"). # "ainfo" is a tuple of (i, action) where "i" is an integer # expressing the relative position of this action in the action # list being resolved, and "action" is an action dictionary. The # purpose of an ainfo is to associate an "i" with a particular # action; "i" exists for sorting after conflict resolution. ainfo = (i, action) # wait to defer discriminators until we are on their order because # the discriminator may depend on state from a previous order discriminator = undefer(action['discriminator']) action['discriminator'] = discriminator if discriminator is None: # The discriminator is None, so this action can never conflict. # We can add it directly to the result. output.append(ainfo) continue L = unique.setdefault(discriminator, []) L.append(ainfo) # Check for conflicts conflicts = {} for discriminator, ainfos in unique.items(): # We use (includepath, i) as a sort key because we need to # sort the actions by the paths so that the shortest path with a # given prefix comes first. The "first" action is the one with the # shortest include path. We break sorting ties using "i". def bypath(ainfo): path, i = ainfo[1]['includepath'], ainfo[0] return path, order, i ainfos.sort(key=bypath) ainfo, rest = ainfos[0], ainfos[1:] _, action = ainfo # ensure this new action does not conflict with a previously # resolved action from an earlier order / invocation prev_ainfo = state.resolved_ainfos.get(discriminator) if prev_ainfo is not None: _, paction = prev_ainfo basepath, baseinfo = paction['includepath'], paction['info'] includepath = action['includepath'] # if the new action conflicts with the resolved action then # note the conflict, otherwise drop the action as it's # effectively overriden by the previous action if ( includepath[: len(basepath)] != basepath or includepath == basepath ): L = conflicts.setdefault(discriminator, [baseinfo]) L.append(action['info']) else: output.append(ainfo) basepath, baseinfo = action['includepath'], action['info'] for _, action in rest: includepath = action['includepath'] # Test whether path is a prefix of opath if ( includepath[: len(basepath)] != basepath or includepath == basepath # not a prefix ): L = conflicts.setdefault(discriminator, [baseinfo]) L.append(action['info']) if conflicts: raise ConfigurationConflictError(conflicts) # sort resolved actions by "i" and yield them one by one for i, action in sorted(output, key=operator.itemgetter(0)): # do not memoize the order until we resolve an action inside it state.min_order = action['order'] state.start = i + 1 state.remaining_actions.remove(action) state.resolved_ainfos[action['discriminator']] = (i, action) yield action def normalize_actions(actions): """Convert old-style tuple actions to new-style dicts.""" result = [] for v in actions: if not isinstance(v, dict): v = expand_action_tuple(*v) result.append(v) return result def expand_action_tuple( discriminator, callable=None, args=(), kw=None, includepath=(), info=None, order=0, introspectables=(), ): if kw is None: kw = {} return dict( discriminator=discriminator, callable=callable, args=args, kw=kw, includepath=includepath, info=info, order=order, introspectables=introspectables, ) global_registries = WeakOrderedSet()