import functools import inspect import posixpath import operator import os import warnings from webob.acceptparse import Accept from zope.interface import Interface, implementedBy, implementer from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface from pyramid.interfaces import ( IAcceptOrder, IExceptionViewClassifier, IException, IMultiView, IPackageOverrides, IRendererFactory, IRequest, IResponse, IRouteRequest, ISecuredView, IStaticURLInfo, IView, IViewClassifier, IViewDerivers, IViewDeriverInfo, IViewMapperFactory, PHASE1_CONFIG, ) from pyramid import renderers from pyramid.asset import resolve_asset_spec from pyramid.compat import ( string_types, urlparse, url_quote, WIN, is_nonstr_iter, ) from pyramid.decorator import reify from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError, PredicateMismatch from pyramid.httpexceptions import ( HTTPForbidden, HTTPNotFound, default_exceptionresponse_view, ) from pyramid.registry import Deferred from import NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED from pyramid.static import static_view from pyramid.url import parse_url_overrides from pyramid.view import AppendSlashNotFoundViewFactory from pyramid.util import as_sorted_tuple, TopologicalSorter import pyramid.predicates import pyramid.viewderivers from pyramid.viewderivers import ( INGRESS, VIEW, preserve_view_attrs, view_description, requestonly, DefaultViewMapper, wraps_view, ) from pyramid.config.util import ( action_method, DEFAULT_PHASH, MAX_ORDER, normalize_accept_offer, predvalseq, sort_accept_offers, ) urljoin = urlparse.urljoin url_parse = urlparse.urlparse DefaultViewMapper = DefaultViewMapper # bw-compat preserve_view_attrs = preserve_view_attrs # bw-compat requestonly = requestonly # bw-compat view_description = view_description # bw-compat @implementer(IMultiView) class MultiView(object): def __init__(self, name): = name self.media_views = {} self.views = [] self.accepts = [] def __discriminator__(self, context, request): # used by introspection systems like so: # view = adapters.lookup(....) # view.__discriminator__(context, request) -> view's discriminator # so that superdynamic systems can feed the discriminator to # the introspection system to get info about it view = self.match(context, request) return view.__discriminator__(context, request) def add(self, view, order, phash=None, accept=None, accept_order=None): if phash is not None: for i, (s, v, h) in enumerate(list(self.views)): if phash == h: self.views[i] = (order, view, phash) return if accept is None or '*' in accept: self.views.append((order, view, phash)) self.views.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) else: subset = self.media_views.setdefault(accept, []) for i, (s, v, h) in enumerate(list(subset)): if phash == h: subset[i] = (order, view, phash) return else: subset.append((order, view, phash)) subset.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) # dedupe accepts and sort appropriately accepts = set(self.accepts) accepts.add(accept) if accept_order: accept_order = [v for _, v in accept_order.sorted()] self.accepts = sort_accept_offers(accepts, accept_order) def get_views(self, request): if self.accepts and hasattr(request, 'accept'): views = [] for offer, _ in request.accept.acceptable_offers(self.accepts): views.extend(self.media_views[offer]) views.extend(self.views) return views return self.views def match(self, context, request): for order, view, phash in self.get_views(request): if not hasattr(view, '__predicated__'): return view if view.__predicated__(context, request): return view raise PredicateMismatch( def __permitted__(self, context, request): view = self.match(context, request) if hasattr(view, '__permitted__'): return view.__permitted__(context, request) return True def __call_permissive__(self, context, request): view = self.match(context, request) view = getattr(view, '__call_permissive__', view) return view(context, request) def __call__(self, context, request): for order, view, phash in self.get_views(request): try: return view(context, request) except PredicateMismatch: continue raise PredicateMismatch( def attr_wrapped_view(view, info): accept, order, phash = ( info.options.get('accept', None), getattr(info, 'order', MAX_ORDER), getattr(info, 'phash', DEFAULT_PHASH), ) # this is a little silly but we don't want to decorate the original # function with attributes that indicate accept, order, and phash, # so we use a wrapper if (accept is None) and (order == MAX_ORDER) and (phash == DEFAULT_PHASH): return view # defaults def attr_view(context, request): return view(context, request) attr_view.__accept__ = accept attr_view.__order__ = order attr_view.__phash__ = phash attr_view.__view_attr__ = info.options.get('attr') attr_view.__permission__ = info.options.get('permission') return attr_view attr_wrapped_view.options = ('accept', 'attr', 'permission') def predicated_view(view, info): preds = info.predicates if not preds: return view def predicate_wrapper(context, request): for predicate in preds: if not predicate(context, request): view_name = getattr(view, '__name__', view) raise PredicateMismatch( 'predicate mismatch for view %s (%s)' % (view_name, predicate.text()) ) return view(context, request) def checker(context, request): return all((predicate(context, request) for predicate in preds)) predicate_wrapper.__predicated__ = checker predicate_wrapper.__predicates__ = preds return predicate_wrapper def viewdefaults(wrapped): """ Decorator for add_view-like methods which takes into account __view_defaults__ attached to view it is passed. Not a documented API but used by some external systems.""" def wrapper(self, *arg, **kw): defaults = {} if arg: view = arg[0] else: view = kw.get('view') view = self.maybe_dotted(view) if inspect.isclass(view): defaults = getattr(view, '__view_defaults__', {}).copy() if '_backframes' not in kw: kw['_backframes'] = 1 # for action_method defaults.update(kw) return wrapped(self, *arg, **defaults) return functools.wraps(wrapped)(wrapper) def combine_decorators(*decorators): def decorated(view_callable): # reversed() allows a more natural ordering in the api for decorator in reversed(decorators): view_callable = decorator(view_callable) return view_callable return decorated class ViewsConfiguratorMixin(object): @viewdefaults @action_method def add_view( self, view=None, name="", for_=None, permission=None, request_type=None, route_name=None, request_method=None, request_param=None, containment=None, attr=None, renderer=None, wrapper=None, xhr=None, accept=None, header=None, path_info=None, custom_predicates=(), context=None, decorator=None, mapper=None, http_cache=None, match_param=None, check_csrf=None, require_csrf=None, exception_only=False, **view_options ): """ Add a :term:`view configuration` to the current configuration state. Arguments to ``add_view`` are broken down below into *predicate* arguments and *non-predicate* arguments. Predicate arguments narrow the circumstances in which the view callable will be invoked when a request is presented to :app:`Pyramid`; non-predicate arguments are informational. Non-Predicate Arguments view A :term:`view callable` or a :term:`dotted Python name` which refers to a view callable. This argument is required unless a ``renderer`` argument also exists. If a ``renderer`` argument is passed, and a ``view`` argument is not provided, the view callable defaults to a callable that returns an empty dictionary (see :ref:`views_which_use_a_renderer`). permission A :term:`permission` that the user must possess in order to invoke the :term:`view callable`. See :ref:`view_security_section` for more information about view security and permissions. This is often a string like ``view`` or ``edit``. If ``permission`` is omitted, a *default* permission may be used for this view registration if one was named as the :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` constructor's ``default_permission`` argument, or if :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.set_default_permission` was used prior to this view registration. Pass the value :data:`` as the permission argument to explicitly indicate that the view should always be executable by entirely anonymous users, regardless of the default permission, bypassing any :term:`authorization policy` that may be in effect. attr This knob is most useful when the view definition is a class. The view machinery defaults to using the ``__call__`` method of the :term:`view callable` (or the function itself, if the view callable is a function) to obtain a response. The ``attr`` value allows you to vary the method attribute used to obtain the response. For example, if your view was a class, and the class has a method named ``index`` and you wanted to use this method instead of the class' ``__call__`` method to return the response, you'd say ``attr="index"`` in the view configuration for the view. renderer This is either a single string term (e.g. ``json``) or a string implying a path or :term:`asset specification` (e.g. ``templates/``) naming a :term:`renderer` implementation. If the ``renderer`` value does not contain a dot ``.``, the specified string will be used to look up a renderer implementation, and that renderer implementation will be used to construct a response from the view return value. If the ``renderer`` value contains a dot (``.``), the specified term will be treated as a path, and the filename extension of the last element in the path will be used to look up the renderer implementation, which will be passed the full path. The renderer implementation will be used to construct a :term:`response` from the view return value. Note that if the view itself returns a :term:`response` (see :ref:`the_response`), the specified renderer implementation is never called. When the renderer is a path, although a path is usually just a simple relative pathname (e.g. ``templates/``, implying that a template named "" is in the "templates" directory relative to the directory of the current :term:`package` of the Configurator), a path can be absolute, starting with a slash on UNIX or a drive letter prefix on Windows. The path can alternately be a :term:`asset specification` in the form ``some.dotted.package_name:relative/path``, making it possible to address template assets which live in a separate package. The ``renderer`` attribute is optional. If it is not defined, the "null" renderer is assumed (no rendering is performed and the value is passed back to the upstream :app:`Pyramid` machinery unmodified). http_cache .. versionadded:: 1.1 When you supply an ``http_cache`` value to a view configuration, the ``Expires`` and ``Cache-Control`` headers of a response generated by the associated view callable are modified. The value for ``http_cache`` may be one of the following: - A nonzero integer. If it's a nonzero integer, it's treated as a number of seconds. This number of seconds will be used to compute the ``Expires`` header and the ``Cache-Control: max-age`` parameter of responses to requests which call this view. For example: ``http_cache=3600`` instructs the requesting browser to 'cache this response for an hour, please'. - A ``datetime.timedelta`` instance. If it's a ``datetime.timedelta`` instance, it will be converted into a number of seconds, and that number of seconds will be used to compute the ``Expires`` header and the ``Cache-Control: max-age`` parameter of responses to requests which call this view. For example: ``http_cache=datetime.timedelta(days=1)`` instructs the requesting browser to 'cache this response for a day, please'. - Zero (``0``). If the value is zero, the ``Cache-Control`` and ``Expires`` headers present in all responses from this view will be composed such that client browser cache (and any intermediate caches) are instructed to never cache the response. - A two-tuple. If it's a two tuple (e.g. ``http_cache=(1, {'public':True})``), the first value in the tuple may be a nonzero integer or a ``datetime.timedelta`` instance; in either case this value will be used as the number of seconds to cache the response. The second value in the tuple must be a dictionary. The values present in the dictionary will be used as input to the ``Cache-Control`` response header. For example: ``http_cache=(3600, {'public':True})`` means 'cache for an hour, and add ``public`` to the Cache-Control header of the response'. All keys and values supported by the ``webob.cachecontrol.CacheControl`` interface may be added to the dictionary. Supplying ``{'public':True}`` is equivalent to calling ``response.cache_control.public = True``. Providing a non-tuple value as ``http_cache`` is equivalent to calling ``response.cache_expires(value)`` within your view's body. Providing a two-tuple value as ``http_cache`` is equivalent to calling ``response.cache_expires(value[0], **value[1])`` within your view's body. If you wish to avoid influencing, the ``Expires`` header, and instead wish to only influence ``Cache-Control`` headers, pass a tuple as ``http_cache`` with the first element of ``None``, e.g.: ``(None, {'public':True})``. If you wish to prevent a view that uses ``http_cache`` in its configuration from having its caching response headers changed by this machinery, set ``response.cache_control.prevent_auto = True`` before returning the response from the view. This effectively disables any HTTP caching done by ``http_cache`` for that response. require_csrf .. versionadded:: 1.7 A boolean option or ``None``. Default: ``None``. If this option is set to ``True`` then CSRF checks will be enabled for requests to this view. The required token or header default to ``csrf_token`` and ``X-CSRF-Token``, respectively. CSRF checks only affect "unsafe" methods as defined by RFC2616. By default, these methods are anything except ``GET``, ``HEAD``, ``OPTIONS``, and ``TRACE``. The defaults here may be overridden by :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.set_default_csrf_options`. This feature requires a configured :term:`session factory`. If this option is set to ``False`` then CSRF checks will be disabled regardless of the default ``require_csrf`` setting passed to ``set_default_csrf_options``. See :ref:`auto_csrf_checking` for more information. wrapper The :term:`view name` of a different :term:`view configuration` which will receive the response body of this view as the ``request.wrapped_body`` attribute of its own :term:`request`, and the :term:`response` returned by this view as the ``request.wrapped_response`` attribute of its own request. Using a wrapper makes it possible to "chain" views together to form a composite response. The response of the outermost wrapper view will be returned to the user. The wrapper view will be found as any view is found: see :ref:`view_lookup`. The "best" wrapper view will be found based on the lookup ordering: "under the hood" this wrapper view is looked up via ``pyramid.view.render_view_to_response(context, request, 'wrapper_viewname')``. The context and request of a wrapper view is the same context and request of the inner view. If this attribute is unspecified, no view wrapping is done. decorator A :term:`dotted Python name` to function (or the function itself, or an iterable of the aforementioned) which will be used to decorate the registered :term:`view callable`. The decorator function(s) will be called with the view callable as a single argument. The view callable it is passed will accept ``(context, request)``. The decorator(s) must return a replacement view callable which also accepts ``(context, request)``. If decorator is an iterable, the callables will be combined and used in the order provided as a decorator. For example:: @view_config(..., decorator=(decorator2, decorator1)) def myview(request): .... Is similar to doing:: @view_config(...) @decorator2 @decorator1 def myview(request): ... Except with the existing benefits of ``decorator=`` (having a common decorator syntax for all view calling conventions and not having to think about preserving function attributes such as ``__name__`` and ``__module__`` within decorator logic). An important distinction is that each decorator will receive a response object implementing :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IResponse` instead of the raw value returned from the view callable. All decorators in the chain must return a response object or raise an exception: .. code-block:: python def log_timer(wrapped): def wrapper(context, request): start = time.time() response = wrapped(context, request) duration = time.time() - start response.headers['X-View-Time'] = '%.3f' % (duration,)'view took %.3f seconds', duration) return response return wrapper .. versionchanged:: 1.4a4 Passing an iterable. mapper A Python object or :term:`dotted Python name` which refers to a :term:`view mapper`, or ``None``. By default it is ``None``, which indicates that the view should use the default view mapper. This plug-point is useful for Pyramid extension developers, but it's not very useful for 'civilians' who are just developing stock Pyramid applications. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. accept A :term:`media type` that will be matched against the ``Accept`` HTTP request header. If this value is specified, it must be a specific media type such as ``text/html`` or ``text/html;level=1``. If the media type is acceptable by the ``Accept`` header of the request, or if the ``Accept`` header isn't set at all in the request, this predicate will match. If this does not match the ``Accept`` header of the request, view matching continues. If ``accept`` is not specified, the ``HTTP_ACCEPT`` HTTP header is not taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to invoke the associated view callable. The ``accept`` argument is technically not a predicate and does not support wrapping with :func:`pyramid.config.not_`. See :ref:`accept_content_negotiation` for more information. .. versionchanged:: 1.10 Specifying a media range is deprecated and will be removed in :app:`Pyramid` 2.0. Use explicit media types to avoid any ambiguities in content negotiation. exception_only .. versionadded:: 1.8 When this value is ``True``, the ``context`` argument must be a subclass of ``Exception``. This flag indicates that only an :term:`exception view` should be created, and that this view should not match if the traversal :term:`context` matches the ``context`` argument. If the ``context`` is a subclass of ``Exception`` and this value is ``False`` (the default), then a view will be registered to match the traversal :term:`context` as well. Predicate Arguments name The :term:`view name`. Read :ref:`traversal_chapter` to understand the concept of a view name. context An object or a :term:`dotted Python name` referring to an interface or class object that the :term:`context` must be an instance of, *or* the :term:`interface` that the :term:`context` must provide in order for this view to be found and called. This predicate is true when the :term:`context` is an instance of the represented class or if the :term:`context` provides the represented interface; it is otherwise false. This argument may also be provided to ``add_view`` as ``for_`` (an older, still-supported spelling). If the view should *only* match when handling exceptions, then set the ``exception_only`` to ``True``. route_name This value must match the ``name`` of a :term:`route configuration` declaration (see :ref:`urldispatch_chapter`) that must match before this view will be called. request_type This value should be an :term:`interface` that the :term:`request` must provide in order for this view to be found and called. This value exists only for backwards compatibility purposes. request_method This value can be either a string (such as ``"GET"``, ``"POST"``, ``"PUT"``, ``"DELETE"``, ``"HEAD"`` or ``"OPTIONS"``) representing an HTTP ``REQUEST_METHOD``, or a tuple containing one or more of these strings. A view declaration with this argument ensures that the view will only be called when the ``method`` attribute of the request (aka the ``REQUEST_METHOD`` of the WSGI environment) matches a supplied value. Note that use of ``GET`` also implies that the view will respond to ``HEAD`` as of Pyramid 1.4. .. versionchanged:: 1.2 The ability to pass a tuple of items as ``request_method``. Previous versions allowed only a string. request_param This value can be any string or any sequence of strings. A view declaration with this argument ensures that the view will only be called when the :term:`request` has a key in the ``request.params`` dictionary (an HTTP ``GET`` or ``POST`` variable) that has a name which matches the supplied value (if the value is a string) or values (if the value is a tuple). If any value supplied has a ``=`` sign in it, e.g. ``request_param="foo=123"``, then the key (``foo``) must both exist in the ``request.params`` dictionary, *and* the value must match the right hand side of the expression (``123``) for the view to "match" the current request. match_param .. versionadded:: 1.2 This value can be a string of the format "key=value" or a tuple containing one or more of these strings. A view declaration with this argument ensures that the view will only be called when the :term:`request` has key/value pairs in its :term:`matchdict` that equal those supplied in the predicate. e.g. ``match_param="action=edit"`` would require the ``action`` parameter in the :term:`matchdict` match the right hand side of the expression (``edit``) for the view to "match" the current request. If the ``match_param`` is a tuple, every key/value pair must match for the predicate to pass. containment This value should be a Python class or :term:`interface` (or a :term:`dotted Python name`) that an object in the :term:`lineage` of the context must provide in order for this view to be found and called. The nodes in your object graph must be "location-aware" to use this feature. See :ref:`location_aware` for more information about location-awareness. xhr This value should be either ``True`` or ``False``. If this value is specified and is ``True``, the :term:`request` must possess an ``HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH`` (aka ``X-Requested-With``) header that has the value ``XMLHttpRequest`` for this view to be found and called. This is useful for detecting AJAX requests issued from jQuery, Prototype and other Javascript libraries. header This value represents an HTTP header name or a header name/value pair. If the value contains a ``:`` (colon), it will be considered a name/value pair (e.g. ``User-Agent:Mozilla/.*`` or ``Host:localhost``). The value portion should be a regular expression. If the value does not contain a colon, the entire value will be considered to be the header name (e.g. ``If-Modified-Since``). If the value evaluates to a header name only without a value, the header specified by the name must be present in the request for this predicate to be true. If the value evaluates to a header name/value pair, the header specified by the name must be present in the request *and* the regular expression specified as the value must match the header value. Whether or not the value represents a header name or a header name/value pair, the case of the header name is not significant. path_info This value represents a regular expression pattern that will be tested against the ``PATH_INFO`` WSGI environment variable. If the regex matches, this predicate will be ``True``. check_csrf .. deprecated:: 1.7 Use the ``require_csrf`` option or see :ref:`auto_csrf_checking` instead to have :class:`pyramid.exceptions.BadCSRFToken` exceptions raised. If specified, this value should be one of ``None``, ``True``, ``False``, or a string representing the 'check name'. If the value is ``True`` or a string, CSRF checking will be performed. If the value is ``False`` or ``None``, CSRF checking will not be performed. If the value provided is a string, that string will be used as the 'check name'. If the value provided is ``True``, ``csrf_token`` will be used as the check name. If CSRF checking is performed, the checked value will be the value of ``request.params[check_name]``. This value will be compared against the value of ``policy.get_csrf_token()`` (where ``policy`` is an implementation of :meth:`pyramid.interfaces.ICSRFStoragePolicy`), and the check will pass if these two values are the same. If the check passes, the associated view will be permitted to execute. If the check fails, the associated view will not be permitted to execute. .. versionadded:: 1.4a2 .. versionchanged:: 1.9 This feature requires either a :term:`session factory` to have been configured, or a :term:`CSRF storage policy` other than the default to be in use. physical_path If specified, this value should be a string or a tuple representing the :term:`physical path` of the context found via traversal for this predicate to match as true. For example: ``physical_path='/'`` or ``physical_path='/a/b/c'`` or ``physical_path=('', 'a', 'b', 'c')``. This is not a path prefix match or a regex, it's a whole-path match. It's useful when you want to always potentially show a view when some object is traversed to, but you can't be sure about what kind of object it will be, so you can't use the ``context`` predicate. The individual path elements inbetween slash characters or in tuple elements should be the Unicode representation of the name of the resource and should not be encoded in any way. .. versionadded:: 1.4a3 effective_principals If specified, this value should be a :term:`principal` identifier or a sequence of principal identifiers. If the :attr:`pyramid.request.Request.effective_principals` property indicates that every principal named in the argument list is present in the current request, this predicate will return True; otherwise it will return False. For example: ```` or ``effective_principals=('fred', 'group:admins')``. .. versionadded:: 1.4a4 custom_predicates .. deprecated:: 1.5 This value should be a sequence of references to custom predicate callables. Use custom predicates when no set of predefined predicates do what you need. Custom predicates can be combined with predefined predicates as necessary. Each custom predicate callable should accept two arguments: ``context`` and ``request`` and should return either ``True`` or ``False`` after doing arbitrary evaluation of the context and/or the request. The ``predicates`` argument to this method and the ability to register third-party view predicates via :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view_predicate` obsoletes this argument, but it is kept around for backwards compatibility. view_options Pass a key/value pair here to use a third-party predicate or set a value for a view deriver. See :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view_predicate` and :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view_deriver`. See :ref:`view_and_route_predicates` for more information about third-party predicates and :ref:`view_derivers` for information about view derivers. .. versionadded: 1.4a1 .. versionchanged: 1.7 Support setting view deriver options. Previously, only custom view predicate values could be supplied. """ if custom_predicates: warnings.warn( ( 'The "custom_predicates" argument to ' 'Configurator.add_view is deprecated as of Pyramid 1.5. ' 'Use "config.add_view_predicate" and use the registered ' 'view predicate as a predicate argument to add_view ' 'instead. See "Adding A Third Party View, Route, or ' 'Subscriber Predicate" in the "Hooks" chapter of the ' 'documentation for more information.' ), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=4, ) if check_csrf is not None: warnings.warn( ( 'The "check_csrf" argument to Configurator.add_view is ' 'deprecated as of Pyramid 1.7. Use the "require_csrf" ' 'option instead or see "Checking CSRF Tokens ' 'Automatically" in the "Sessions" chapter of the ' 'documentation for more information.' ), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=4, ) if accept is not None: if is_nonstr_iter(accept): raise ConfigurationError( 'A list is not supported in the "accept" view predicate.' ) if '*' in accept: warnings.warn( ( 'Passing a media range to the "accept" argument of ' 'Configurator.add_view is deprecated as of ' 'Pyramid 1.10. Use explicit media types to avoid ' 'ambiguities in content negotiation that may impact ' 'your users.' ), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=4, ) # XXX when media ranges are gone, switch allow_range=False accept = normalize_accept_offer(accept, allow_range=True) view = self.maybe_dotted(view) context = self.maybe_dotted(context) for_ = self.maybe_dotted(for_) containment = self.maybe_dotted(containment) mapper = self.maybe_dotted(mapper) if is_nonstr_iter(decorator): decorator = combine_decorators(*map(self.maybe_dotted, decorator)) else: decorator = self.maybe_dotted(decorator) if not view: if renderer: def view(context, request): return {} else: raise ConfigurationError( '"view" was not specified and ' 'no "renderer" specified' ) if request_type is not None: request_type = self.maybe_dotted(request_type) if not IInterface.providedBy(request_type): raise ConfigurationError( 'request_type must be an interface, not %s' % request_type ) if context is None: context = for_ isexc = isexception(context) if exception_only and not isexc: raise ConfigurationError( 'view "context" must be an exception type when ' '"exception_only" is True' ) r_context = context if r_context is None: r_context = Interface if not IInterface.providedBy(r_context): r_context = implementedBy(r_context) if isinstance(renderer, string_types): renderer = renderers.RendererHelper( name=renderer, package=self.package, registry=self.registry ) introspectables = [] ovals = view_options.copy() ovals.update( dict( xhr=xhr, request_method=request_method, path_info=path_info, request_param=request_param, header=header, accept=accept, containment=containment, request_type=request_type, match_param=match_param, check_csrf=check_csrf, custom=predvalseq(custom_predicates), ) ) def discrim_func(): # We need to defer the discriminator until we know what the phash # is. It can't be computed any sooner because thirdparty # predicates/view derivers may not yet exist when add_view is # called. predlist = self.get_predlist('view') valid_predicates = predlist.names() pvals = {} dvals = {} for (k, v) in ovals.items(): if k in valid_predicates: pvals[k] = v else: dvals[k] = v self._check_view_options(**dvals) order, preds, phash = predlist.make(self, **pvals) view_intr.update( {'phash': phash, 'order': order, 'predicates': preds} ) return ('view', context, name, route_name, phash) discriminator = Deferred(discrim_func) if inspect.isclass(view) and attr: view_desc = 'method %r of %s' % ( attr, self.object_description(view), ) else: view_desc = self.object_description(view) tmpl_intr = None view_intr = self.introspectable( 'views', discriminator, view_desc, 'view' ) view_intr.update( dict( name=name, context=context, exception_only=exception_only, containment=containment, request_param=request_param, request_methods=request_method, route_name=route_name, attr=attr, xhr=xhr, accept=accept, header=header, path_info=path_info, match_param=match_param, check_csrf=check_csrf, http_cache=http_cache, require_csrf=require_csrf, callable=view, mapper=mapper, decorator=decorator, ) ) view_intr.update(view_options) introspectables.append(view_intr) def register(permission=permission, renderer=renderer): request_iface = IRequest if route_name is not None: request_iface = self.registry.queryUtility( IRouteRequest, name=route_name ) if request_iface is None: # route configuration should have already happened in # phase 2 raise ConfigurationError( 'No route named %s found for view registration' % route_name ) if renderer is None: # use default renderer if one exists (reg'd in phase 1) if self.registry.queryUtility(IRendererFactory) is not None: renderer = renderers.RendererHelper( name=None, package=self.package, registry=self.registry ) renderer_type = getattr(renderer, 'type', None) intrspc = self.introspector if ( renderer_type is not None and tmpl_intr is not None and intrspc is not None and intrspc.get('renderer factories', renderer_type) is not None ): # allow failure of registered template factories to be deferred # until view execution, like other bad renderer factories; if # we tried to relate this to an existing renderer factory # without checking if the factory actually existed, we'd end # up with a KeyError at startup time, which is inconsistent # with how other bad renderer registrations behave (they throw # a ValueError at view execution time) tmpl_intr.relate('renderer factories', renderer.type) # make a new view separately for normal and exception paths if not exception_only: derived_view = derive_view(False, renderer) register_view(IViewClassifier, request_iface, derived_view) if isexc: derived_exc_view = derive_view(True, renderer) register_view( IExceptionViewClassifier, request_iface, derived_exc_view ) if exception_only: derived_view = derived_exc_view # if there are two derived views, combine them into one for # introspection purposes if not exception_only and isexc: derived_view = runtime_exc_view(derived_view, derived_exc_view) derived_view.__discriminator__ = lambda *arg: discriminator # __discriminator__ is used by superdynamic systems # that require it for introspection after manual view lookup; # see also MultiView.__discriminator__ view_intr['derived_callable'] = derived_view self.registry._clear_view_lookup_cache() def derive_view(isexc_only, renderer): # added by discrim_func above during conflict resolving preds = view_intr['predicates'] order = view_intr['order'] phash = view_intr['phash'] derived_view = self._derive_view( view, route_name=route_name, permission=permission, predicates=preds, attr=attr, context=context, exception_only=isexc_only, renderer=renderer, wrapper_viewname=wrapper, viewname=name, accept=accept, order=order, phash=phash, decorator=decorator, mapper=mapper, http_cache=http_cache, require_csrf=require_csrf, extra_options=ovals, ) return derived_view def register_view(classifier, request_iface, derived_view): # A multiviews is a set of views which are registered for # exactly the same context type/request type/name triad. Each # constituent view in a multiview differs only by the # predicates which it possesses. # To find a previously registered view for a context # type/request type/name triad, we need to use the # ``registered`` method of the adapter registry rather than # ``lookup``. ``registered`` ignores interface inheritance # for the required and provided arguments, returning only a # view registered previously with the *exact* triad we pass # in. # We need to do this three times, because we use three # different interfaces as the ``provided`` interface while # doing registrations, and ``registered`` performs exact # matches on all the arguments it receives. old_view = None order, phash = view_intr['order'], view_intr['phash'] registered = self.registry.adapters.registered for view_type in (IView, ISecuredView, IMultiView): old_view = registered( (classifier, request_iface, r_context), view_type, name ) if old_view is not None: break old_phash = getattr(old_view, '__phash__', DEFAULT_PHASH) is_multiview = IMultiView.providedBy(old_view) want_multiview = ( is_multiview # no component was yet registered for exactly this triad # or only one was registered but with the same phash, meaning # that this view is an override or (old_view is not None and old_phash != phash) ) if not want_multiview: if hasattr(derived_view, '__call_permissive__'): view_iface = ISecuredView else: view_iface = IView self.registry.registerAdapter( derived_view, (classifier, request_iface, context), view_iface, name, ) else: # - A view or multiview was already registered for this # triad, and the new view is not an override. # XXX we could try to be more efficient here and register # a non-secured view for a multiview if none of the # multiview's constituent views have a permission # associated with them, but this code is getting pretty # rough already if is_multiview: multiview = old_view else: multiview = MultiView(name) old_accept = getattr(old_view, '__accept__', None) old_order = getattr(old_view, '__order__', MAX_ORDER) # don't bother passing accept_order here as we know we're # adding another one right after which will re-sort multiview.add(old_view, old_order, old_phash, old_accept) accept_order = self.registry.queryUtility(IAcceptOrder) multiview.add(derived_view, order, phash, accept, accept_order) for view_type in (IView, ISecuredView): # unregister any existing views self.registry.adapters.unregister( (classifier, request_iface, r_context), view_type, name=name, ) self.registry.registerAdapter( multiview, (classifier, request_iface, context), IMultiView, name=name, ) if mapper: mapper_intr = self.introspectable( 'view mappers', discriminator, 'view mapper for %s' % view_desc, 'view mapper', ) mapper_intr['mapper'] = mapper mapper_intr.relate('views', discriminator) introspectables.append(mapper_intr) if route_name: view_intr.relate('routes', route_name) # see add_route if renderer is not None and and '.' in # the renderer is a template tmpl_intr = self.introspectable( 'templates', discriminator,, 'template' ) tmpl_intr.relate('views', discriminator) tmpl_intr['name'] = tmpl_intr['type'] = renderer.type tmpl_intr['renderer'] = renderer introspectables.append(tmpl_intr) if permission is not None: # if a permission exists, register a permission introspectable perm_intr = self.introspectable( 'permissions', permission, permission, 'permission' ) perm_intr['value'] = permission perm_intr.relate('views', discriminator) introspectables.append(perm_intr) self.action(discriminator, register, introspectables=introspectables) def _check_view_options(self, **kw): # we only need to validate deriver options because the predicates # were checked by the predlist derivers = self.registry.getUtility(IViewDerivers) for deriver in derivers.values(): for opt in getattr(deriver, 'options', []): kw.pop(opt, None) if kw: raise ConfigurationError('Unknown view options: %s' % (kw,)) def _apply_view_derivers(self, info): # These derivers are not really derivers and so have fixed order outer_derivers = [ ('attr_wrapped_view', attr_wrapped_view), ('predicated_view', predicated_view), ] view = info.original_view derivers = self.registry.getUtility(IViewDerivers) for name, deriver in reversed(outer_derivers + derivers.sorted()): view = wraps_view(deriver)(view, info) return view @action_method def add_view_predicate( self, name, factory, weighs_more_than=None, weighs_less_than=None ): """ .. versionadded:: 1.4 Adds a view predicate factory. The associated view predicate can later be named as a keyword argument to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` in the ``predicates`` anonyous keyword argument dictionary. ``name`` should be the name of the predicate. It must be a valid Python identifier (it will be used as a keyword argument to ``add_view`` by others). ``factory`` should be a :term:`predicate factory` or :term:`dotted Python name` which refers to a predicate factory. See :ref:`view_and_route_predicates` for more information. """ self._add_predicate( 'view', name, factory, weighs_more_than=weighs_more_than, weighs_less_than=weighs_less_than, ) def add_default_view_predicates(self): p = pyramid.predicates for (name, factory) in ( ('xhr', p.XHRPredicate), ('request_method', p.RequestMethodPredicate), ('path_info', p.PathInfoPredicate), ('request_param', p.RequestParamPredicate), ('header', p.HeaderPredicate), ('accept', p.AcceptPredicate), ('containment', p.ContainmentPredicate), ('request_type', p.RequestTypePredicate), ('match_param', p.MatchParamPredicate), ('check_csrf', p.CheckCSRFTokenPredicate), ('physical_path', p.PhysicalPathPredicate), ('effective_principals', p.EffectivePrincipalsPredicate), ('custom', p.CustomPredicate), ): self.add_view_predicate(name, factory) def add_default_accept_view_order(self): for accept in ( 'text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml', 'application/xml', 'text/xml', 'text/plain', 'application/json', ): self.add_accept_view_order(accept) @action_method def add_accept_view_order( self, value, weighs_more_than=None, weighs_less_than=None ): """ Specify an ordering preference for the ``accept`` view option used during :term:`view lookup`. By default, if two views have different ``accept`` options and a request specifies ``Accept: */*`` or omits the header entirely then it is random which view will be selected. This method provides a way to specify a server-side, relative ordering between accept media types. ``value`` should be a :term:`media type` as specified by :rfc:`7231#section-5.3.2`. For example, ``text/plain;charset=utf8``, ``application/json`` or ``text/html``. ``weighs_more_than`` and ``weighs_less_than`` control the ordering of media types. Each value may be a string or a list of strings. If all options for ``weighs_more_than`` (or ``weighs_less_than``) cannot be found, it is an error. Earlier calls to ``add_accept_view_order`` are given higher priority over later calls, assuming similar constraints but standard conflict resolution mechanisms can be used to override constraints. See :ref:`accept_content_negotiation` for more information. .. versionadded:: 1.10 """ def check_type(than): than_type, than_subtype, than_params = Accept.parse_offer(than) # text/plain vs text/html;charset=utf8 if bool(offer_params) ^ bool(than_params): raise ConfigurationError( 'cannot compare a media type with params to one without ' 'params' ) # text/plain;charset=utf8 vs text/html;charset=utf8 if offer_params and ( offer_subtype != than_subtype or offer_type != than_type ): raise ConfigurationError( 'cannot compare params across different media types' ) def normalize_types(thans): thans = [normalize_accept_offer(than) for than in thans] for than in thans: check_type(than) return thans value = normalize_accept_offer(value) offer_type, offer_subtype, offer_params = Accept.parse_offer(value) if weighs_more_than: if not is_nonstr_iter(weighs_more_than): weighs_more_than = [weighs_more_than] weighs_more_than = normalize_types(weighs_more_than) if weighs_less_than: if not is_nonstr_iter(weighs_less_than): weighs_less_than = [weighs_less_than] weighs_less_than = normalize_types(weighs_less_than) discriminator = ('accept view order', value) intr = self.introspectable( 'accept view order', value, value, 'accept view order' ) intr['value'] = value intr['weighs_more_than'] = weighs_more_than intr['weighs_less_than'] = weighs_less_than def register(): sorter = self.registry.queryUtility(IAcceptOrder) if sorter is None: sorter = TopologicalSorter() self.registry.registerUtility(sorter, IAcceptOrder) sorter.add( value, value, before=weighs_more_than, after=weighs_less_than ) self.action( discriminator, register, introspectables=(intr,), order=PHASE1_CONFIG, ) # must be registered before add_view @action_method def add_view_deriver(self, deriver, name=None, under=None, over=None): """ .. versionadded:: 1.7 Add a :term:`view deriver` to the view pipeline. View derivers are a feature used by extension authors to wrap views in custom code controllable by view-specific options. ``deriver`` should be a callable conforming to the :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IViewDeriver` interface. ``name`` should be the name of the view deriver. There are no restrictions on the name of a view deriver. If left unspecified, the name will be constructed from the name of the ``deriver``. The ``under`` and ``over`` options can be used to control the ordering of view derivers by providing hints about where in the view pipeline the deriver is used. Each option may be a string or a list of strings. At least one view deriver in each, the over and under directions, must exist to fully satisfy the constraints. ``under`` means closer to the user-defined :term:`view callable`, and ``over`` means closer to view pipeline ingress. The default value for ``over`` is ``rendered_view`` and ``under`` is ``decorated_view``. This places the deriver somewhere between the two in the view pipeline. If the deriver should be placed elsewhere in the pipeline, such as above ``decorated_view``, then you MUST also specify ``under`` to something earlier in the order, or a ``CyclicDependencyError`` will be raised when trying to sort the derivers. See :ref:`view_derivers` for more information. """ deriver = self.maybe_dotted(deriver) if name is None: name = deriver.__name__ if name in (INGRESS, VIEW): raise ConfigurationError( '%s is a reserved view deriver name' % name ) if under is None: under = 'decorated_view' if over is None: over = 'rendered_view' over = as_sorted_tuple(over) under = as_sorted_tuple(under) if INGRESS in over: raise ConfigurationError('%s cannot be over INGRESS' % name) # ensure everything is always over mapped_view if VIEW in over and name != 'mapped_view': over = as_sorted_tuple(over + ('mapped_view',)) if VIEW in under: raise ConfigurationError('%s cannot be under VIEW' % name) if 'mapped_view' in under: raise ConfigurationError('%s cannot be under "mapped_view"' % name) discriminator = ('view deriver', name) intr = self.introspectable('view derivers', name, name, 'view deriver') intr['name'] = name intr['deriver'] = deriver intr['under'] = under intr['over'] = over def register(): derivers = self.registry.queryUtility(IViewDerivers) if derivers is None: derivers = TopologicalSorter( default_before=None, default_after=INGRESS, first=INGRESS, last=VIEW, ) self.registry.registerUtility(derivers, IViewDerivers) derivers.add(name, deriver, before=over, after=under) self.action( discriminator, register, introspectables=(intr,), order=PHASE1_CONFIG, ) # must be registered before add_view def add_default_view_derivers(self): d = pyramid.viewderivers derivers = [ ('secured_view', d.secured_view), ('owrapped_view', d.owrapped_view), ('http_cached_view', d.http_cached_view), ('decorated_view', d.decorated_view), ('rendered_view', d.rendered_view), ('mapped_view', d.mapped_view), ] last = INGRESS for name, deriver in derivers: self.add_view_deriver(deriver, name=name, under=last, over=VIEW) last = name # leave the csrf_view loosely coupled to the rest of the pipeline # by ensuring nothing in the default pipeline depends on the order # of the csrf_view self.add_view_deriver( d.csrf_view, 'csrf_view', under='secured_view', over='owrapped_view', ) def derive_view(self, view, attr=None, renderer=None): """ Create a :term:`view callable` using the function, instance, or class (or :term:`dotted Python name` referring to the same) provided as ``view`` object. .. warning:: This method is typically only used by :app:`Pyramid` framework extension authors, not by :app:`Pyramid` application developers. This is API is useful to framework extenders who create pluggable systems which need to register 'proxy' view callables for functions, instances, or classes which meet the requirements of being a :app:`Pyramid` view callable. For example, a ``some_other_framework`` function in another framework may want to allow a user to supply a view callable, but he may want to wrap the view callable in his own before registering the wrapper as a :app:`Pyramid` view callable. Because a :app:`Pyramid` view callable can be any of a number of valid objects, the framework extender will not know how to call the user-supplied object. Running it through ``derive_view`` normalizes it to a callable which accepts two arguments: ``context`` and ``request``. For example: .. code-block:: python def some_other_framework(user_supplied_view): config = Configurator(reg) proxy_view = config.derive_view(user_supplied_view) def my_wrapper(context, request): do_something_that_mutates(request) return proxy_view(context, request) config.add_view(my_wrapper) The ``view`` object provided should be one of the following: - A function or another non-class callable object that accepts a :term:`request` as a single positional argument and which returns a :term:`response` object. - A function or other non-class callable object that accepts two positional arguments, ``context, request`` and which returns a :term:`response` object. - A class which accepts a single positional argument in its constructor named ``request``, and which has a ``__call__`` method that accepts no arguments that returns a :term:`response` object. - A class which accepts two positional arguments named ``context, request``, and which has a ``__call__`` method that accepts no arguments that returns a :term:`response` object. - A :term:`dotted Python name` which refers to any of the kinds of objects above. This API returns a callable which accepts the arguments ``context, request`` and which returns the result of calling the provided ``view`` object. The ``attr`` keyword argument is most useful when the view object is a class. It names the method that should be used as the callable. If ``attr`` is not provided, the attribute effectively defaults to ``__call__``. See :ref:`class_as_view` for more information. The ``renderer`` keyword argument should be a renderer name. If supplied, it will cause the returned callable to use a :term:`renderer` to convert the user-supplied view result to a :term:`response` object. If a ``renderer`` argument is not supplied, the user-supplied view must itself return a :term:`response` object. """ return self._derive_view(view, attr=attr, renderer=renderer) # b/w compat def _derive_view( self, view, permission=None, predicates=(), attr=None, renderer=None, wrapper_viewname=None, viewname=None, accept=None, order=MAX_ORDER, phash=DEFAULT_PHASH, decorator=None, route_name=None, mapper=None, http_cache=None, context=None, require_csrf=None, exception_only=False, extra_options=None, ): view = self.maybe_dotted(view) mapper = self.maybe_dotted(mapper) if isinstance(renderer, string_types): renderer = renderers.RendererHelper( name=renderer, package=self.package, registry=self.registry ) if renderer is None: # use default renderer if one exists if self.registry.queryUtility(IRendererFactory) is not None: renderer = renderers.RendererHelper( name=None, package=self.package, registry=self.registry ) options = dict( view=view, context=context, permission=permission, attr=attr, renderer=renderer, wrapper=wrapper_viewname, name=viewname, accept=accept, mapper=mapper, decorator=decorator, http_cache=http_cache, require_csrf=require_csrf, route_name=route_name, ) if extra_options: options.update(extra_options) info = ViewDeriverInfo( view=view, registry=self.registry, package=self.package, predicates=predicates, exception_only=exception_only, options=options, ) # order and phash are only necessary for the predicated view and # are not really view deriver options info.order = order info.phash = phash return self._apply_view_derivers(info) @viewdefaults @action_method def add_forbidden_view( self, view=None, attr=None, renderer=None, wrapper=None, route_name=None, request_type=None, request_method=None, request_param=None, containment=None, xhr=None, accept=None, header=None, path_info=None, custom_predicates=(), decorator=None, mapper=None, match_param=None, **view_options ): """ Add a forbidden view to the current configuration state. The view will be called when Pyramid or application code raises a :exc:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden` exception and the set of circumstances implied by the predicates provided are matched. The simplest example is: .. code-block:: python def forbidden(request): return Response('Forbidden', status='403 Forbidden') config.add_forbidden_view(forbidden) If ``view`` argument is not provided, the view callable defaults to :func:`~pyramid.httpexceptions.default_exceptionresponse_view`. All arguments have the same meaning as :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` and each predicate argument restricts the set of circumstances under which this forbidden view will be invoked. Unlike :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view`, this method will raise an exception if passed ``name``, ``permission``, ``require_csrf``, ``context``, ``for_``, or ``exception_only`` keyword arguments. These argument values make no sense in the context of a forbidden :term:`exception view`. .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. versionchanged:: 1.8 The view is created using ``exception_only=True``. """ for arg in ( 'name', 'permission', 'context', 'for_', 'require_csrf', 'exception_only', ): if arg in view_options: raise ConfigurationError( '%s may not be used as an argument to add_forbidden_view' % (arg,) ) if view is None: view = default_exceptionresponse_view settings = dict( view=view, context=HTTPForbidden, exception_only=True, wrapper=wrapper, request_type=request_type, request_method=request_method, request_param=request_param, containment=containment, xhr=xhr, accept=accept, header=header, path_info=path_info, custom_predicates=custom_predicates, decorator=decorator, mapper=mapper, match_param=match_param, route_name=route_name, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED, require_csrf=False, attr=attr, renderer=renderer, ) settings.update(view_options) return self.add_view(**settings) set_forbidden_view = add_forbidden_view # deprecated sorta-bw-compat alias @viewdefaults @action_method def add_notfound_view( self, view=None, attr=None, renderer=None, wrapper=None, route_name=None, request_type=None, request_method=None, request_param=None, containment=None, xhr=None, accept=None, header=None, path_info=None, custom_predicates=(), decorator=None, mapper=None, match_param=None, append_slash=False, **view_options ): """ Add a default :term:`Not Found View` to the current configuration state. The view will be called when Pyramid or application code raises an :exc:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound` exception (e.g., when a view cannot be found for the request). The simplest example is: .. code-block:: python def notfound(request): return Response('Not Found', status='404 Not Found') config.add_notfound_view(notfound) If ``view`` argument is not provided, the view callable defaults to :func:`~pyramid.httpexceptions.default_exceptionresponse_view`. All arguments except ``append_slash`` have the same meaning as :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` and each predicate argument restricts the set of circumstances under which this notfound view will be invoked. Unlike :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view`, this method will raise an exception if passed ``name``, ``permission``, ``require_csrf``, ``context``, ``for_``, or ``exception_only`` keyword arguments. These argument values make no sense in the context of a Not Found View. If ``append_slash`` is ``True``, when this Not Found View is invoked, and the current path info does not end in a slash, the notfound logic will attempt to find a :term:`route` that matches the request's path info suffixed with a slash. If such a route exists, Pyramid will issue a redirect to the URL implied by the route; if it does not, Pyramid will return the result of the view callable provided as ``view``, as normal. If the argument provided as ``append_slash`` is not a boolean but instead implements :class:`~pyramid.interfaces.IResponse`, the append_slash logic will behave as if ``append_slash=True`` was passed, but the provided class will be used as the response class instead of the default :class:`~pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPTemporaryRedirect` response class when a redirect is performed. For example: .. code-block:: python from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPMovedPermanently config.add_notfound_view(append_slash=HTTPMovedPermanently) The above means that a redirect to a slash-appended route will be attempted, but instead of :class:`~pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPTemporaryRedirect` being used, :class:`~pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPMovedPermanently will be used` for the redirect response if a slash-appended route is found. :class:`~pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPTemporaryRedirect` class is used as default response, which is equivalent to :class:`~pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound` with addition of redirecting with the same HTTP method (useful when doing POST requests). .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. versionchanged:: 1.6 The ``append_slash`` argument was modified to allow any object that implements the ``IResponse`` interface to specify the response class used when a redirect is performed. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 The view is created using ``exception_only=True``. .. versionchanged: 1.10 Default response was changed from :class:`~pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound` to :class:`~pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPTemporaryRedirect`. """ for arg in ( 'name', 'permission', 'context', 'for_', 'require_csrf', 'exception_only', ): if arg in view_options: raise ConfigurationError( '%s may not be used as an argument to add_notfound_view' % (arg,) ) if view is None: view = default_exceptionresponse_view settings = dict( view=view, context=HTTPNotFound, exception_only=True, wrapper=wrapper, request_type=request_type, request_method=request_method, request_param=request_param, containment=containment, xhr=xhr, accept=accept, header=header, path_info=path_info, custom_predicates=custom_predicates, decorator=decorator, mapper=mapper, match_param=match_param, route_name=route_name, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED, require_csrf=False, ) settings.update(view_options) if append_slash: view = self._derive_view(view, attr=attr, renderer=renderer) if IResponse.implementedBy(append_slash): view = AppendSlashNotFoundViewFactory( view, redirect_class=append_slash ) else: view = AppendSlashNotFoundViewFactory(view) settings['view'] = view else: settings['attr'] = attr settings['renderer'] = renderer return self.add_view(**settings) set_notfound_view = add_notfound_view # deprecated sorta-bw-compat alias @viewdefaults @action_method def add_exception_view( self, view=None, context=None, # force all other arguments to be specified as key=value **view_options ): """ Add an :term:`exception view` for the specified ``exception`` to the current configuration state. The view will be called when Pyramid or application code raises the given exception. This method accepts almost all of the same arguments as :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` except for ``name``, ``permission``, ``for_``, ``require_csrf``, and ``exception_only``. By default, this method will set ``context=Exception``, thus registering for most default Python exceptions. Any subclass of ``Exception`` may be specified. .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ for arg in ( 'name', 'for_', 'exception_only', 'require_csrf', 'permission', ): if arg in view_options: raise ConfigurationError( '%s may not be used as an argument to add_exception_view' % (arg,) ) if context is None: context = Exception view_options.update( dict( view=view, context=context, exception_only=True, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED, require_csrf=False, ) ) return self.add_view(**view_options) @action_method def set_view_mapper(self, mapper): """ Setting a :term:`view mapper` makes it possible to make use of :term:`view callable` objects which implement different call signatures than the ones supported by :app:`Pyramid` as described in its narrative documentation. The ``mapper`` argument should be an object implementing :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IViewMapperFactory` or a :term:`dotted Python name` to such an object. The provided ``mapper`` will become the default view mapper to be used by all subsequent :term:`view configuration` registrations. .. seealso:: See also :ref:`using_a_view_mapper`. .. note:: Using the ``default_view_mapper`` argument to the :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` constructor can be used to achieve the same purpose. """ mapper = self.maybe_dotted(mapper) def register(): self.registry.registerUtility(mapper, IViewMapperFactory) # IViewMapperFactory is looked up as the result of view config # in phase 3 intr = self.introspectable( 'view mappers', IViewMapperFactory, self.object_description(mapper), 'default view mapper', ) intr['mapper'] = mapper self.action( IViewMapperFactory, register, order=PHASE1_CONFIG, introspectables=(intr,), ) @action_method def add_static_view(self, name, path, **kw): """ Add a view used to render static assets such as images and CSS files. The ``name`` argument is a string representing an application-relative local URL prefix. It may alternately be a full URL. The ``path`` argument is the path on disk where the static files reside. This can be an absolute path, a package-relative path, or a :term:`asset specification`. The ``cache_max_age`` keyword argument is input to set the ``Expires`` and ``Cache-Control`` headers for static assets served. Note that this argument has no effect when the ``name`` is a *url prefix*. By default, this argument is ``None``, meaning that no particular Expires or Cache-Control headers are set in the response. The ``permission`` keyword argument is used to specify the :term:`permission` required by a user to execute the static view. By default, it is the string :data:``, a special sentinel which indicates that, even if a :term:`default permission` exists for the current application, the static view should be renderered to completely anonymous users. This default value is permissive because, in most web apps, static assets seldom need protection from viewing. If ``permission`` is specified, the security checking will be performed against the default root factory ACL. Any other keyword arguments sent to ``add_static_view`` are passed on to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` (e.g. ``factory``, perhaps to define a custom factory with a custom ACL for this static view). *Usage* The ``add_static_view`` function is typically used in conjunction with the :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.static_url` method. ``add_static_view`` adds a view which renders a static asset when some URL is visited; :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.static_url` generates a URL to that asset. The ``name`` argument to ``add_static_view`` is usually a simple URL prefix (e.g. ``'images'``). When this is the case, the :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.static_url` API will generate a URL which points to a Pyramid view, which will serve up a set of assets that live in the package itself. For example: .. code-block:: python add_static_view('images', 'mypackage:images/') Code that registers such a view can generate URLs to the view via :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.static_url`: .. code-block:: python request.static_url('mypackage:images/logo.png') When ``add_static_view`` is called with a ``name`` argument that represents a URL prefix, as it is above, subsequent calls to :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.static_url` with paths that start with the ``path`` argument passed to ``add_static_view`` will generate a URL something like ``http:///images/logo.png``, which will cause the ``logo.png`` file in the ``images`` subdirectory of the ``mypackage`` package to be served. ``add_static_view`` can alternately be used with a ``name`` argument which is a *URL*, causing static assets to be served from an external webserver. This happens when the ``name`` argument is a fully qualified URL (e.g. starts with ``http://`` or similar). In this mode, the ``name`` is used as the prefix of the full URL when generating a URL using :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.static_url`. Furthermore, if a protocol-relative URL (e.g. ``//``) is used as the ``name`` argument, the generated URL will use the protocol of the request (http or https, respectively). For example, if ``add_static_view`` is called like so: .. code-block:: python add_static_view('', 'mypackage:images/') Subsequently, the URLs generated by :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.static_url` for that static view will be prefixed with ```` (the external webserver listening on ```` must be itself configured to respond properly to such a request.): .. code-block:: python static_url('mypackage:images/logo.png', request) See :ref:`static_assets_section` for more information. """ spec = self._make_spec(path) info = self._get_static_info() info.add(self, name, spec, **kw) def add_cache_buster(self, path, cachebust, explicit=False): """ Add a cache buster to a set of files on disk. The ``path`` should be the path on disk where the static files reside. This can be an absolute path, a package-relative path, or a :term:`asset specification`. The ``cachebust`` argument may be set to cause :meth:`~pyramid.request.Request.static_url` to use cache busting when generating URLs. See :ref:`cache_busting` for general information about cache busting. The value of the ``cachebust`` argument must be an object which implements :class:`~pyramid.interfaces.ICacheBuster`. If ``explicit`` is set to ``True`` then the ``path`` for the cache buster will be matched based on the ``rawspec`` instead of the ``pathspec`` as defined in the :class:`~pyramid.interfaces.ICacheBuster` interface. Default: ``False``. """ spec = self._make_spec(path) info = self._get_static_info() info.add_cache_buster(self, spec, cachebust, explicit=explicit) def _get_static_info(self): info = self.registry.queryUtility(IStaticURLInfo) if info is None: info = StaticURLInfo() self.registry.registerUtility(info, IStaticURLInfo) return info def isexception(o): if IInterface.providedBy(o): if IException.isEqualOrExtendedBy(o): return True return isinstance(o, Exception) or ( inspect.isclass(o) and (issubclass(o, Exception)) ) def runtime_exc_view(view, excview): # create a view callable which can pretend to be both a normal view # and an exception view, dispatching to the appropriate one based # on the state of request.exception def wrapper_view(context, request): if getattr(request, 'exception', None): return excview(context, request) return view(context, request) # these constants are the same between the two views wrapper_view.__wraps__ = wrapper_view wrapper_view.__original_view__ = getattr(view, '__original_view__', view) wrapper_view.__module__ = view.__module__ wrapper_view.__doc__ = view.__doc__ wrapper_view.__name__ = view.__name__ wrapper_view.__accept__ = getattr(view, '__accept__', None) wrapper_view.__order__ = getattr(view, '__order__', MAX_ORDER) wrapper_view.__phash__ = getattr(view, '__phash__', DEFAULT_PHASH) wrapper_view.__view_attr__ = getattr(view, '__view_attr__', None) wrapper_view.__permission__ = getattr(view, '__permission__', None) def wrap_fn(attr): def wrapper(context, request): if getattr(request, 'exception', None): selected_view = excview else: selected_view = view fn = getattr(selected_view, attr, None) if fn is not None: return fn(context, request) return wrapper # these methods are dynamic per-request and should dispatch to their # respective views based on whether it's an exception or not wrapper_view.__call_permissive__ = wrap_fn('__call_permissive__') wrapper_view.__permitted__ = wrap_fn('__permitted__') wrapper_view.__predicated__ = wrap_fn('__predicated__') wrapper_view.__predicates__ = wrap_fn('__predicates__') return wrapper_view @implementer(IViewDeriverInfo) class ViewDeriverInfo(object): def __init__( self, view, registry, package, predicates, exception_only, options ): self.original_view = view self.registry = registry self.package = package self.predicates = predicates or [] self.options = options or {} self.exception_only = exception_only @reify def settings(self): return self.registry.settings @implementer(IStaticURLInfo) class StaticURLInfo(object): def __init__(self): self.registrations = [] self.cache_busters = [] def generate(self, path, request, **kw): for (url, spec, route_name) in self.registrations: if path.startswith(spec): subpath = path[len(spec) :] if WIN: # pragma: no cover subpath = subpath.replace('\\', '/') # windows if self.cache_busters: subpath, kw = self._bust_asset_path( request, spec, subpath, kw ) if url is None: kw['subpath'] = subpath return request.route_url(route_name, **kw) else: app_url, qs, anchor = parse_url_overrides(request, kw) parsed = url_parse(url) if not parsed.scheme: url = urlparse.urlunparse( parsed._replace( scheme=request.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] ) ) subpath = url_quote(subpath) result = urljoin(url, subpath) return result + qs + anchor raise ValueError('No static URL definition matching %s' % path) def add(self, config, name, spec, **extra): # This feature only allows for the serving of a directory and # the files contained within, not of a single asset; # appending a slash here if the spec doesn't have one is # required for proper prefix matching done in ``generate`` # (``subpath = path[len(spec):]``). if os.path.isabs(spec): # FBO windows sep = os.sep else: sep = '/' if not spec.endswith(sep) and not spec.endswith(':'): spec = spec + sep # we also make sure the name ends with a slash, purely as a # convenience: a name that is a url is required to end in a # slash, so that ``urljoin(name, subpath))`` will work above # when the name is a URL, and it doesn't hurt things for it to # have a name that ends in a slash if it's used as a route # name instead of a URL. if not name.endswith('/'): # make sure it ends with a slash name = name + '/' if url_parse(name).netloc: # it's a URL # url, spec, route_name url = name route_name = None else: # it's a view name url = None cache_max_age = extra.pop('cache_max_age', None) # create a view view = static_view( spec, cache_max_age=cache_max_age, use_subpath=True ) # Mutate extra to allow factory, etc to be passed through here. # Treat permission specially because we'd like to default to # permissiveness (see docs of config.add_static_view). permission = extra.pop('permission', None) if permission is None: permission = NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED context = extra.pop('context', None) if context is None: context = extra.pop('for_', None) renderer = extra.pop('renderer', None) # register a route using the computed view, permission, and # pattern, plus any extras passed to us via add_static_view pattern = "%s*subpath" % name # name already ends with slash if config.route_prefix: route_name = '__%s/%s' % (config.route_prefix, name) else: route_name = '__%s' % name config.add_route(route_name, pattern, **extra) config.add_view( route_name=route_name, view=view, permission=permission, context=context, renderer=renderer, ) def register(): registrations = self.registrations names = [t[0] for t in registrations] if name in names: idx = names.index(name) registrations.pop(idx) # url, spec, route_name registrations.append((url, spec, route_name)) intr = config.introspectable( 'static views', name, 'static view for %r' % name, 'static view' ) intr['name'] = name intr['spec'] = spec config.action(None, callable=register, introspectables=(intr,)) def add_cache_buster(self, config, spec, cachebust, explicit=False): # ensure the spec always has a trailing slash as we only support # adding cache busters to folders, not files if os.path.isabs(spec): # FBO windows sep = os.sep else: sep = '/' if not spec.endswith(sep) and not spec.endswith(':'): spec = spec + sep def register(): if config.registry.settings.get('pyramid.prevent_cachebust'): return cache_busters = self.cache_busters # find duplicate cache buster (old_idx) # and insertion location (new_idx) new_idx, old_idx = len(cache_busters), None for idx, (spec_, cb_, explicit_) in enumerate(cache_busters): # if we find an identical (spec, explicit) then use it if spec == spec_ and explicit == explicit_: old_idx = new_idx = idx break # past all explicit==False specs then add to the end elif not explicit and explicit_: new_idx = idx break # explicit matches and spec is shorter elif explicit == explicit_ and len(spec) < len(spec_): new_idx = idx break if old_idx is not None: cache_busters.pop(old_idx) cache_busters.insert(new_idx, (spec, cachebust, explicit)) intr = config.introspectable( 'cache busters', spec, 'cache buster for %r' % spec, 'cache buster' ) intr['cachebust'] = cachebust intr['path'] = spec intr['explicit'] = explicit config.action(None, callable=register, introspectables=(intr,)) def _bust_asset_path(self, request, spec, subpath, kw): registry = request.registry pkg_name, pkg_subpath = resolve_asset_spec(spec) rawspec = None if pkg_name is not None: pathspec = '{0}:{1}{2}'.format(pkg_name, pkg_subpath, subpath) overrides = registry.queryUtility(IPackageOverrides, name=pkg_name) if overrides is not None: resource_name = posixpath.join(pkg_subpath, subpath) sources = overrides.filtered_sources(resource_name) for source, filtered_path in sources: rawspec = source.get_path(filtered_path) if hasattr(source, 'pkg_name'): rawspec = '{0}:{1}'.format(source.pkg_name, rawspec) break else: pathspec = pkg_subpath + subpath if rawspec is None: rawspec = pathspec kw['pathspec'] = pathspec kw['rawspec'] = rawspec for spec_, cachebust, explicit in reversed(self.cache_busters): if (explicit and rawspec.startswith(spec_)) or ( not explicit and pathspec.startswith(spec_) ): subpath, kw = cachebust(request, subpath, kw) break return subpath, kw