1.3.3 (2012-08-10) ================== - Backport bug fix from master: Explicit url dispatch regexes can now contain colons. https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/629 - Backport bug fix from master: On at least one 64-bit Ubuntu system under Python 3.2, using the ``view_config`` decorator caused a ``RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration`` exception. It no longer does. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/635 for more information. - Backport bug fix from master: - In Mako Templates lookup, check if the uri is already adjusted and bring it back to an asset spec. Normally occurs with inherited templates or included components. https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/606 https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/607 1.3.2 (2012-05-19) ================== - Version 1.3.1 was a brownbag release, at very least on Windows and possibly on other operating systems, due to the existence of a stray ``"package`` directory (quote included) in the root directory of the 1.3.1 tarball. This directory and its contents was present because the tarball was created using a release version of ``setuptools-git`` rather than a ``setuptools-git`` installed from a checkout. The only change in this release is to correct the packaging error in 1.3.1. 1.3.1 (2012-05-19) ================== Bug Fixes --------- - Add ``REMOTE_ADDR`` to the ``prequest`` WSGI environ dict for benefit of the debug toolbar, which effectively requires it to be present to work properly. - When an asset specification was used as a Mako ``renderer=`` argument and a ``mako.modules_directory`` was specified, Pyramid would fail to render the template and instead would raise an error when attempting to write the file to the modules directory. Example symptom: ``WindowsError: [Error 267] The directory name is invalid: 'c:\\docume~1\\chrism\\locals~1\\temp\\tmp9jtjix\\pyramid.tests:fixtures'``. We now replace the colon in the Mako module filename with a dollar sign, so it can work on Windows. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/512 for more information. - When no authentication policy was configured, a call to ``pyramid.security.effective_principals`` would unconditionally return the empty list. This was incorrect, it should have unconditionally returned ``[Everyone]``, and now does. - Fix incompatibility with recently released zope.interface 4.0. Symptom: ``TypeError: Class advice impossible in Python3. Use the @provider class decorator instead.`` 1.3 (2012-03-21) ================ Bug Fixes --------- - When ``pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp2`` calls the downstream WSGI app, the app's environ will no longer have (deprecated and potentially misleading) ``bfg.routes.matchdict`` or ``bfg.routes.route`` keys in it. A symptom of this bug would be a ``wsgiapp2``-wrapped Pyramid app finding the wrong view because it mistakenly detects that a route was matched when, in fact, it was not. - The fix for issue https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/461 (which made it possible for instance methods to be used as view callables) introduced a backwards incompatibility when methods that declared only a request argument were used. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/503 - Fix an incompatibility under Python 3.X with ``zope.interface`` 4.0. ``Symptom: TypeError: Class advice impossible in Python3. Use the @provider class decorator instead.`` 1.3b3 (2012-03-17) ================== Bug Fixes --------- - ``config.add_view()`` raised AttributeError involving ``__text__``. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/461 - Remove references to do-nothing ``pyramid.debug_templates`` setting in all Pyramid-provided ``.ini`` files. This setting previously told Chameleon to render better exceptions; now Chameleon always renders nice exceptions regardless of the value of this setting. Scaffolds --------- - The ``alchemy`` scaffold now shows an informative error message in the browser if the person creating the project forgets to run the initialization script. - The ``alchemy`` scaffold initialization script is now called ``initialize__db`` instead of ``populate_``. Documentation ------------- - Wiki tutorials improved due to collaboration at PyCon US 2012 sprints. 1.3b2 (2012-03-02) ================== Bug Fixes --------- - The method ``pyramid.request.Request.partial_application_url`` is no longer in the API docs. It was meant to be a private method; its publication in the documentation as an API method was a mistake, and it has been renamed to something private. - When a static view was registered using an absolute filesystem path on Windows, the ``request.static_url`` function did not work to generate URLs to its resources. Symptom: "No static URL definition matching c:\\foo\\bar\\baz". - Make all tests pass on Windows XP. - Bug in ACL authentication checking on Python 3: the ``permits`` and ``principals_allowed_by_permission`` method of ``pyramid.authorization.ACLAuthenticationPolicy`` could return an inappropriate ``True`` value when a permission on an ACL was a string rather than a sequence, and then only if the ACL permission string was a substring of the ``permission`` value passed to the function. This bug effects no Pyramid deployment under Python 2; it is a bug that exists only in deployments running on Python 3. It has existed since Pyramid 1.3a1. This bug was due to the presence of an ``__iter__`` attribute on strings under Python 3 which is not present under strings in Python 2. 1.3b1 (2012-02-26) ================== Bug Fixes --------- - ``pyramid.config.Configurator.with_package`` didn't work if the Configurator was an old-style ``pyramid.configuration.Configurator`` instance. - Pyramid authorization policies did not show up in the introspector. Deprecations ------------ - All references to the ``tmpl_context`` request variable were removed from the docs. Its existence in Pyramid is confusing for people who were never Pylons users. It was added as a porting convenience for Pylons users in Pyramid 1.0, but it never caught on because the Pyramid rendering system is a lot different than Pylons' was, and alternate ways exist to do what it was designed to offer in Pylons. It will continue to exist "forever" but it will not be recommended or mentioned in the docs. 1.3a9 (2012-02-22) ================== Features -------- - Add an ``introspection`` boolean to the Configurator constructor. If this is ``True``, actions registered using the Configurator will be registered with the introspector. If it is ``False``, they won't. The default is ``True``. Setting it to ``False`` during action processing will prevent introspection for any following registration statements, and setting it to ``True`` will start them up again. This addition is to service a requirement that the debug toolbar's own views and methods not show up in the introspector. - New API: ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_notfound_view``. This is a wrapper for ``pyramid.Config.configurator.add_view`` which provides easy append_slash support and does the right thing about permissions. It should be preferred over calling ``add_view`` directly with ``context=HTTPNotFound`` as was previously recommended. - New API: ``pyramid.view.notfound_view_config``. This is a decorator constructor like ``pyramid.view.view_config`` that calls ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_notfound_view`` when scanned. It should be preferred over using ``pyramid.view.view_config`` with ``context=HTTPNotFound`` as was previously recommended. - New API: ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_forbidden_view``. This is a wrapper for ``pyramid.Config.configurator.add_view`` which does the right thing about permissions. It should be preferred over calling ``add_view`` directly with ``context=HTTPForbidden`` as was previously recommended. - New API: ``pyramid.view.forbidden_view_config``. This is a decorator constructor like ``pyramid.view.view_config`` that calls ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_forbidden_view`` when scanned. It should be preferred over using ``pyramid.view.view_config`` with ``context=HTTPForbidden`` as was previously recommended. - New APIs: ``pyramid.response.FileResponse`` and ``pyramid.response.FileIter``, for usage in views that must serve files "manually". Backwards Incompatibilities --------------------------- - Remove ``pyramid.config.Configurator.with_context`` class method. It was never an API, it is only used by ``pyramid_zcml`` and its functionality has been moved to that package's latest release. This means that you'll need to use the 0.9.2 or later release of ``pyramid_zcml`` with this release of Pyramid. - The ``introspector`` argument to the ``pyramid.config.Configurator`` constructor API has been removed. It has been replaced by the boolean ``introspection`` flag. - The ``pyramid.registry.noop_introspector`` API object has been removed. - The older deprecated ``set_notfound_view`` Configurator method is now an alias for the new ``add_notfound_view`` Configurator method. Likewise, the older deprecated ``set_forbidden_view`` is now an alias for the new ``add_forbidden_view``. This has the following impact: the ``context`` sent to views with a ``(context, request)`` call signature registered via the ``set_notfound_view`` or ``set_forbidden_view`` will now be an exception object instead of the actual resource context found. Use ``request.context`` to get the actual resource context. It's also recommended to disuse ``set_notfound_view`` in favor of ``add_notfound_view``, and disuse ``set_forbidden_view`` in favor of ``add_forbidden_view`` despite the aliasing. Deprecations ------------ - The API documentation for ``pyramid.view.append_slash_notfound_view`` and ``pyramid.view.AppendSlashNotFoundViewFactory`` was removed. These names still exist and are still importable, but they are no longer APIs. Use ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_notfound_view(append_slash=True)`` or ``pyramid.view.notfound_view_config(append_slash=True)`` to get the same behavior. - The ``set_forbidden_view`` and ``set_notfound_view`` methods of the Configurator were removed from the documentation. They have been deprecated since Pyramid 1.1. Bug Fixes --------- - The static file response object used by ``config.add_static_view`` opened the static file twice, when it only needed to open it once. - The AppendSlashNotFoundViewFactory used request.path to match routes. This was wrong because request.path contains the script name, and this would cause it to fail in circumstances where the script name was not empty. It should have used request.path_info, and now does. Documentation ------------- - Updated the "Creating a Not Found View" section of the "Hooks" chapter, replacing explanations of registering a view using ``add_view`` or ``view_config`` with ones using ``add_notfound_view`` or ``notfound_view_config``. - Updated the "Creating a Not Forbidden View" section of the "Hooks" chapter, replacing explanations of registering a view using ``add_view`` or ``view_config`` with ones using ``add_forbidden_view`` or ``forbidden_view_config``. - Updated the "Redirecting to Slash-Appended Routes" section of the "URL Dispatch" chapter, replacing explanations of registering a view using ``add_view`` or ``view_config`` with ones using ``add_notfound_view`` or ``notfound_view_config`` - Updated all tutorials to use ``pyramid.view.forbidden_view_config`` rather than ``pyramid.view.view_config`` with an HTTPForbidden context. 1.3a8 (2012-02-19) ================== Features -------- - The ``scan`` method of a ``Configurator`` can be passed an ``ignore`` argument, which can be a string, a callable, or a list consisting of strings and/or callables. This feature allows submodules, subpackages, and global objects from being scanned. See http://readthedocs.org/docs/venusian/en/latest/#ignore-scan-argument for more information about how to use the ``ignore`` argument to ``scan``. - Better error messages when a view callable returns a value that cannot be converted to a response (for example, when a view callable returns a dictionary without a renderer defined, or doesn't return any value at all). The error message now contains information about the view callable itself as well as the result of calling it. - Better error message when a .pyc-only module is ``config.include`` -ed. This is not permitted due to error reporting requirements, and a better error message is shown when it is attempted. Previously it would fail with something like "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rfind'". - Add ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_traverser`` API method. See the Hooks narrative documentation section entitled "Changing the Traverser" for more information. This is not a new feature, it just provides an API for adding a traverser without needing to use the ZCA API. - Add ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_resource_url_adapter`` API method. See the Hooks narrative documentation section entitled "Changing How pyramid.request.Request.resource_url Generates a URL" for more information. This is not a new feature, it just provides an API for adding a resource url adapter without needing to use the ZCA API. - The system value ``req`` is now supplied to renderers as an alias for ``request``. This means that you can now, for example, in a template, do ``req.route_url(...)`` instead of ``request.route_url(...)``. This is purely a change to reduce the amount of typing required to use request methods and attributes from within templates. The value ``request`` is still available too, this is just an alternative. - A new interface was added: ``pyramid.interfaces.IResourceURL``. An adapter implementing its interface can be used to override resource URL generation when ``request.resource_url`` is called. This interface replaces the now-deprecated ``pyramid.interfaces.IContextURL`` interface. - The dictionary passed to a resource's ``__resource_url__`` method (see "Overriding Resource URL Generation" in the "Resources" chapter) now contains an ``app_url`` key, representing the application URL generated during ``request.resource_url``. It represents a potentially customized URL prefix, containing potentially custom scheme, host and port information passed by the user to ``request.resource_url``. It should be used instead of ``request.application_url`` where necessary. - The ``request.resource_url`` API now accepts these arguments: ``app_url``, ``scheme``, ``host``, and ``port``. The app_url argument can be used to replace the URL prefix wholesale during url generation. The ``scheme``, ``host``, and ``port`` arguments can be used to replace the respective default values of ``request.application_url`` partially. - A new API named ``request.resource_path`` now exists. It works like ``request.resource_url`` but produces a relative URL rather than an absolute one. - The ``request.route_url`` API now accepts these arguments: ``_app_url``, ``_scheme``, ``_host``, and ``_port``. The ``_app_url`` argument can be used to replace the URL prefix wholesale during url generation. The ``_scheme``, ``_host``, and ``_port`` arguments can be used to replace the respective default values of ``request.application_url`` partially. Backwards Incompatibilities --------------------------- - The ``pyramid.interfaces.IContextURL`` interface has been deprecated. People have been instructed to use this to register a resource url adapter in the "Hooks" chapter to use to influence ``request.resource_url`` URL generation for resources found via custom traversers since Pyramid 1.0. The interface still exists and registering such an adapter still works, but this interface will be removed from the software after a few major Pyramid releases. You should replace it with an equivalent ``pyramid.interfaces.IResourceURL`` adapter, registered using the new ``pyramid.config.Configurator.add_resource_url_adapter`` API. A deprecation warning is now emitted when a ``pyramid.interfaces.IContextURL`` adapter is found when ``request.resource_url`` is called. Documentation ------------- - Don't create a ``session`` instance in SQLA Wiki tutorial, use raw ``DBSession`` instead (this is more common in real SQLA apps). Scaffolding ----------- - Put ``pyramid.includes`` targets within ini files in scaffolds on separate lines in order to be able to tell people to comment out only the ``pyramid_debugtoolbar`` line when they want to disable the toolbar. Dependencies ------------ - Depend on ``venusian`` >= 1.0a3 to provide scan ``ignore`` support. Internal -------- - Create a "MakoRendererFactoryHelper" that provides customizable settings key prefixes. Allows settings prefixes other than "mako." to be used to create different factories that don't use the global mako settings. This will be useful for the debug toolbar, which can currently be sabotaged by someone using custom mako configuration settings. 1.3a7 (2012-02-07) ================== Features -------- - More informative error message when a ``config.include`` cannot find an ``includeme``. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/392. - Internal: catch unhashable discriminators early (raise an error instead of allowing them to find their way into resolveConflicts). - The `match_param` view predicate now accepts a string or a tuple. This replaces the broken behavior of accepting a dict. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/425 for more information. Bug Fixes --------- - The process will now restart when ``pserve`` is used with the ``--reload`` flag when the ``development.ini`` file (or any other .ini file in use) is changed. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/377 and https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/411 - The ``prequest`` script would fail when used against URLs which did not return HTML or text. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/381 Backwards Incompatibilities --------------------------- - The `match_param` view predicate no longer accepts a dict. This will have no negative affect because the implementation was broken for dict-based arguments. Documentation ------------- - Add a traversal hello world example to the narrative docs. 1.3a6 (2012-01-20) ================== Features -------- - New API: ``pyramid.config.Configurator.set_request_property``. Add lazy property descriptors to a request without changing the request factory. This method provides conflict detection and is the suggested way to add properties to a request. - Responses generated by Pyramid's ``static_view`` now use a ``wsgi.file_wrapper`` (see http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/#optional-platform-specific-file-handling) when one is provided by the web server. Bug Fixes --------- - Views registered with an ``accept`` could not be overridden correctly with a different view that had the same predicate arguments. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/404 for more information. - When using a dotted name for a ``view`` argument to ``Configurator.add_view`` that pointed to a class with a ``view_defaults`` decorator, the view defaults would not be applied. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/396 . - Static URL paths were URL-quoted twice. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/407 . 1.3a5 (2012-01-09) ================== Bug Fixes --------- - The ``pyramid.view.view_defaults`` decorator did not work properly when more than one view relied on the defaults being different for configuration conflict resolution. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/394. Backwards Incompatibilities --------------------------- - The ``path_info`` route and view predicates now match against ``request.upath_info`` (Unicode) rather than ``request.path_info`` (indeterminate value based on Python 3 vs. Python 2). This has to be done to normalize matching on Python 2 and Python 3. 1.3a4 (2012-01-05) ================== Features -------- - New API: ``pyramid.request.Request.set_property``. Add lazy property descriptors to a request without changing the request factory. New properties may be reified, effectively caching the value for the lifetime of the instance. Common use-cases for this would be to get a database connection for the request or identify the current user. - Use the ``waitress`` WSGI server instead of ``wsgiref`` in scaffolding. Bug Fixes --------- - The documentation of ``pyramid.events.subscriber`` indicated that using it as a decorator with no arguments like this:: @subscriber() def somefunc(event): pass Would register ``somefunc`` to receive all events sent via the registry, but this was untrue. Instead, it would receive no events at all. This has now been fixed and the code matches the documentation. See also https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/386 - Literal portions of route patterns were not URL-quoted when ``route_url`` or ``route_path`` was used to generate a URL or path. - The result of ``route_path`` or ``route_url`` might have been ``unicode`` or ``str`` depending on the input. It is now guaranteed to always be ``str``. - URL matching when the pattern contained non-ASCII characters in literal parts was indeterminate. Now the pattern supplied to ``add_route`` is assumed to be either: a ``unicode`` value, or a ``str`` value that contains only ASCII characters. If you now want to match the path info from a URL that contains high order characters, you can pass the Unicode representation of the decoded path portion in the pattern. - When using a ``traverse=`` route predicate, traversal would fail with a URLDecodeError if there were any high-order characters in the traversal pattern or in the matched dynamic segments. - Using a dynamic segment named ``traverse`` in a route pattern like this:: config.add_route('trav_route', 'traversal/{traverse:.*}') Would cause a ``UnicodeDecodeError`` when the route was matched and the matched portion of the URL contained any high-order characters. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/385 . - When using a ``*traverse`` stararg in a route pattern, a URL that matched that possessed a ``@@`` in its name (signifying a view name) would be inappropriately quoted by the traversal machinery during traversal, resulting in the view not being found properly. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/382 and https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/375 . Backwards Incompatibilities --------------------------- - String values passed to ``route_url`` or ``route_path`` that are meant to replace "remainder" matches will now be URL-quoted except for embedded slashes. For example:: config.add_route('remain', '/foo*remainder') request.route_path('remain', remainder='abc / def') # -> '/foo/abc%20/%20def' Previously string values passed as remainder replacements were tacked on untouched, without any URL-quoting. But this doesn't really work logically if the value passed is Unicode (raw unicode cannot be placed in a URL or in a path) and it is inconsistent with the rest of the URL generation machinery if the value is a string (it won't be quoted unless by the caller). Some folks will have been relying on the older behavior to tack on query string elements and anchor portions of the URL; sorry, you'll need to change your code to use the ``_query`` and/or ``_anchor`` arguments to ``route_path`` or ``route_url`` to do this now. - If you pass a bytestring that contains non-ASCII characters to ``add_route`` as a pattern, it will now fail at startup time. Use Unicode instead. 1.3a3 (2011-12-21) ================== Features -------- - Added a ``prequest`` script (along the lines of ``paster request``). It is documented in the "Command-Line Pyramid" chapter in the section entitled "Invoking a Request". - Add undocumented ``__discriminator__`` API to derived view callables. e.g. ``adapters.lookup(...).__discriminator__(context, request)``. It will be used by superdynamic systems that require the discriminator to be used for introspection after manual view lookup. Bug Fixes --------- - Normalized exit values and ``-h`` output for all ``p*`` scripts (``pviews``, ``proutes``, etc). Documentation ------------- - Added a section named "Making Your Script into a Console Script" in the "Command-Line Pyramid" chapter. - Removed the "Running Pyramid on Google App Engine" tutorial from the main docs. It survives on in the Cookbook (http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_cookbook/en/latest/gae.html). Rationale: it provides the correct info for the Python 2.5 version of GAE only, and this version of Pyramid does not support Python 2.5. 1.3a2 (2011-12-14) ================== Features -------- - New API: ``pyramid.view.view_defaults``. If you use a class as a view, you can use the new ``view_defaults`` class decorator on the class to provide defaults to the view configuration information used by every ``@view_config`` decorator that decorates a method of that class. It also works against view configurations involving a class made imperatively. - Added a backwards compatibility knob to ``pcreate`` to emulate ``paster create`` handling for the ``--list-templates`` option. - Changed scaffolding machinery around a bit to make it easier for people who want to have extension scaffolds that can work across Pyramid 1.0.X, 1.1.X, 1.2.X and 1.3.X. See the new "Creating Pyramid Scaffolds" chapter in the narrative documentation for more info. Documentation ------------- - Added documentation to "View Configuration" narrative documentation chapter about ``view_defaults`` class decorator. - Added API docs for ``view_defaults`` class decorator. - Added an API docs chapter for ``pyramid.scaffolds``. - Added a narrative docs chapter named "Creating Pyramid Scaffolds". Backwards Incompatibilities --------------------------- - The ``template_renderer`` method of ``pyramid.scaffolds.PyramidScaffold`` was renamed to ``render_template``. If you were overriding it, you're a bad person, because it wasn't an API before now. But we're nice so we're letting you know. 1.3a1 (2011-12-09) ================== Features -------- - Python 3.2 compatibility. - New ``pyramid.compat`` module and API documentation which provides Python 2/3 straddling support for Pyramid add-ons and development environments. - A ``mako.directories`` setting is no longer required to use Mako templates Rationale: Mako template renderers can be specified using an absolute asset spec. An entire application can be written with such asset specs, requiring no ordered lookup path. - ``bpython`` interpreter compatibility in ``pshell``. See the "Command-Line Pyramid" narrative docs chapter for more information. - Added ``get_appsettings`` API function to the ``pyramid.paster`` module. This function returns the settings defined within an ``[app:...]`` section in a PasteDeploy ini file. - Added ``setup_logging`` API function to the ``pyramid.paster`` module. This function sets up Python logging according to the logging configuration in a PasteDeploy ini file. - Configuration conflict reporting is reported in a more understandable way ("Line 11 in file..." vs. a repr of a tuple of similar info). - A configuration introspection system was added; see the narrative documentation chapter entitled "Pyramid Configuration Introspection" for more information. New APIs: ``pyramid.registry.Introspectable``, ``pyramid.config.Configurator.introspector``, ``pyramid.config.Configurator.introspectable``, ``pyramid.registry.Registry.introspector``. - Allow extra keyword arguments to be passed to the ``pyramid.config.Configurator.action`` method. - New APIs: ``pyramid.path.AssetResolver`` and ``pyramid.path.DottedNameResolver``. The former can be used to resolve asset specifications, the latter can be used to resolve dotted names to modules or packages. Bug Fixes --------- - Make test suite pass on 32-bit systems; closes #286. closes #306. See also https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/286 - The ``pryamid.view.view_config`` decorator did not accept a ``match_params`` predicate argument. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/308 - The AuthTktCookieHelper could potentially generate Unicode headers inappropriately when the ``tokens`` argument to remember was used. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/314. - The AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy did not use a timing-attack-aware string comparator. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/320 for more info. - The DummySession in ``pyramid.testing`` now generates a new CSRF token if one doesn't yet exist. - ``request.static_url`` now generates URL-quoted URLs when fed a ``path`` argument which contains characters that are unsuitable for URLs. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/349 for more info. - Prevent a scaffold rendering from being named ``site`` (conflicts with Python internal site.py). - Support for using instances as targets of the ``pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp`` and ``pryramid.wsgi.wsgiapp2`` functions. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/370 for more info. Backwards Incompatibilities --------------------------- - Pyramid no longer runs on Python 2.5 (which includes the most recent release of Jython and the Python 2.5 version of GAE as of this writing). - The ``paster`` command is no longer the documented way to create projects, start the server, or run debugging commands. To create projects from scaffolds, ``paster create`` is replaced by the ``pcreate`` console script. To serve up a project, ``paster serve`` is replaced by the ``pserve`` console script. New console scripts named ``pshell``, ``pviews``, ``proutes``, and ``ptweens`` do what their ``paster `` equivalents used to do. Rationale: the Paste and PasteScript packages do not run under Python 3. - The default WSGI server run as the result of ``pserve`` from newly rendered scaffolding is now the ``wsgiref`` WSGI server instead of the ``paste.httpserver`` server. Rationale: Rationale: the Paste and PasteScript packages do not run under Python 3. - The ``pshell`` command (see "paster pshell") no longer accepts a ``--disable-ipython`` command-line argument. Instead, it accepts a ``-p`` or ``--python-shell`` argument, which can be any of the values ``python``, ``ipython`` or ``bpython``. - Removed the ``pyramid.renderers.renderer_from_name`` function. It has been deprecated since Pyramid 1.0, and was never an API. - To use ZCML with versions of Pyramid >= 1.3, you will need ``pyramid_zcml`` version >= 0.8 and ``zope.configuration`` version >= 3.8.0. The ``pyramid_zcml`` package version 0.8 is backwards compatible all the way to Pyramid 1.0, so you won't be warned if you have older versions installed and upgrade Pyramid "in-place"; it may simply break instead. Dependencies ------------ - Pyramid no longer depends on the ``zope.component`` package, except as a testing dependency. - Pyramid now depends on a zope.interface>=3.8.0, WebOb>=1.2dev, repoze.lru>=0.4, zope.deprecation>=3.5.0, translationstring>=0.4 (for Python 3 compatibility purposes). It also, as a testing dependency, depends on WebTest>=1.3.1 for the same reason. - Pyramid no longer depends on the Paste or PasteScript packages. Documentation ------------- - The SQLAlchemy Wiki tutorial has been updated. It now uses ``@view_config`` decorators and an explicit database population script. - Minor updates to the ZODB Wiki tutorial. - A narrative documentation chapter named "Extending Pyramid Configuration" was added; it describes how to add a new directive, and how use the ``pyramid.config.Configurator.action`` method within custom directives. It also describes how to add introspectable objects. - A narrative documentation chapter named "Pyramid Configuration Introspection" was added. It describes how to query the introspection system. Scaffolds --------- - Rendered scaffolds have now been changed to be more relocatable (fewer mentions of the package name within files in the package). - The ``routesalchemy`` scaffold has been renamed ``alchemy``, replacing the older (traversal-based) ``alchemy`` scaffold (which has been retired). - The ``starter`` scaffold now uses URL dispatch by default.