Changelog ========= ## 2.8.9 * Fixes issue where incorrect current month is shown ## 2.8.8 * Fixes issues introduced in v2.8.7 recognizing any calendar view as clickingOutside trigger ## 2.8.7 * Update react-onclickoutside dependency. That should fix most of the problems about closeOnSelect. ## 2.8.6 * Revert commits related to `closeOnSelect` that did not fix all issues they were meant to ## 2.8.5 * Fix bug where `closeOnSelect` was not closing when it was set to `true` * Fix bug where component would not immediately re-render when updating either `utc` or `locale` prop ## 2.8.4 * Fix bug where `closeOnSelect=true` would cause component to close on state change ## 2.8.3 * Fix `isValidDate` related bug where current month would be invalid * Trigger re-render of component when `viewMode` changes * Never append `rdtOld` class in year view ## 2.8.2 * Fix year related bug in tests where year was set to 2016 * Add a yarnfile so yarn is now possible to use for installing dependencies ## 2.8.1 * Fix timeFormat related bug where 'A' was being picked up but not 'a', for setting 12-hour clock. ## 2.8.0 * Add typings for TypeScript 2.0. We now support TypeScript typings for versions 1.8 and 2.0. ## 2.7.5 * Bumps the version to skip buggy deployment 2.7.4 ## 2.7.4 * Reverting updating `react` related dependencies. They were not the issue so they should not be set to the latest version of `react`. ## 2.7.3 * When updating `moment` to `2.16.0` something broke, hopefully by updating all `react` prefixed dependencies to `15.4.0` and changing the syntax in the dependency object a bit will resolve this issue. ## 2.7.2 * Bug fix: When setting `locale` and entering month view mode the component would sometimes freeze, depending on the locale. This has now been fixed. ## 2.7.1 * Bug fix: `onFocus` and `onBlur` were being called in a way causing state to reset. This unwanted behavior is now adjusted. ## 2.7.0 * `isValidDate` now supports months and years. * `utc` prop was added, by setting it to `true` input time values will be interpreted as UTC (Zulu time). * Bug fix: The input value now updates when `dateFormat` changes. * Removed the source-map file because the commit it was introduced in was causing the minified file to be bigger than the non-minified. ## 2.6.2 * Update file references in `package.json` ## 2.6.1 * Added a source-map file. * Fixed bug with invalid moment object. * Decreased npm package size by ~29.3KB. ## 2.6.0 * Fixed hover styles for days * Added multiple simultaneous datetime component support. * `className` prop now supports string arrays * Fixes 12:00am * Removed warning for missing element keys. ## 2.5.0 * Added pre-commit hook for tests. * Added the `timeConstraints` prop. ## 2.4.0 * Added ES linting. * Added `closeOnTab` property. ## 2.3.3 * Updated readme. * Fixed short months for not English locales. * Fixed mixed 12 AM/PM. ## 2.3.2 * Time editor now handles the A format to display 12h times. ## 2.3.0 * Added typescript definition file. * Changed button markup and updated styles. * Fixes autoclosing on time change. ## 2.2.1 * Controlled datepicker now working for controlled datepickers ## 2.2.0 * The picker can be used as a month or year picker just giving a format date without days/months * Updates test suite ## 2.1.0 * Fixed rdtActive not getting set. * Add react-dom as external dependency. * Fixed rendering a span directly under the calendar table. * Added dev setup * Added example ## 2.0.2 * Fixed january days go to november problem. ## 2.0.1 * Fixed two days can't have the same header name. ## 2.0.0 * DOM classes are now prefixed with `rdt`. * A modified version of OnClickOutside is now included in the code to handle react 0.13 and 0.14 versions. * Updated dependencies. ## 1.3.0 * Added open prop. * Added strictParsing prop. * Fixed not possible to set value to `''`. ## 1.2.1 * Removed classlist-polyfill so the component can be used in the server side. ## 1.1.1 * Updates react-onclickoutside dependency to avoid the bug ## 1.1.0 * Datepicker can have an empty value. If the value in the input is not valid, `onChange` and `onBlur` will return input value. * `onBlur` is not triggered anymore if the calendar is not open. ## 1.0.0-rc.2 * Added travis CI * Fixed not showing timepicker when `dateFormat`=`false`. ## 1.0.0-rc.1 This is the release candidate for this project. Now it is pretty usable and API won't change drastically in a while. If you were using the alpha versions (v0.x) there is a bunch of breaking changes: * `date` prop is now called `defaultValue` and it is the initial value to use the component uncontrolled. * `value` prop has been added to use it as a [controlled component]( * Removed `minDate` and `maxDate` props. Now to define what dates are valid it is possible to use the new `isValidDate` prop. * `dateFormat` and `timeFormat` default value is always the locale default format. In case that you don't want the component to show the date/time picker you should set `dateFormat`/`timeFormat` to `false`. Moreover: * Buttons doesn't submit anymore when the Datetime component is in a form. * `className` prop has been added to customize component class.