'use strict'; var React = require('react'), createClass = require('create-react-class'), onClickOutside = require('react-onclickoutside').default; var DateTimePickerMonths = onClickOutside( createClass({ render: function() { return React.createElement('div', { className: 'rdtMonths' }, [ React.createElement( 'table', { key: 'a' }, React.createElement( 'thead', {}, React.createElement('tr', {}, [ React.createElement( 'th', { key: 'prev', className: 'rdtPrev', onClick: this.props.subtractTime(1, 'years') }, React.createElement('span', {}, '‹') ), React.createElement( 'th', { key: 'year', className: 'rdtSwitch', onClick: this.props.showView('years'), colSpan: 2, 'data-value': this.props.viewDate.year() }, this.props.viewDate.year() ), React.createElement( 'th', { key: 'next', className: 'rdtNext', onClick: this.props.addTime(1, 'years') }, React.createElement('span', {}, '›') ) ]) ) ), React.createElement( 'table', { key: 'months' }, React.createElement('tbody', { key: 'b' }, this.renderMonths()) ) ]); }, renderMonths: function() { var date = this.props.selectedDate, month = this.props.viewDate.month(), year = this.props.viewDate.year(), rows = [], i = 0, months = [], renderer = this.props.renderMonth || this.renderMonth, isValid = this.props.isValidDate || this.alwaysValidDate, classes, props, currentMonth, isDisabled, noOfDaysInMonth, daysInMonth, validDay, // Date is irrelevant because we're only interested in month irrelevantDate = 1; while (i < 12) { classes = 'rdtMonth'; currentMonth = this.props.viewDate .clone() .set({ year: year, month: i, date: irrelevantDate }); noOfDaysInMonth = currentMonth.endOf('month').format('D'); daysInMonth = Array.from({ length: noOfDaysInMonth }, function(e, i) { return i + 1; }); validDay = daysInMonth.find(function(d) { var day = currentMonth.clone().set('date', d); return isValid(day); }); isDisabled = validDay === undefined; if (isDisabled) classes += ' rdtDisabled'; if (date && i === date.month() && year === date.year()) classes += ' rdtActive'; props = { key: i, 'data-value': i, className: classes }; if (!isDisabled) props.onClick = this.props.updateOn === 'months' ? this.updateSelectedMonth : this.props.setDate('month'); months.push(renderer(props, i, year, date && date.clone())); if (months.length === 4) { rows.push( React.createElement( 'tr', { key: month + '_' + rows.length }, months ) ); months = []; } i++; } return rows; }, updateSelectedMonth: function(event) { this.props.updateSelectedDate(event); }, renderMonth: function(props, month) { var localMoment = this.props.viewDate; var monthStr = localMoment .localeData() .monthsShort(localMoment.month(month)); var strLength = 3; // Because some months are up to 5 characters long, we want to // use a fixed string length for consistency var monthStrFixedLength = monthStr.substring(0, strLength); return React.createElement('td', props, capitalize(monthStrFixedLength)); }, alwaysValidDate: function() { return 1; }, handleClickOutside: function() { this.props.handleClickOutside(); } }) ); function capitalize(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } module.exports = DateTimePickerMonths;