Changelog ========= ## 1.0.0-rc.2 * Added travis CI * Fixed not showing timepicker when `dateFormat`=`false`. ## 1.0.0-rc.1 This is the release candidate for this project. Now it is pretty usable and API won't change drastically in a while. If you were using the alpha versions (v0.x) there is a bunch of breaking changes: * `date` prop is now called `defaultValue` and it is the initial value to use the component uncontrolled. * `value` prop has been added to use it as a [controlled component]( * Removed `minDate` and `maxDate` props. Now to define what dates are valid it is possible to use the new `isValidDate` prop. * `dateFormat` and `timeFormat` default value is always the locale default format. In case that you don't want the component to show the date/time picker you should set `dateFormat`/`timeFormat` to `false`. Moreover: * Buttons doesn't submit anymore when the Datetime component is in a form. * `className` prop has been added to customize component class.