:mod:`repoze.who` Narrative Documentation ========================================= Using :mod:`repoze.who` as WSGI Middleware ------------------------------------------ :mod:`repoze.who` was originally developed for use as authentication middleware in a WSGI pipeline, for use by applications which only needed to obtain an "authenticated user" to enforce a given security policy. See :ref:`middleware_responsibilities` for a description of this use case. Using :mod:`repoze.who` without WSGI Middleware ----------------------------------------------- Some applications might want to use a configured set of :mod:`repoze.who` plugins to do identification and authentication for a request, outside the context of using :mod:`repoze.who` middleware. For example, a performance-sensitive application might wish to defer the effort of identifying and authenticating a user until the point at which authorization is required, knowing that some code paths will not need to do the work. See :ref:`api_narrative` for a description of this use case. Mixing Middleware and API Uses ------------------------------ Some applications might use the :mod:`repoze.who` middleware for most authentication purposes, but need to participate more directly in the mechanics of identification and authorization for some portions of the application. For example, consider a system which allows users to sign up online for membrship in a site: once the user completes registration, such an application might wish to log the user in transparently, and thus needs to interact with the configured :mod:`repoze.who` middleware to generate response headers, ensuring that the user's next request is properly authenticated. See :ref:`middleware_api_hybrid` for a description of this use case. Configuring :mod:`repoze.who` ----------------------------- Developers and integrators can configure :mod:`repoze.who` using either imperative Python code (see :ref:`imperative_configuration`) or using an INI-style declarative configuration file (see :ref:`declarative_configuration`). In either case, the result of the configuration will be a :class:`repoze.who.api:APIFactory` instance, complete with a request classifier, a challenge decider, and a set of plugins for each plugin interface.