import itertools from zope.interface import implementer from repoze.who.interfaces import IAuthenticator from repoze.who.utils import resolveDotted from repoze.who._compat import izip_longest def _padding_for_file_lines(): yield 'aaaaaa:bbbbbb' @implementer(IAuthenticator) class HTPasswdPlugin(object): def __init__(self, filename, check): self.filename = filename self.check = check # IAuthenticatorPlugin def authenticate(self, environ, identity): # NOW HEAR THIS!!! # # This method is *intentionally* slower than would be ideal because # it is trying to avoid leaking information via timing attacks # (number of users, length of user IDs, length of passwords, etc.). # # Do *not* try to optimize anything away here. try: login = identity['login'] password = identity['password'] except KeyError: return None if hasattr(self.filename, 'seek'): # assumed to have a readline f = self.filename else: try: f = open(self.filename, 'r') except IOError: environ['repoze.who.logger'].warn('could not open htpasswd ' 'file %s' % self.filename) return None result = None maybe_user = None to_check = 'ABCDEF0123456789' # Try not to reveal how many users we have. # XXX: the max count here should be configurable ;( lines = itertools.chain(f, _padding_for_file_lines()) for line in itertools.islice(lines, 0, 1000): try: username, hashed = line.rstrip().split(':', 1) except ValueError: continue if _same_string(username, login): # Don't bail early: leaks information!! maybe_user = username to_check = hashed # Check *something* here, to mitigate a timing attack. password_ok = self.check(password, to_check) # Check our flags: if both are OK, we found a match. if password_ok and maybe_user: result = maybe_user return result def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self)) #pragma NO COVERAGE PADDING = ' ' * 1000 def _same_string(x, y): # Attempt at isochronous string comparison. mismatches = filter(None, [a != b for a, b, ignored in izip_longest(x, y, PADDING)]) if type(mismatches) != list: #pragma NO COVER Python >= 3.0 mismatches = list(mismatches) return len(mismatches) == 0 def crypt_check(password, hashed): from crypt import crypt salt = hashed[:2] return _same_string(hashed, crypt(password, salt)) def plain_check(password, hashed): return _same_string(password, hashed) def make_plugin(filename=None, check_fn=None): if filename is None: raise ValueError('filename must be specified') if check_fn is None: raise ValueError('check_fn must be specified') check = resolveDotted(check_fn) return HTPasswdPlugin(filename, check)