from zope.interface import implements from repoze.who.interfaces import IAPI from repoze.who.interfaces import IAPIFactory from repoze.who.interfaces import IIdentifier from repoze.who.interfaces import IAuthenticator from repoze.who.interfaces import IChallenger from repoze.who.interfaces import IMetadataProvider def get_api(environ): return environ.get('repoze.who.api') class APIFactory(object): implements(IAPIFactory) def __init__(self, identifiers=(), authenticators=(), challengers=(), mdproviders=(), request_classifier=None, challenge_decider=None, remote_user_key = 'REMOTE_USER', logger=None, ): self.identifiers = identifiers self.authenticators = authenticators self.challengers = challengers self.mdproviders = mdproviders self.request_classifier = request_classifier self.challenge_decider = challenge_decider self.remote_user_key = remote_user_key self.logger = logger def __call__(self, environ): """ See IAPIFactory. """ api = environ.get('repoze.who.api') if api is None: api = environ['repoze.who.api'] = API(environ, self.identifiers, self.authenticators, self.challengers, self.mdproviders, self.request_classifier, self.challenge_decider, self.remote_user_key, self.logger, ) return api def verify(plugin, iface): from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject verifyObject(iface, plugin, tentative=True) def make_registries(identifiers, authenticators, challengers, mdproviders): from zope.interface.verify import BrokenImplementation interface_registry = {} name_registry = {} for supplied, iface in [ (identifiers, IIdentifier), (authenticators, IAuthenticator), (challengers, IChallenger), (mdproviders, IMetadataProvider)]: for name, value in supplied: try: verify(value, iface) except BrokenImplementation as why: why = str(why) raise ValueError(str(name) + ': ' + why) L = interface_registry.setdefault(iface, []) L.append(value) name_registry[name] = value return interface_registry, name_registry def match_classification(iface, plugins, classification): result = [] for plugin in plugins: plugin_classifications = getattr(plugin, 'classifications', {}) iface_classifications = plugin_classifications.get(iface) if not iface_classifications: # good for any result.append(plugin) continue if classification in iface_classifications: result.append(plugin) return result class API(object): implements(IAPI) def __init__(self, environ, identifiers, authenticators, challengers, mdproviders, request_classifier, challenge_decider, remote_user_key, logger, ): self.environ = environ (self.interface_registry, self.name_registry) = make_registries(identifiers, authenticators, challengers, mdproviders) self.identifiers = identifiers self.authenticators = authenticators self.challengers = challengers self.mdproviders = mdproviders self.challenge_decider = challenge_decider self.remote_user_key = remote_user_key self.logger = logger classification = self.classification = (request_classifier and request_classifier(environ)) logger and'request classification: %s' % classification) def authenticate(self): ids = self._identify() # ids will be list of tuples: [ (IIdentifier, identity) ] if ids: auth_ids = self._authenticate(ids) # auth_ids will be a list of five-tuples in the form # ( (auth_rank, id_rank), authenticator, identifier, identity, # userid ) # # When sorted, its first element will represent the "best" # identity for this request. if auth_ids: auth_ids.sort() best = auth_ids[0] rank, authenticator, identifier, identity, userid = best identity = Identity(identity) # dont show contents at print identity['authenticator'] = authenticator identity['identifier'] = identifier # allow IMetadataProvider plugins to scribble on the identity self._add_metadata(identity) # add the identity to the environment; a downstream # application can mutate it to do an 'identity reset' # as necessary, e.g. identity['login'] = 'foo', # identity['password'] = 'bar' self.environ['repoze.who.identity'] = identity # set the REMOTE_USER self.environ[self.remote_user_key] = userid return identity self.logger and 'no identities found, not authenticating') def challenge(self, status='403 Forbidden', app_headers=()): """ See IAPI. """ identity = self.environ.get('repoze.who.identity', {}) identifier = identity.get('identifier') logger = self.logger forget_headers = [] if identifier: id_forget_headers = identifier.forget(self.environ, identity) if id_forget_headers is not None: forget_headers.extend(id_forget_headers) logger and'forgetting via headers from %s: %s' % (identifier, forget_headers)) candidates = self.interface_registry.get(IChallenger, ()) logger and logger.debug('challengers registered: %s' % repr(candidates)) plugins = match_classification(IChallenger, candidates, self.classification) logger and logger.debug('challengers matched for ' 'classification "%s": %s' % (self.classification, plugins)) for plugin in plugins: app = plugin.challenge(self.environ, status, app_headers, forget_headers) if app is not None: # new WSGI application logger and 'challenger plugin %s "challenge" returned an app' % ( plugin)) return app # signifies no challenge logger and'no challenge app returned') return None def remember(self, identity=None): """ See IAPI. """ headers = () if identity is None: identity = self.environ.get('repoze.who.identity', {}) identifier = identity.get('identifier') if identifier: got_headers = identifier.remember(self.environ, identity) if got_headers: headers = got_headers logger = self.logger logger and'remembering via headers from %s: %s' % (identifier, headers)) return headers def forget(self, identity=None): """ See IAPI. """ headers = () if identity is None: identity = self.environ.get('repoze.who.identity', {}) identifier = identity.get('identifier') if identifier: got_headers = identifier.forget(self.environ, identity) if got_headers: headers = got_headers logger = self.logger logger and'forgetting via headers from %s: %s' % (identifier, headers)) return headers def login(self, credentials, identifier_name=None): """ See IAPI. """ authenticated = identity = plugin = None headers = [] # Filter identifiers using 'identifier_name', if provided. if identifier_name is not None: identifiers = [(name, plugin) for name, plugin in self.identifiers if name == identifier_name] else: identifiers = self.identifiers # First pass: for each identifier, pretend that it was the source # of the credentials, and try to authenticate. for name, identifier in identifiers: authenticated = self._authenticate([(identifier, credentials)]) if authenticated: # and therefore can remember it rank, plugin, identifier, identity, userid = authenticated[0] break # Second pass to allow identifiers which passed on auth to participate # in remember / forget. for name, identifier in identifiers: if identity is not None: i_headers = identifier.remember(self.environ, identity) else: i_headers = identifier.forget(self.environ, None) if i_headers is not None: headers.extend(i_headers) return identity, headers def logout(self, identifier_name=None): """ See IAPI. """ authenticated = None headers = [] # Filter identifiers using 'identifier_name', if provided. if identifier_name is not None: identifiers = [(name, plugin) for name, plugin in self.identifiers if name == identifier_name] else: identifiers = self.identifiers for name, identifier in identifiers: headers.extend(identifier.forget(self.environ, None)) # we need to remove the identity for hybrid middleware/api usages to # work correctly: middleware calls ``remember`` unconditionally "on # the way out", and if an identity is found, competing login headers # will be set. if 'repoze.who.identity' in self.environ: del self.environ['repoze.who.identity'] return headers def _identify(self): """ See IAPI. """ logger = self.logger candidates = self.interface_registry.get(IIdentifier, ()) logger and self.logger.debug('identifier plugins registered: %s' % (candidates,)) plugins = match_classification(IIdentifier, candidates, self.classification) logger and self.logger.debug( 'identifier plugins matched for ' 'classification "%s": %s' % (self.classification, plugins)) results = [] for plugin in plugins: identity = plugin.identify(self.environ) if identity is not None: logger and logger.debug( 'identity returned from %s: %s' % (plugin, identity)) results.append((plugin, identity)) else: logger and logger.debug( 'no identity returned from %s (%s)' % (plugin, identity)) logger and logger.debug('identities found: %s' % (results,)) return results def _authenticate(self, identities): """ See IAPI. """ logger = self.logger candidates = self.interface_registry.get(IAuthenticator, []) logger and self.logger.debug('authenticator plugins registered: %s' % candidates) plugins = match_classification(IAuthenticator, candidates, self.classification) logger and self.logger.debug( 'authenticator plugins matched for ' 'classification "%s": %s' % (self.classification, plugins)) auth_rank = 0 results = [] for plugin in plugins: identifier_rank = 0 for identifier, identity in identities: userid = plugin.authenticate(self.environ, identity) if userid is not None: logger and logger.debug( 'userid returned from %s: "%s"' % (plugin, userid)) # stamp the identity with the userid identity['repoze.who.userid'] = userid rank = (auth_rank, identifier_rank) results.append( (rank, plugin, identifier, identity, userid) ) else: logger and logger.debug( 'no userid returned from %s: (%s)' % ( plugin, userid)) identifier_rank += 1 auth_rank += 1 logger and logger.debug('identities authenticated: %s' % (results,)) return results def _add_metadata(self, identity): """ See IAPI. """ candidates = self.interface_registry.get(IMetadataProvider, ()) plugins = match_classification(IMetadataProvider, candidates, self.classification) for plugin in plugins: plugin.add_metadata(self.environ, identity) class Identity(dict): """ dict subclass: prevent members from being rendered during print """ def __repr__(self): return '' % id(self) __str__ = __repr__