.. _configuration_points: Configuring :mod:`repoze.who` ============================= Configuration Points -------------------- Classifiers +++++++++++ :mod:`repoze.who` "classifies" the request on middleware ingress. Request classification happens before identification and authentication. A request from a browser might be classified a different way than a request from an XML-RPC client. :mod:`repoze.who` uses request classifiers to decide which other components to consult during subsequent identification, authentication, and challenge steps. Plugins are free to advertise themselves as willing to participate in identification and authorization for a request based on this classification. The request classification system is pluggable. :mod:`repoze.who` provides a default classifier that you may use. You may extend the classification system by making :mod:`repoze.who` aware of a different request classifier implementation. Challenge Deciders ++++++++++++++++++ :mod:`repoze.who` uses a "challenge decider" to decide whether the response returned from a downstream application requires a challenge plugin to fire. When using the default challenge decider, only the status is used (if it starts with ``401``, a challenge is required). :mod:`repoze.who` also provides an alternate challenge decider, ``repoze.who.classifiers.passthrough_challenge_decider``, which avoids challenging ``401`` responses which have been "pre-challenged" by the application. You may supply a different challenge decider as necessary. Plugins +++++++ :mod:`repoze.who` has core functionality designed around the concept of plugins. Plugins are instances that are willing to perform one or more identification- and/or authentication-related duties. Each plugin can be configured arbitrarily. :mod:`repoze.who` consults the set of configured plugins when it intercepts a WSGI request, and gives some subset of them a chance to influence what :mod:`repoze.who` does for the current request. .. note:: As of :mod:`repoze.who` 1.0.7, the ``repoze.who.plugins`` package is a namespace package, intended to make it possible for people to ship eggs which are who plugins as, e.g. ``repoze.who.plugins.mycoolplugin``. .. _imperative_configuration: Configuring :mod:`repoze.who` via Python Code --------------------------------------------- .. module:: repoze.who.middleware .. class:: PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware(app, identifiers, challengers, authenticators, mdproviders, classifier, challenge_decider [, log_stream=None [, log_level=logging.INFO[, remote_user_key='REMOTE_USER']]]) The primary method of configuring the :mod:`repoze.who` middleware is to use straight Python code, meant to be consumed by frameworks which construct and compose middleware pipelines without using a configuration file. In the middleware constructor: *app* is the "next" application in the WSGI pipeline. *identifiers* is a sequence of ``IIdentifier`` plugins, *challengers* is a sequence of ``IChallenger`` plugins, *mdproviders* is a sequence of ``IMetadataProvider`` plugins. Any of these can be specified as the empty sequence. *classifier* is a request classifier callable, *challenge_decider* is a challenge decision callable. *log_stream* is a stream object (an object with a ``write`` method) *or* a ``logging.Logger`` object, *log_level* is a numeric value that maps to the ``logging`` module's notion of log levels, *remote_user_key* is the key in which the ``REMOTE_USER`` (userid) value should be placed in the WSGI environment for consumption by downstream applications. An example configuration which uses the default plugins follows:: from repoze.who.middleware import PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware from repoze.who.interfaces import IIdentifier from repoze.who.interfaces import IChallenger from repoze.who.plugins.basicauth import BasicAuthPlugin from repoze.who.plugins.auth_tkt import AuthTktCookiePlugin from repoze.who.plugins.redirector import RedirectorPlugin from repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd import HTPasswdPlugin io = StringIO() salt = 'aa' for name, password in [ ('admin', 'admin'), ('chris', 'chris') ]: io.write('%s:%s\n' % (name, password)) io.seek(0) def cleartext_check(password, hashed): return password == hashed htpasswd = HTPasswdPlugin(io, cleartext_check) basicauth = BasicAuthPlugin('repoze.who') auth_tkt = AuthTktCookiePlugin('secret', 'auth_tkt') redirector = RedirectorPlugin('/login.html') redirector.classifications = {IChallenger:['browser'],} # only for browser identifiers = [('auth_tkt', auth_tkt), ('basicauth', basicauth)] authenticators = [('auth_tkt', auth_tkt), ('htpasswd', htpasswd)] challengers = [('redirector', redirector), ('basicauth', basicauth)] mdproviders = [] from repoze.who.classifiers import default_request_classifier from repoze.who.classifiers import default_challenge_decider log_stream = None import os if os.environ.get('WHO_LOG'): log_stream = sys.stdout middleware = PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware( app, identifiers, authenticators, challengers, mdproviders, default_request_classifier, default_challenge_decider, log_stream = log_stream, log_level = logging.DEBUG ) The above example configures the repoze.who middleware with: - Two ``IIdentifier`` plugins (auth_tkt cookie, and a basic auth plugin). In this setup, when "identification" needs to be performed, the auth_tkt plugin will be checked first, then the basic auth plugin. The application is responsible for handling login via a form: this view would use the API (via :method:`remember`) to generate apprpriate response headers. - Two ``IAuthenticator`` plugins: the auth_tkt plugin and an htpasswd plugin. The auth_tkt plugin performs both ``IIdentifier`` and ``IAuthenticator`` functions. The htpasswd plugin is configured with two valid username / password combinations: chris/chris, and admin/admin. When an username and password is found via any identifier, it will be checked against this authenticator. - Two ``IChallenger`` plugins: the redirector plugin, then the basic auth plugin. The redirector auth will fire if the request is a ``browser`` request, otherwise the basic auth plugin will fire. The rest of the middleware configuration is for values like logging and the classifier and decider implementations. These use the "stock" implementations. .. note:: The ``app`` referred to in the example is the "downstream" WSGI application that who is wrapping. .. _declarative_configuration: Configuring :mod:`repoze.who` via Config File --------------------------------------------- :mod:`repoze.who` may be configured using a ConfigParser-style .INI file. The configuration file has five main types of sections: plugin sections, a general section, an identifiers section, an authenticators section, and a challengers section. Each "plugin" section defines a configuration for a particular plugin. The identifiers, authenticators, and challengers sections refer to these plugins to form a site configuration. The general section is general middleware configuration. To configure :mod:`repoze.who` in Python, using an .INI file, call the `make_middleware_with_config` entry point, passing the right-hand application, the global configuration dictionary, and the path to the config file. The global configuration dictionary is a dictonary passed by PasteDeploy. The only key 'make_middleware_with_config' needs is 'here' pointing to the config file directory. For debugging people might find it useful to enable logging by adding the log_file argument, e.g. log_file="repoze_who.log" :: from repoze.who.config import make_middleware_with_config global_conf = {"here": "."} # if this is not defined elsewhere who = make_middleware_with_config(app, global_conf, 'who.ini') :mod:`repoze.who`'s configuration file can be pointed to within a PasteDeploy configuration file :: [filter:who] use = egg:repoze.who#config config_file = %(here)s/who.ini log_file = stdout log_level = debug Below is an example of a configuration file (what ``config_file`` might point at above ) that might be used to configure the :mod:`repoze.who` middleware. A set of plugins are defined, and they are referred to by following non-plugin sections. In the below configuration, five plugins are defined. The form, and basicauth plugins are nominated to act as challenger plugins. The form, cookie, and basicauth plugins are nominated to act as identification plugins. The htpasswd and sqlusers plugins are nominated to act as authenticator plugins. :: [plugin:redirector] # identificaion and challenge use = repoze.who.plugins.redirector:make_plugin login_url = /login.html [plugin:auth_tkt] # identification and authentication use = repoze.who.plugins.auth_tkt:make_plugin secret = s33kr1t cookie_name = oatmeal secure = False include_ip = False [plugin:basicauth] # identification and challenge use = repoze.who.plugins.basicauth:make_plugin realm = 'sample' [plugin:htpasswd] # authentication use = repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd:make_plugin filename = %(here)s/passwd check_fn = repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd:crypt_check [plugin:sqlusers] # authentication use = repoze.who.plugins.sql:make_authenticator_plugin # Note the double %%: we have to escape it from the config parser in # order to preserve it as a template for the psycopg2, whose 'paramstyle' # is 'pyformat'. query = SELECT userid, password FROM users where login = %%(login)s conn_factory = repoze.who.plugins.sql:make_psycopg_conn_factory compare_fn = repoze.who.plugins.sql:default_password_compare [plugin:sqlproperties] name = properties use = repoze.who.plugins.sql:make_metadata_plugin # Note the double %%: we have to escape it from the config parser in # order to preserve it as a template for the psycopg2, whose 'paramstyle' # is 'pyformat'. query = SELECT firstname, lastname FROM users where userid = %%(__userid)s filter = my.package:filter_propmd conn_factory = repoze.who.plugins.sql:make_psycopg_conn_factory [general] request_classifier = repoze.who.classifiers:default_request_classifier challenge_decider = repoze.who.classifiers:default_challenge_decider remote_user_key = REMOTE_USER [identifiers] # plugin_name;classifier_name:.. or just plugin_name (good for any) plugins = auth_tkt basicauth [authenticators] # plugin_name;classifier_name.. or just plugin_name (good for any) plugins = auth_tkt htpasswd sqlusers [challengers] # plugin_name;classifier_name:.. or just plugin_name (good for any) plugins = redirector;browser basicauth [mdproviders] plugins = sqlproperties The basicauth section configures a plugin that does identification and challenge for basic auth credentials. The redirector section configures a plugin that does challenges. The auth_tkt section configures a plugin that does identification for cookie auth credentials, as well as authenticating them. The htpasswd plugin obtains its user info from a file. The sqlusers plugin obtains its user info from a Postgres database. The identifiers section provides an ordered list of plugins that are willing to provide identification capability. These will be consulted in the defined order. The tokens on each line of the ``plugins=`` key are in the form "plugin_name;requestclassifier_name:..." (or just "plugin_name" if the plugin can be consulted regardless of the classification of the request). The configuration above indicates that the system will look for credentials using the auth_tkt cookie identifier (unconditionally), then the basic auth plugin (unconditionally). The authenticators section provides an ordered list of plugins that provide authenticator capability. These will be consulted in the defined order, so the system will look for users in the file, then in the sql database when attempting to validate credentials. No classification prefixes are given to restrict which of the two plugins are used, so both plugins are consulted regardless of the classification of the request. Each authenticator is called with each set of identities found by the identifier plugins. The first identity that can be authenticated is used to set ``REMOTE_USER``. The mdproviders section provides an ordered list of plugins that provide metadata provider capability. These will be consulted in the defined order. Each will have a chance (on ingress) to provide add metadata to the authenticated identity. Our example mdproviders section shows one plugin configured: "sqlproperties". The sqlproperties plugin will add information related to user properties (e.g. first name and last name) to the identity dictionary. The challengers section provides an ordered list of plugins that provide challenger capability. These will be consulted in the defined order, so the system will consult the cookie auth plugin first, then the basic auth plugin. Each will have a chance to initiate a challenge. The above configuration indicates that the redirector challenger will fire if it's a browser request, and the basic auth challenger will fire if it's not (fallback).