================== repoze.who changes ================== 1.0.13 (2009/4/24) ================== - Added a paragraph to ``IAuthenticator`` docstring, documenting that plugins are allowed to add keys to the ``identity`` dictionary (e.g., to save a second database query in an ``IMetadataProvider`` plugin). - Patch supplied for issue #71 (http://bugs.repoze.org/issue71) whereby a downstream app can return a generator, relying on an upstream component to call start_response. We do this because the challenge decider needs the status and headers to decide what to do. 1.0.12 (2009/4/19) ================== - auth_tkt plugin tried to append REMOTE_USER_TOKENS data to existing tokens data returned by auth_tkt.parse_tkt; this was incorrect; just overwrite. - Extended auth_tkt plugin factory to allow passing secret in a separate file from the main config file. See http://bugs.repoze.org/issue40 . 1.0.11 (2009/4/10) ================== - Fix auth_tkt plugin; cookie values are now quoted, making it possible to put spaces and other whitespace, etc in usernames. (thanks to Michael Pedersen). - Fix corner case issue of an exception raised when attempting to log when there are no identifiers or authenticators. 1.0.10 (2009/1/23) ================== - The RedirectingFormPlugin now passes along SetCookie headers set into the response by the application within the NotFound response (fixes TG2 "flash" issue). 1.0.9 (2008/12/18) ================== - The RedirectingFormPlugin now attempts to find a header named ``X-Authentication-Failure-Reason`` among the response headers set by the application when a challenge is issued. If a value for this header exists (and is non-blank), the value is attached to the redirect URL's query string as the ``reason`` parameter (or a user-settable key). This makes it possible for downstream applications to issue a response that initiates a challenge with this header and subsequently display the reason in the login form rendered as a result of the challenge. 1.0.8 (2008/12/13) ================== - The ``PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware`` constructor accepts a ``log_stream`` argument, which is typically a file. After this release, it can also be a PEP 333 ``Logger`` instance; if it is a PEP 333 ``Logger`` instance, this logger will be used as the repoze.who logger (instead of one being constructed by the middleware, as was previously always the case). When the ``log_stream`` argument is a PEP 333 Logger object, the ``log_level`` argument is ignored. 1.0.7 (2008/08/28) ================== - ``repoze.who`` and ``repoze.who.plugins`` were not added to the ``namespace_packages`` list in setup.py, potentially making 1.0.6 a brownbag release, given that making these packages namespace packages was the only reason for its release. 1.0.6 (2008/08/28) ================== - Make repoze.who and repoze.who.plugins into namespace packages mainly so we can allow plugin authors to distribute packages in the repoze.who.plugins namespace. 1.0.5 (2008/08/23) ================== - Fix auth_tkt plugin to set the same cookies in its ``remember`` method that it does in its ``forget`` method. Previously, logging out and relogging back in to a site that used auth_tkt identifier plugin was slightly dicey and would only work sometimes. - The FormPlugin plugin has grown a redirect-on-unauthorized feature. Any response from a downstream application that causes a challenge and includes a Location header will cause a redirect to the value of the Location header. 1.0.4 (2008/08/22) =================== - Added a key to the '[general]' config section: ``remote_user_key``. If you use this key in the config file, it tells who to 1) not perform any authentication if it exists in the environment during ingress and 2) to set the key in the environment for the downstream app to use as the REMOTE_USER variable. The default is ``REMOTE_USER``. - Using unicode user ids in combination with the auth_tkt plugin would cause problems under mod_wsgi. - Allowed 'cookie_path' argument to InsecureCookiePlugin (and config constructor). Thanks to Gustavo Narea. 1.0.3 (2008/08/16) ================== - A bug in the middleware's ``authenticate`` method made it impossible to authenticate a user with a userid that was null (e.g. 0, False), which are valid identifiers. The only invalid userid is now None. - Applied patch from Olaf Conradi which logs an error when an invalid filename is passed to the HTPasswdPlugin. 1.0.2 (2008/06/16) ================== - Fix bug found by Chris Perkins: the auth_tkt plugin's "remember" method didn't handle userids which are Python "long" instances properly. Symptom: TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'long' objects in "paste.auth.auth_tkt". - Added predicate-based "restriction" middleware support (repoze.who.restrict), allowing configuratio-driven authorization as a WSGI filter. One example predicate, 'authenticated_predicate', is supplied, which requires that the user be authenticated either via 'REMOTE_USER' or via 'repoze.who.identity'. To use the filter to restrict access:: [filter:authenticated_only] use = egg:repoze.who#authenticated or:: [filter:some_predicate] use = egg:repoze.who#predicate predicate = my.module:some_predicate some_option = a value 1.0.1 ===== - Remove dependency-link to dist.repoze.org to prevent easy_install from inserting that path into its search paths (the dependencies are available from PyPI). 1.0 === - The plugin at plugins.form.FormPlugin didn't redirect properly after collecting identification information. Symptom: a downstream app would receive a POST request with a blank body, which would sometimes result in a Bad Request error. - Fixed interface declarations of 'classifiers.default_request_classifier' and 'classifiers.default_password_compare'. - Added actual config-driven middleware factory, 'config.make_middleware_with_config' - Removed fossilized 'who_conf' argument from plugin factory functions. - Added ConfigParser-based WhoConfig, implementing the spec outlined at http://www.plope.com/static/misc/sphinxtest/intro.html#middleware-configuration-via-config-file, with the following changes: o "Bare" plugins (requiring no configuration options) may be specified as either egg entry points (e.g., 'egg:distname#entry_point_name') or as dotted-path-with-colon (e.g., 'dotted.name:object_id'). o Therefore, the separator between a plugin and its classifier is now a semicolon, rather than a colon. E.g.:: [plugins:id_plugin] use = egg:another.package#identify_with_frobnatz frobnatz = baz [identifiers] plugins = egg:my.egg#identify;browser dotted.name:identifier id_plugin 0.9.1 (2008-04-27) ================== - Fix auth_tkt plugin to be able to encode and decode integer user ids. 0.9 (2008-04-01) ================ - Fix bug introduced in FormPlugin in 0.8 release (rememberer headers not set). - Add PATH_INFO to started and ended log info. - Add a SQLMetadataProviderPlugin (in plugins/sql). - Change constructor of SQLAuthenticatorPlugin: it now accepts only "query", "conn_factory", and "compare_fn". The old constructor accepted a DSN, but some database systems don't use DBAPI DSNs. The new constructor accepts no DSN; the conn_factory is assumed to do all the work to make a connection, including knowing the DSN if one is required. The "conn_factory" should return something that, when called with no arguments, returns a database connection. - The "make_plugin" helper in plugins/sql has been renamed "make_authenticator_plugin". When called, this helper will return a SQLAuthenticatorPlugin. A bit of helper logic in the "make_authenticator_plugin" allows a connection factory to be computed. The top-level callable referred to by conn_factory in this helper should return a function that, when called with no arguments, returns a datbase connection. The top-level callable itself is called with "who_conf" (global who configuration) and any number of non-top-level keyword arguments as they are passed into the helper, to allow for a DSN or URL or whatever to be passed in. - A "make_metatata_plugin" helper has been added to plugins/sql. When called, this will make a SQLMetadataProviderPlugin. See the implementation for details. It is similar to the "make_authenticator_plugin" helper. 0.8 (2008-03-27) ================ - Add a RedirectingFormIdentifier plugin. This plugin is willing to redirect to an external (or downstream application) login form to perform identification. The external login form must post to the "login_handler_path" of the plugin (optimally with a "came_from" value to tell the plugin where to redirect the response to if the authentication works properly). The "logout_handler_path" of this plugin can be visited to perform a logout. The "came_from" value also works there. - Identifier plugins are now permitted to set a key in the environment named 'repoze.who.application' on ingress (in 'identify'). If an identifier plugin does so, this application is used instead of the "normal" downstream application. This feature was added to more simply support the redirecting form identifier plugin. 0.7 (2008-03-26) ================ - Change the IMetadataProvider interface: this interface used to have a "metadata" method which returned a dictionary. This method is not part of that API anymore. It's been replaced with an "add_metadata" method which has the signature:: def add_metadata(environ, identity): """ Add metadata to the identity (which is a dictionary) """ The return value is ignored. IMetadataProvider plugins are now assumed to be responsible for 'scribbling' directly on the identity that is passed in (it's a dictionary). The user id can always be retrieved from the identity via identity['repoze.who.userid'] for metadata plugins that rely on that value. 0.6 (2008-03-20) ================ - Renaming: repoze.pam is now repoze.who - Bump ez_setup.py version. - Add IMetadataProvider plugin type. Chris says 'Whit rules'. 0.5 (2008-03-09) ================ - Allow "remote user key" (default: REMOTE_USER) to be overridden (pass in remote_user_key to middleware constructor). - Allow form plugin to override the default form. - API change: IIdentifiers are no longer required to put both 'login' and 'password' in a returned identity dictionary. Instead, an IIdentifier can place arbitrary key/value pairs in the identity dictionary (or return an empty dictionary). - API return value change: the "failure" identity which IIdentifiers return is now None rather than an empty dictionary. - The IAuthenticator interface now specifies that IAuthenticators must not raise an exception when evaluating an identity that does not have "expected" key/value pairs (e.g. when an IAuthenticator that expects login and password inspects an identity returned by an IP-based auth system which only puts the IP address in the identity); instead they fail gracefully by returning None. - Add (cookie) "auth_tkt" identification plugin. - Stamp identity dictionaries with a userid by placing a key named 'repoze.pam.userid' into the identity for each authenticated identity. - If an IIdentifier plugin inserts a 'repoze.pam.userid' key into the identity dictionary, consider this identity "preauthenticated". No authenticator plugins will be asked to authenticate this identity. This is designed for things like the recently added auth_tkt plugin, which embeds the user id into the ticket. This effectively alllows an IIdentifier plugin to become an IAuthenticator plugin when breaking apart the responsibility into two separate plugins is "make-work". Preauthenticated identities will be selected first when deciding which identity to use for any given request. - Insert a 'repoze.pam.identity' key into the WSGI environment on ingress if an identity is found. Its value will be the identity dictionary related to the identity selected by repoze.pam on ingress. Downstream consumers are allowed to mutate this dictionary; this value is passed to "remember" and "forget", so its main use is to do a "credentials reset"; e.g. a user has changed his username or password within the application, but we don't want to force him to log in again after he does so. 0.4 (03-07-2008) ================ - Allow plugins to specify a classifiers list per interface (instead of a single classifiers list per plugin). 0.3 (03-05-2008) ================ - Make SQLAuthenticatorPlugin's default_password_compare use hexdigest sha instead of base64'ed binary sha for simpler conversion. 0.2 (03-04-2008) ================ - Added SQLAuthenticatorPlugin (see plugins/sql.py). 0.1 (02-27-2008) ================ - Initial release (no configuration file support yet).