.. _index: *************************************************** :mod:`repoze.who` -- WSGI Authentication Middleware *************************************************** :Author: Chris McDonough / Tres Seaver :Version: |version| .. module:: repoze.who :synopsis: WSGI authentication middleware .. topic:: Overview :mod:`repoze.who` is an identification and authentication framework for arbitrary WSGI applications. It can be used as WSGI middleware, or as an API from within a WSGI application. :mod:`repoze.who` is inspired by Zope 2's Pluggable Authentication Service (PAS) (but :mod:`repoze.who` is not dependent on Zope in any way; it is useful for any WSGI application). It provides no facility for authorization (ensuring whether a user can or cannot perform the operation implied by the request). This is considered to be the domain of the WSGI application. It attempts to reuse implementations from ``paste.auth`` for some of its functionality. Sections ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 narr use_cases middleware api configuration plugins Change History ============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 changes Support and Development ======================= To report bugs, use the `Repoze bug tracker `_. If you've got questions that aren't answered by this documentation, contact the `Repoze-dev maillist `_ or join the `#repoze IRC channel `_. Browse and check out tagged and trunk versions of :mod:`repoze.who` via the `Repoze github repository `_. To check out the trunk via git, use this command:: git clone https://github.com:repoze/repoze.who.git Or, if you are logged in: git clone git@github.com:repoze/repoze.who.git To find out how to become a contributor to :mod:`repoze.who`, please see the `contributor's page `_. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`