""" Simple BFG application demonstrating use of repoze.who in "hybrid" mode. - repoze.who middleware intercepts and validates existing request credentials, leaving 'REMOTE_USER' in the WSGI environ if they are OK. - Application handles login / logout directly, using the repoze.who API to validate credentials and set headers. """ import logging import os import sys from StringIO import StringIO from paste.httpserver import serve from repoze.bfg.authentication import RemoteUserAuthenticationPolicy from repoze.bfg.authorization import ACLAuthorizationPolicy from repoze.bfg.configuration import Configurator from repoze.bfg.security import Allow from repoze.bfg.security import Authenticated from repoze.bfg.security import DENY_ALL from repoze.bfg.security import Everyone from repoze.who.api import get_api from repoze.who.interfaces import IChallenger from repoze.who.middleware import PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware as PAM from repoze.who.plugins.basicauth import BasicAuthPlugin from repoze.who.plugins.auth_tkt import AuthTktCookiePlugin from repoze.who.plugins.redirector import RedirectorPlugin from repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd import HTPasswdPlugin from repoze.who.classifiers import default_request_classifier from repoze.who.classifiers import default_challenge_decider from webob import Response from webob.exc import HTTPFound LINK = '


' ACTIONS = { 'root': {'url': '/', 'title': 'Root'}, 'protected': {'url': '/protected.html', 'title': 'Protected'}, 'login': {'url': '/login.html', 'title': 'Login'}, 'logout': {'url': '/logout.html', 'title': 'Logout'}, } def _actions(request): names = ['root'] if 'REMOTE_USER' in request.environ: names.append('protected') names.append('logout') else: names.append('login') return '\n'.join([LINK % ACTIONS[x] for x in names]) PAGE = """\


%(actions)s """ def unprotected(request): return Response(PAGE % {'page_title': 'Unprotected Page', 'actions': _actions(request), }) def protected(request): return Response(PAGE % {'page_title': 'protected Page', 'actions': _actions(request), }) LOGIN_FORM = """\

Log In



Login name:


""" def login(request): message = '' info = {} # Remember any 'came_from', for redirection on succcesful login. came_from = request.params.get('came_from') if came_from is not None: info['came_from'] = ( '' % came_from) else: info['came_from'] = '' who_api = get_api(request.environ) if 'form.login' in request.POST: # Validate credentials. creds = {} creds['login'] = request.POST['login'] creds['password'] = request.POST['password'] authenticated, headers = who_api.login(creds) if authenticated: # Redirect to 'came_from', or to root. # headers here are "remember" headers, setting the # auth_tkt cookies. return HTTPFound(location=came_from or '/', headers=headers) else: message = 'Invalid login.' else: # Forcefully forget any existing credentials. _, headers = who_api.login({}) # Headers here are "forget" headers, clearing the auth_tkt cookies. request.response_headerlist = headers if 'REMOTE_USER' in request.environ: del request.environ['REMOTE_USER'] info['message'] = message return Response(LOGIN_FORM % info) def logout(request): # Use repoze.who API to get "forget" headers. who_api = get_api(request.environ) return HTTPFound(location='/', headers=who_api.logout()) class Root(object): __acl__ = [(Allow, Authenticated, ('view_protected',)), (Allow, Everyone, ('view',)), DENY_ALL, ] def get_root(*args, **kw): return Root() if __name__ == '__main__': # Configure the BFG application ## Set up security policies, root object, etc. authentication_policy=RemoteUserAuthenticationPolicy() authorization_policy=ACLAuthorizationPolicy() config = Configurator( root_factory=get_root, default_permission='view', authentication_policy=authentication_policy, authorization_policy=authorization_policy, ) config.begin() ## Configure views config.add_view(unprotected) config.add_view(protected, 'protected.html', permission='view_protected') config.add_view(login, 'login.html') config.add_view(logout, 'logout.html') config.end() ## Create the app object. app = config.make_wsgi_app() # Configure the repoze.who middleware: ## fake .htpasswd authentication source io = StringIO() for name, password in [('admin', 'admin'), ('user', 'user')]: io.write('%s:%s\n' % (name, password)) io.seek(0) def cleartext_check(password, hashed): return password == hashed htpasswd = HTPasswdPlugin(io, cleartext_check) ## other plugins basicauth = BasicAuthPlugin('repoze.who') auth_tkt = AuthTktCookiePlugin('secret', 'auth_tkt', digest_algo="sha512") redirector = RedirectorPlugin(login_url='/login.html') redirector.classifications = {IChallenger:['browser'] } # only for browser ## group / order plugins by function identifiers = [('auth_tkt', auth_tkt), ('basicauth', basicauth)] authenticators = [('auth_tkt', auth_tkt), ('htpasswd', htpasswd)] challengers = [('redirector', redirector), ('basicauth', basicauth)] mdproviders = [] ## set up who logging, if desired log_stream = None if os.environ.get('WHO_LOG'): log_stream = sys.stdout # Wrap the middleware around the application. middleware = PAM(app, identifiers, authenticators, challengers, mdproviders, default_request_classifier, default_challenge_decider, log_stream = log_stream, log_level = logging.DEBUG ) # Serve up the WSGI stack. serve(middleware, host='')