# Open Innovation Labs Enablement CI/CD Exercise Repository hosts the Labs Enablement material. It is a working skeleton that learners will use in conjunction with the [enablement-docs](https://github.com/rht-labs/enablement-docs). ### Basic usage 1. Clone this repository. 1. Log on to an OpenShift server `oc login -u https://:/` 1. Install the required [openshift-applier](https://github.com/redhat-cop/openshift-applier) dependency: ```bash ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=roles ``` 1. Run the play book using ```bash ansible-playbook roles/openshift-applier/playbooks/openshift-cluster-seed.yml -i inventory/ ``` ## Running a Subset of the Inventory 2. See [the docs](https://github.com/redhat-cop/casl-ansible/tree/master/roles/openshift-applier#filtering-content-based-on-tags) in casl-ansible 2. The only required tag to deploy objects within the inventory is **projects**, all other tags are *optional* 2. Here is an example that runs the tags that provision projects, ci, and jenkins objects: ```bash ansible-playbook roles/openshift-applier/playbooks/openshift-cluster-seed.yml \ -i inventory/ \ -e="filter_tags=jenkins,ci,projects" ```