const request = require('request'); const benchrest = require('bench-rest'); const grunt = require("grunt"); const Q = require('q'); // INFO ABOUT THE STATS // stats.main.histogram.min - the minimum time any iteration took (milliseconds) // stats.main.histogram.max - the maximum time any iteration took (milliseconds) // stats.main.histogram.mean - the average time any iteration took (milliseconds) // stats.main.histogram.p95 - the amount of time that 95% of all iterations completed within (milliseconds) const options = { limit: 10, // concurrent connections iterations: 10000 // number of iterations to perform }; const test = { domain : 'http://localhost:9000', dir : './reports/server/perf/', route : '/api/todos/', nfr : 60 }; const si = { domain : 'http://localhost:9002', dir : './reports/server/perf/', route : '/api/todos/', nfr : 60 }; const production = { domain : 'http://localhost:80', dir : './reports/server/perf/', route : '/api/todos/', nfr : 50 }; const test_endpoint = function (flow, options) { const wait = Q.defer(); benchrest(flow, options) .on('error', function (err, ctxName) { console.error('Failed in %s with err: ', ctxName, err); }) .on('end', function (stats, errorCount) { console.log('\n\n###### ' +flow.filename +' - ' +flow.env.domain + flow.env.route); console.log('Error Count', errorCount); console.log('Stats', stats); const mean_score = stats.main.histogram.mean; const fs = require('fs-extra'); const file = flow.env.dir + flow.filename + '-perf-score.csv'; fs.outputFileSync(file, 'mean,max,mix,p95\n'+ stats.main.histogram.mean +',' + stats.main.histogram.max +','+ stats.main.histogram.min +','+ stats.main.histogram.p95); if (mean_score > flow.env.nfr){ console.error('NFR EXCEEDED - ' +mean_score +' > '+flow.env.nfr); wait.resolve(false); } else { wait.resolve(true); } }); return wait.promise }; module.exports = function () { grunt.task.registerTask('perf-test', 'Runs the performance tests against the target env', function(target, api) { if (target === undefined || api === undefined){'Required param not set - use grunt perf-test\:\\:\'); } else { const done = this.async(); const create = { filename: 'create', env: {}, main: [{ post: si.domain + si.route, json: { title: 'Run perf-test', completed: false } }] }; const show = { filename: 'show', env: {}, main: [{ get: si.domain + si.route }] }; if (target === 'si') { show.env = si; create.env = si; } else if (target === 'production') { show.env = production; create.env = production; } else if (target === 'test') { show.env = test; create.env = test; } else {'Invalid target - ' + target); done(); } grunt.log.ok("Perf tests running against " + target); grunt.log.ok("This may take some time .... "); const all_tests = []; // console.log(create) // console.log(show) request(show.env.domain + show.env.route, function (error, response, body) { if (error) { grunt.log.error(error); } else if(response.statusCode == 200) { if (api === 'create'){ all_tests.push(test_endpoint(create, options)); } else { const mongoid = JSON.parse(body)[0]._id; show.main[0].get = si.domain + si.route + mongoid; all_tests.push(test_endpoint(show, options)); } Q.all(all_tests).then(function (data) { grunt.log.ok(data); if (data.indexOf(false) > -1){'FAILURE - NFR NOT ACHIEVED'); } else { grunt.log.ok('SUCCESS - All NFR ACHIEVED'); return done(); } }); } else {'FAILURE: something bad happened... there was no error from mongo but the response code was not 200') } }); } }); };