import mutations from "@/store/mutations"; let state; const todo = { completed: true, title: "testing sucks" }; const newTodo = "biscuits"; const doneTodos = [ { completed: true, title: "testing sucks" }, { completed: false, title: "easy testing is fun" } ]; const importantTodos = [ { completed: true, title: "testing sucks", important: true } ]; describe("Mutation tests", () => { beforeEach(() => { state = {}; }); it("sets the loading to true", () => { mutations.SET_LOADING(state, true); expect(state.loading).toBe(true); }); it("sets the loading to false", () => { mutations.SET_LOADING(state, false); expect(state.loading).toBe(false); }); it("sets all SET_TODOS", () => { mutations.SET_TODOS(state, [todo]); expect(state.todos.length).toBe(1); }); it("SET_NEW_TODO", () => { mutations.SET_NEW_TODO(state, newTodo); expect(state.newTodo).toEqual(newTodo); }); it("ADD_TODO", () => { state.todos = []; mutations.ADD_TODO(state, todo); expect(state.todos.length).toBe(1); }); it("CLEAR_NEW_TODO", () => { state.newTodo = newTodo; mutations.CLEAR_NEW_TODO(state, newTodo); expect(state.newTodo).toEqual(""); }); it("CLEAR_NEW_TODO", () => { state.newTodo = newTodo; mutations.CLEAR_NEW_TODO(state); expect(state.newTodo).toEqual(""); }); it("CLEAR_ALL_DONE_TODOS", () => { state.todos = doneTodos; mutations.CLEAR_ALL_DONE_TODOS(state); expect(state.todos.length).toBe(1); expect(state.todos[0].completed).toBe(false); }); it("CLEAR_ALL_TODOS", () => { state.todos = doneTodos; mutations.CLEAR_ALL_TODOS(state); expect(state.todos.length).toBe(0); }); it("MARK_TODO_COMPLETED", () => { state.todos = doneTodos; mutations.MARK_TODO_COMPLETED(state, 0); expect(state.todos[0].completed).toBe(false); // check the reversy! mutations.MARK_TODO_COMPLETED(state, 0); expect(state.todos[0].completed).toBe(true); }); it("it should MARK_TODO_IMPORTANT as false", () => { state.todos = importantTodos; // TODO - test goes here! }); it("it should MARK_TODO_IMPORTANT as true", () => { state.todos = importantTodos; // TODO - test goes here! }); });