import { shallow, mount, createLocalVue } from "@vue/test-utils"; import Vuex from "vuex"; import TodoItem from "@/components/TodoItem.vue"; // import { expect } from 'chai' import * as all from "../setup.js"; const localVue = createLocalVue(); localVue.use(Vuex); const todoItem = { title: "Love Front End testing :)", completed: true }; describe("TodoItem.vue", () => { it("has the expected html structure", () => { const wrapper = shallow(TodoItem, { propsData: { todoItem } }); // expect(wrapper.element).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("Renders title as 'Love Front End testing :)'", () => { const wrapper = shallow(TodoItem, { propsData: { todoItem } }); expect(wrapper.vm.todoItem.title).toMatch("Love Front End testing :)"); }); it("Renders completed as true", () => { const wrapper = shallow(TodoItem, { propsData: { todoItem } }); expect(wrapper.vm.todoItem.completed).toEqual(true); }); }); let importantTodo; let methods; describe("Important Flag button ", () => { beforeEach(() => { importantTodo = { title: "Love Front End testing :)", completed: true, important: true }; methods = { markImportant: jest.fn() }; }); it("should render a button with important flag", () => { const wrapper = mount(TodoItem, { propsData: { todoItem: importantTodo } }); // TODO - test goes here! }); it("should set the colour to red when true", () => { const wrapper = mount(TodoItem, { propsData: { todoItem: importantTodo } }); // TODO - test goes here! }); it("should set the colour to not red when false", () => { importantTodo.important = false; const wrapper = mount(TodoItem, { propsData: { todoItem: importantTodo } }); // TODO - test goes here! }); it("call makImportant when clicked", () => { const wrapper = mount(TodoItem, { methods, propsData: { todoItem: importantTodo } }); // TODO - test goes here! }); });