# Table of Contents 1. [I need a cookie recipe database!](#org651bf34) 2. [Preparing the cookierecipes CRD](#org58b8bb6) 3. [Storing some sample recipes](#orgbb687b0) 4. [Creating RBAC resources](#org2d91ada) 5. [Storing some sample recipes (hopefully this time!!)](#org69aa53f) 6. [Now can we do anything with our recipes?](#orgbd83100) 7. [I'm an operator with my pocket calculator](#org3bb5d31) 8. [What do we need?](#orgcebea86) 9. [Let's review the Containerfile](#org6c2e7f3) 10. [Have a look at the Controller](#org3165f3c) 11. [Now let's also have a look at the deployment](#org6ec9a40) 12. [The ServiceAccount](#orgcba3d6d) 13. [Building the stuff together](#orga6fa80a) 14. [Deploying the Operator](#org22de8a4) 15. [Test the Operator](#org1cbedf9) 16. [Test for updated recipes](#org40457b2) # I need a cookie recipe database! …and because it makes total sense, we are going to abuse the K8s API for it. - thankfully we can extend K8s with Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) - but how does it work? - `CustomResourceDefinitions` are themselves a `Resource`, based on a `ResourceDefinition` $ oc api-resources | egrep "(NAME|CustomResourceDefinition)" NAME SHORTNAMES APIVERSION NAMESPACED KIND customresourcedefinitions crd,crds apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 false CustomResourceDefinition $ oc explain crds KIND: CustomResourceDefinition VERSION: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 DESCRIPTION: CustomResourceDefinition represents a resource that should be exposed on the API server. Its name MUST be in the format <.spec.name>.<.spec.group>. [...] # Preparing the cookierecipes CRD Let's create the CRD from $ oc new-project kitchen Now using project "kitchen" on server "https://api.crc.testing:6443". $ oc create -f cookie-crd.yaml Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "cookie-crd.yaml": customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io is forbidden: User "developer" cannot create resource "customresourcedefinitions" in API group "apiextensions.k8s.io" at the cluster scope $ oc login -u kubeadmin $ oc create -f cookie-crd.yaml customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/cookierecipes.de.eenfach.olbohlen created $ oc login -u developer Now the cluster knows about the CRD and we could store recipes! # Storing some sample recipes We try to store sample cookie recipes…but: $ oc create -f sample-cookie.yaml Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "sample-cookie.yaml": cookierecipes.de.eenfach.olbohlen is forbidden: User "developer" cannot create resource "cookierecipes" in API group "de.eenfach.olbohlen" in the namespace "kitchen" Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "sample-cookie.yaml": cookierecipes.de.eenfach.olbohlen is forbidden: User "developer" cannot create resource "cookierecipes" in API group "de.eenfach.olbohlen" in the namespace "kitchen" We need to set up some RBAC resources first: - a `ClusterRole` that allows viewing recipes - a `ClusterRole` that allows editing recipes - and a `ClusterRoleBinding` that allows that for authenticated users # Creating RBAC resources Apply the RBAC definitions from: $ oc login -u kubeadmin $ oc create -f cookie-rbac.yaml clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cookierecipe-edit created clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cookierecipe-view created clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cookierecipe-edit created The `ClusterRoleBinding` "cookierecipe-edit" allows `system:authenticated:oauth` group members to edit `cookierecipes`. `system:authenticated:oauth` contains all users that logged in via the OAuth service (via an `IdentityProvider`). # Storing some sample recipes (hopefully this time!!) Now we should be able to create the sample recipes: $ oc login -u developer $ oc create -f sample-cookie.yaml cookierecipe.de.eenfach.olbohlen/vintage-chocolate-chip created cookierecipe.de.eenfach.olbohlen/double-dipped-shortbread created $ oc get cookierecipe NAME AGE double-dipped-shortbread 17s vintage-chocolate-chip 17s There is no functionality here - we just stored the recipes in the etcd via the K8s API. # Now can we do anything with our recipes? Of course we can **oc get -o yaml** for example on them and filter: $ oc get cookierecipe vintage-chocolate-chip -o yaml | yq -y .spec.ingredients[0] amount: 150 name: salted butter remarks: softened unit: grams This is handy, as we can extract exactly the data which we need at a time. But…it's a lot of manual work… # I'm an operator with my pocket calculator Operators were introduced as "Kubernetes Native Applications" and that actually means nothing. Operators are in the end just `Pods`. These Pods run one or more containers, but one container should run a `Controller` that can interprete your `CustomResources`. So let's write a CookieRecipe Operator. In shell-script… :) Of course this Operator is not compatible with the `OperatorLifecycyleManager` (`OLM`), so we have to install it manually. # What do we need? We need: - a ContainerImage - and therefore probably a **Containerfile** - Controller code Then we are going to build the Operator ContainerImage and push it to a Registry. # Let's review the Containerfile The Containerfile is here: the base image is a "kshbase" image, which itself is based upon ubi9 containing also a ksh93 and an oc client. # Have a look at the Controller The controller is written in KornShell 93 (ksh93), which is mostly bash compatible :) The code is here: # Now let's also have a look at the deployment Note: this deployment does not use an `ImageStream`, so it would work also on native k8s This deployment requires a `ServiceAccount` called "cookieprocessor", this `ServiceAccount` provides a Token to authenticate against the API (which we use in the controller script). # The ServiceAccount We need a `ServiceAccount`, but that alone will not help. The `ServiceAccount` is NOT member of `system:authenticated:oauth`, so it can't read `cookierecipes` based on the `ClusterRoleBinding` we created earlier. For that reason we also create a `RoleBinding` (namespaced!) that allows reading recipes: # Building the stuff together $ oc create -f cookieprocessor-sa.yaml serviceaccount/cookieprocessor created rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cookierecipe-view created The registry docker.eenfach.de requires login credentials, so we need to set up a secret and link it. First login to the registry with **podman login**, then pick the resulting auth.json: $ podman login -u olbohlen docker.eenfach.de Password: Login Succeeded! $ oc create secret generic docker-eenfach-de \ > --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/containers/auth.json \ > --type kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson secret/docker-eenfach-de created $ oc secrets link cookieprocessor docker-eenfach-de --for pull # Deploying the Operator Now that we have everything in place, we will just deploy the Operator Pod: $ oc create -f cookie-operator-deployment.yaml deployment.apps/recipe-processor created $ oc get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE recipe-processor-7f9969697b-qt9lv 1/1 Running 0 17s $ oc logs -f recipe-processor-7f9969697b-qt9lv New recipe found: double-dipped-shortbread -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre: we heat up the oven to 180 degrees Celsius Fetching ingredients from recipe: ---------------------------------- Fetching 200grams of salted butter (softened) [...] The Operator will process both sample recipes. # Test the Operator We should test if the Operator notices new recipes, so let's create a third recipe from $ oc create -f oaty-hazelnut-cookies.yaml cookierecipe.de.eenfach.olbohlen/oaty-hazelnut created After a few seconds, we should see in the Operator log: New recipe found: oaty-hazelnut -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre: we heat up the oven to 180 degrees Celsius [...] # Test for updated recipes But what if we update a resource? Keep the **oc logs -f** on the Operator Pod open, and in another terminal let's patch a recipe. $ oc patch cookierecipes double-dipped-shortbread --type merge \ > -p '{"spec":{"temperature":172}}' cookierecipe.de.eenfach.olbohlen/double-dipped-shortbread patched And again in the log you should see New recipe found: double-dipped-shortbread -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre: we heat up the oven to 172 degrees Celsius Fetching ingredients from recipe: ---------------------------------- [...]