Gnome-Connection-Manager Get the latest version here: 1. REQUIREMENTS: you must have python 2.6 or later, python-gtk2, expect, python-vte, libglade2-0, python-glade2 2. INSTALLATION: - Linux/Unix: copy the gcm files wherever you want, then execute the example: /home/someuser/gcm/ - FreeBSD: Edit the file and use the full path of the "ssh" and "telnet" binaries in the lines: SSH_BIN = 'ssh' TEL_BIN = 'telnet' Edit the file ssh.expect and replace the first line with the full path of the "expect" command: #!/usr/bin/expect 3. LANGUAGE: to force a language start the application with this command: LANGUAGE=en /home/someuser/gcm/ if that doesn't work, try with: env LANGUAGE=en python /home/someuser/gcm/