To enable the ffi fallback for the foreign linker: --enable-fallback-linker That works, but adds FFI to the dependencies. To bundle the FFI we use, you need to --enable-libffi-bundling and then help the build out so it can find the right file. The search logic (see make/autoconf/lib-ffi.m4) is a bit of guesswork and linux-specific. You can't use a simple --with-libffi=/usr, because it doesn't know where our 64-bit library is. So you have to be more specific: --with-libffi-include=/usr/include --with-libffi-lib=/usr/lib/amd64 (You don't need the first one, as that's already the default.) That still doesn't quite work, as we have multiple files (for backwards compatibility) which causes confusion: checking for libffi lib file location... /var/tmp/ud/jdk21-jdk-21-28/build/.configure-support/ line 144232: test: too many arguments configure: error: Could not locate for bundling in /usr/lib/amd64 So I think the way to avoid that would be to create a temporary directory and structure that in a way the configure script expects.