Michael Merickel
2018-10-26 25737fd6a412f4fe9b780305c0260bb6e938be1b
search: michael@merickel.org (author)
2018-09-28 Michael Merickel
fix docs
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2018-09-27 Michael Merickel
Merge branch 'master' into deprecate-pickle-sessions
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2018-09-27 Michael Merickel
fix old tests
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2018-09-10 Michael Merickel
enable sorting of offers
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2018-09-25 Michael Merickel
show how to use the serializer
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2018-09-17 Michael Merickel
ref after index apparently
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2018-09-16 Michael Merickel
tweak some docs
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2018-09-16 Michael Merickel
deprecate signed_serialize and signed_deserialize
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2018-09-16 Michael Merickel
deprecate pickleable sessions, recommend json
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2018-09-07 Michael Merickel
Revert "support a list of media types in the accept predicate"
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2018-09-04 Michael Merickel
support a list of media types in the accept predicate
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2018-09-04 Michael Merickel
fallback to __contains__ if a media range is supplied
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2018-09-04 Michael Merickel
support multiple types in the route predicate
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2018-08-29 Michael Merickel
update docs and changelog
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2018-08-08 Michael Merickel
fix deprecated usage of request.accept in AcceptPredicate
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2018-08-10 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3325 from mmerickel/fix-unpickle-crash
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2018-08-10 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3319 from Pylons/feature/more-samesite-work
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2018-08-10 Michael Merickel
Merge branch 'master' into feature/more-samesite-work
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2018-08-09 Michael Merickel
let tox install the extras for us from the sdist
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2018-08-08 Michael Merickel
add changelog for #3325
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2018-08-08 Michael Merickel
catch other pickle errors when loading content
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2018-08-09 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3113 from mmerickel/refactor-utils
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2017-06-29 Michael Merickel
fix circular imports with predicate config
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2018-08-05 Michael Merickel
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2018-08-05 Michael Merickel
add changelog for #3307
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2018-08-05 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3307 from Pylons/alembic-cookiecutter-alchemy
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2018-08-04 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3318 from mmerickel/pshell-setup-generator
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2018-08-02 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3321 from mmerickel/travis-pypy
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2018-08-02 Michael Merickel
test on newer pypy/pypy3
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2018-07-29 Michael Merickel
add some docs for pshell setup with an example of handling transactions
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2018-07-29 Michael Merickel
enable the setup function in pshell to wrap the command lifecycle
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2018-06-15 Michael Merickel
Merge branch 'pr/3303'
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2018-06-15 Michael Merickel
Merge branch 'pr/3302'
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2018-06-15 Michael Merickel
add changelog for #3302
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2018-06-11 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3300 from Pylons/feature/session-samesite-lax
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2018-06-11 Michael Merickel
Merge branch 'master' into feature/session-samesite-lax
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2018-06-11 Michael Merickel
add changelog for #3300
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2018-06-11 Michael Merickel
add versionchanged markers
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2018-06-07 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3299 from mmerickel/drop-permission-add-route
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2018-05-25 Michael Merickel
remove the permission arg from add_route
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2018-05-19 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3251 from Pylons/replace-mimeaccept
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2018-05-16 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3267 from Pylons/pdf_rendering_fixes
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2018-05-16 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3279 from huntcsg/master
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2018-05-16 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #3280 from cewing/issue-3212
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2018-04-26 Michael Merickel
pyramid no longer depends directly on pastedeploy
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2018-04-24 Michael Merickel
ensure the pyramid deps are installed from source, not the dist in pypi
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2018-04-24 Michael Merickel
pin to a non-pre version of venusian
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2018-04-24 Michael Merickel
pin to non-pre version of webob
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2018-04-24 Michael Merickel
link to pypi.org
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2018-04-24 Michael Merickel
blacklist sphinx 1.7.3
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