Tres Seaver
2016-04-16 3779dd8cffe9e87ea040127be5fe40e3a3a79cff
search: (committer)
2016-04-16 Tres Seaver
Merge pull request #2503 from Pylons/pin-webob-lt-1.5
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2016-04-16 Tres Seaver
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2016-01-29 Tres Seaver
Merge pull request #2305 from bagerard/patch-2
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2013-09-10 Tres Seaver
Update theme.
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2013-09-10 Tres Seaver
Use the 'pylons_sphinx_latesturl' extension.
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2013-08-16 Tres Seaver
Restore 'tests_require'.
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2013-08-16 Tres Seaver
Resolve conflict.
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2013-08-16 Tres Seaver
Mark docs as outdated.
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2013-08-16 Tres Seaver
Split out tests / docs requirments as extras.
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2012-07-10 Tres Seaver
Add Travis hair to 1.3 branch.
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2012-01-14 Tres Seaver
Fix borked attempt to close a string (instead of the file it was read from).
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2011-05-11 Tres Seaver
Silence stupid deprecation under Python >= 2.7.
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2011-05-10 Tres Seaver
Merge pull request #187 from aodag/master
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2010-12-31 Tres Seaver
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2010-11-09 Tres Seaver
Sign contributor agreement.
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2010-03-26 Tres Seaver
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2010-03-03 Tres Seaver
Defer conditional import of IPython to avoid breakage under mod_wsgi.
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2010-03-02 Tres Seaver
Note presence of ZF copyright, PSF license.
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2010-03-02 Tres Seaver
Coverage for missing 'pkgutil'.
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2010-01-04 Tres Seaver
Updated dependency on ``WebOb`` to require a version which supports feature...
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2009-07-20 Tres Seaver
Fixed documentation bug showing invalid test for values from the ``matchdic...
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2009-07-20 Tres Seaver
Fixed documentation bug showing wrong environment key for the ``matchdict``...
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2009-06-30 Tres Seaver
Updated the ``bfg_alchemy`` paster template to include two views:
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2009-06-20 Tres Seaver
Fix strange test breakage.
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2009-06-20 Tres Seaver
Move pushpage support out into separate distribution.
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2009-04-30 Tres Seaver
Speed up / clarify 'traversal' module's 'model_path', 'model_path_tuple', a...
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2009-04-29 Tres Seaver
Note backward-incompatible change.
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2009-04-29 Tres Seaver
Drop the ILocation testing by default during traversal.
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2009-04-29 Tres Seaver
Coverage: edge case where pickled action doesn't have a set as fifth element.
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2009-04-29 Tres Seaver
Suppress coverage report for namespace __init__.
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2009-04-29 Tres Seaver
Suppress coverage report for BBB import.
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2009-04-29 Tres Seaver
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2009-04-29 Tres Seaver
Suppress coverage report for BBB import.
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2009-04-29 Tres Seaver
Remove concurrency wart.
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2009-01-07 Tres Seaver
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2009-01-07 Tres Seaver
Add a 'post' argument to the DummyRequest ctor.
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2009-01-07 Tres Seaver
Add better testing for DummyRequest; fix a bug in cookie init.
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2009-01-07 Tres Seaver
Add repoze.tm2 to / INI file, so changes get saved.
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2009-01-07 Tres Seaver
Note extended return value from get_options.
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2009-01-07 Tres Seaver
Added ``__len__`` and ``__nonzero__`` to ``repoze.bfg.testing:DummyModel``.
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2009-01-06 Tres Seaver
Get new paster template accounted against unreleased version; fix inclusion...
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2009-01-06 Tres Seaver
Renamed the existing BFG paster template to ``bfg_starter``.
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2009-01-06 Tres Seaver
ReST-ify, use ISO dates.
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2009-01-06 Tres Seaver
Prepare for additional paster templates.
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2008-10-17 Tres Seaver
Add color scheme.
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2008-10-17 Tres Seaver
Include logo in sphinx docs.
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2008-07-16 Tres Seaver
Added 'repoze.bfg.push:pushpage' decorator
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2008-07-16 Tres Seaver
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2008-07-12 Tres Seaver
Omitted deriving example interface from zope.interface.Interface.
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