Tres Seaver
2013-03-20 5ecc719480a92bb2adcd0da8350a60fead5c6efd
search: Tres Seaver (committer)
2013-03-20 Tres Seaver
Note fix.
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2012-12-06 Tres Seaver
Attempt to get RTD working.
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2012-11-09 Tres Seaver
Work around Py32's hashib nannyism.
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2012-11-09 Tres Seaver
Changelog for new feature.
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2012-11-09 Tres Seaver
Merge branch 'sha1_check' of into crashekar...
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2012-11-06 Tres Seaver
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2012-11-05 Tres Seaver
Merge branch 'sha1_check' of into crashekar...
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2012-11-05 Tres Seaver
Garden changelog.
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2012-11-05 Tres Seaver
Ignore Tox-derived files.
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2012-11-05 Tres Seaver
Merge branch 'master' of
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2012-11-05 Tres Seaver
Merge pull request #7 from aodag/master
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2012-11-05 Tres Seaver
Merge pull request #5 from cguardia/patch-1
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2012-11-05 Tres Seaver
Prep 2.1b1 release.
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2012-03-24 Tres Seaver
Use stdlib's warnings.catch_warnings instead of rolling by hand.
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2012-03-24 Tres Seaver
Work around tox weirdness.
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2012-03-22 Tres Seaver
Merge pull request #4 from aodag/py3k
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Add mcdonc's ' dev' goodness.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Note new release numbers coming, due to BBB dependency changes.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Don't need the pin.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Add Tox support.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Deprecatino clean on Py3k.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Suppress ResourceWarning spew under Py3k.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
More deprecation suppression for 'cgi.parse_qs'.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Suppress deprecation warnings under Py3k.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Get log levels set correctly no matter the order in which tests run.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
100% coverage under both 2.x and 3.2.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Back to 100% coverage under 2.x.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Wrappers for '{de,en}codstring' under Py3k.
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Coverage for repoze.who._auth_tkt.AuthTkt.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Ensure that identity dict contains decoded values.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Add 'must_decode' smackdown.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Coverage (under 3.2) for _compat.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Coverage (under 2.x) for _compat.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Note userdata anomaly / bug.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Normalize non-exception from urlparse under Py3k.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Normalize handling of appiter-as-bytes.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Moar centralized compat imports.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Portable itertools {i,}zip_longest behavior.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Centralize compatibility imports in repoze.who._compat.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Portable base64 {en,de}coding of basic auth header.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Py3k repairs.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
PEP 8.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Py3k compatible hash digest manipulation.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Avoid un-checked use of 'unicode' builtin.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Use 'in' rather than 'has_key'.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Use explicit unicode compatbility wrapper to test unicode cleartext.
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2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Add a compatbility wrapper for explicit unicode.
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