Ravi Srinivasan
2019-02-05 a6fbc9272d1c5a2ad95be92b803015693271479b
search: rsriniva@redhat.com (author)
2019-02-05 Ravi Srinivasan
Updated lab instructions for exercise 5 and 6
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2019-02-05 Ravi Srinivasan
Updated exercise 4 with instructions for configuring arachni kube pod template
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2019-02-01 Ravi Srinivasan
fixed clone URL's for lab. now pointing to our own RHT git
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2019-01-31 Ravi Srinivasan
Minor fixes to lab 3
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2019-01-31 Ravi Srinivasan
Updated instructions for lab 4 - enslaved hope
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2019-01-31 Ravi Srinivasan
Updates to big pic dashboard
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2019-01-30 Ravi Srinivasan
Fix for broken sidebar
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2019-01-30 Ravi Srinivasan
Initial round of updates or Lab 4 enslaved hope
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2019-01-29 Ravi Srinivasan
Updated for lab 3 - revenge of the automated testing
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2019-01-24 Ravi Srinivasan
Updated instructions for exercise 2 - attack of the pipelines
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2019-01-24 Ravi Srinivasan
Updated big picture graphics
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2019-01-14 Ravi Srinivasan
Removed additional, optional and slide material links at bottom
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2019-01-14 Ravi Srinivasan
Updated instructions for Manual Menace lab with extra info for Windows+clea...
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2019-01-11 Ravi Srinivasan
Some more updated to BYOD setup guide. Added HW reqs
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2019-01-10 Ravi Srinivasan
Updates to Windows BYOD guide after testing on Win 10 Pro
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2019-01-03 Ravi Srinivasan
Updated Windows BYOD after QA
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2018-12-19 Ravi Srinivasan
Fixes for macOS BYOD after QA
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2018-12-18 Ravi Srinivasan
Draft BYOD instructions for Mac, Windows and Linux
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