2015-07-06 eba92bd9c24111756afb06f05b8478130a3beef0
search: (committer)
2015-07-06 marquex
Add the render props to customize appearance
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2015-06-22 marquex
Fixed time not decreasing added buttons for controls
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2015-06-22 marquex
Locale support added
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2015-06-21 marquex
Create static mode. CSS cleanup
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2015-06-20 marquex
React key warnings removed
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2015-06-20 marquex
Completely removed JSX from src
commit | commitdiff | tree
2015-06-19 marquex
Some more clean up
commit | commitdiff | tree
2015-06-19 marquex
Completely separate the fork from react-bootstrap-datetimepicker
commit | commitdiff | tree
2015-06-18 marquex
Some clean up
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