Bowe Strickland
2018-10-27 6e49871feaa1a60549206cf5512c9fb7f3d5fd56
search: Wichert Akkerman (author)
2014-04-08 Wichert Akkerman
Drop setup.cfg from scaffolds
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2014-04-08 Wichert Akkerman
Remove Babel from all setup.cfg files
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2014-04-08 Wichert Akkerman
Always mention the msg* commands come from Gettext
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2014-04-08 Wichert Akkerman
Remove lingua references from setup.cfg description.
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2014-04-08 Wichert Akkerman
Fix $VENT typo
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2014-04-08 Wichert Akkerman
Keep using easy_install.
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2014-04-08 Wichert Akkerman
Update Lingua glossary item.
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2014-04-08 Wichert Akkerman
Update documentation for Lingua 2
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2013-12-10 Wichert Akkerman
Fix JSONP syntax error
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2013-08-12 Wichert Akkerman
Allow explicit cookie domain setting.
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2013-08-10 Wichert Akkerman
No cookies on other domain with parent_domain
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2013-06-03 Wichert Akkerman
Add a parent_domain option for auth_tkt policy
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2011-09-28 Wichert Akkerman
Accept unicode token instances with ascii content
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2011-06-06 Wichert Akkerman
Add support for language fallback.
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2011-05-14 Wichert Akkerman
Correct spelling of my name
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2011-01-19 Wichert Akkerman
Add myself to the contributors.
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2011-01-19 Wichert Akkerman
Include tokens when reissueing a ticket.
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2011-01-19 Wichert Akkerman
Merge branch 'tokens'
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2011-01-19 Wichert Akkerman
Validate tokens to prevent problems.
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2010-12-28 Wichert Akkerman
When using the auth_tkt authentication plugin accept a ``tokens`` parameter...
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2010-08-29 Wichert Akkerman
Fix ReST error
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2010-08-29 Wichert Akkerman
Remove double entry
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