Richard Allred
2019-07-24 8b6479a023e36d68786c19d2b0bb2cb3266b0bab
search: Richard Allred (author)
2019-07-24 Richard Allred
Adding php-scale app for ch07 lab
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2019-07-16 Richard Allred
adding quip app
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2019-07-01 Richard Allred
removing bin from ignore
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2019-06-27 Richard Allred
Merge branch 'master' of
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2019-06-27 Richard Allred
adding go-hello for ch5 lab
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2019-06-25 Richard Allred
adding html-helloworld application
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2019-06-19 Richard Allred
adding back thorntail dependencies
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2019-06-19 Richard Allred
Merge pull request #1 from imcsk8/update-java-serverhost
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2019-06-19 Richard Allred
revert unnecessary pom changes
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2019-06-19 Richard Allred
tweaking dependencies for thorntail
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2019-06-17 Richard Allred
Merge branch 'master' of
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2019-06-17 Richard Allred
adding java app
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2019-06-12 Richard Allred
Adding s2i-scripts directory
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2019-05-24 Richard Allred
Updating to image
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2019-05-23 Richard Allred
added simple README
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2019-05-23 Richard Allred
initial commit with apps from course repo
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