Bowe Strickland
2018-10-27 6e49871feaa1a60549206cf5512c9fb7f3d5fd56
search: Cris Ewing (author)
2018-05-15 Cris Ewing
Add changelog entry for this bugfix
commit | commitdiff | tree
2018-05-14 Cris Ewing
Sets, when you absolutely, positively want those extra microseconds back
commit | commitdiff | tree
2018-05-14 Cris Ewing
Update the building of status_dict, now that both the base server and clien...
commit | commitdiff | tree
2018-05-14 Cris Ewing
Move base server and client error codes and titles to the base classes. Add...
commit | commitdiff | tree
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