Tres Seaver
2012-03-19 20d23f553145ab61e52890bc08a8d1093f91b8e6
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2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Note maintenance-branch status.
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2011-09-28 Tres Seaver
Prep 2.0 release.
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2011-09-28 Tres Seaver
'auth_tkt' plugin: strip port number from the 'Domain' of generated cookies.
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2011-09-28 Tres Seaver
Call 'close' even when raising an exception for a missing challenger.
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2011-05-24 Tres Seaver
Prep 2.0b1 release.
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2011-05-18 Tres Seaver
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2011-05-17 Tres Seaver
Enabled standard use of logging module's configuration mechanism.
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2011-05-13 Tres Seaver
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2011-04-06 Tres Seaver
All identifiers play on remember / forget.
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2011-04-05 Tres Seaver
Import fix.
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2011-04-05 Tres Seaver
Merge branch 'master' of
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2011-04-05 Tres Seaver
Add interface conformance tests.
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2011-03-16 Tres Seaver
More isochronous whack-a-mole fun.
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2011-03-16 Tres Seaver
Ignore derived.
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2011-03-15 Tres Seaver
Avoid yet one more short-circuit.
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2011-03-15 Tres Seaver
Warn off potential optimizers.
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2011-03-15 Tres Seaver
Try harder to mitigate timing attacks.
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2011-03-13 Tres Seaver
Defend timing-based attacks against htpasswd.
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2011-03-13 Tres Seaver
Ignore derived.
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2011-02-22 Tres Seaver
Add CONTRIBUTORS.txt signing machinery.
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