owners admin
last changeFriday, June 19, 2020 12:07 +0200
size17.6 MB
stats170 commits and 0 tags in 4 months metrics
repository url
2020-06-19 Pablo Solar Vilariño
Update gossip README to use the official repository (#61)
49a69d diff | tree
2020-06-18 Jaime Ramírez
fix(adopt-a-pup): Increase timeout (#60)
a380a5 diff | tree
2020-06-18 Pablo Solar Vilariño
Updated gossip news (#59)
0ff522 diff | tree
2020-06-17 Jaime Ramírez
feat(adopt-a-pup): frontend server endpoint for news (#58)
fecb99 diff | tree
2020-06-17 Jaime Ramírez
fix(adopt-a-pup): single file frontend build (#57)
29728c diff | tree
2020-06-17 Pablo Solar Vilariño
Added patch to generate animals-v2 service with logger in the /getAllAdopta...
c491d4 diff | tree
2020-06-17 Jaime Ramírez
feat(adopt-a-pup): Added loader to shelter detail (#54)
16215d diff | tree
2020-06-16 Pablo Solar Vilariño
Updated animal photo URLs (#53)
b10099 diff | tree
2020-06-16 Jaime Ramírez
docs(adopt-a-pup): Add CI/CD info to readme (#52)
99067d diff | tree
2020-06-16 jonahkh
code cleanup and use photos from shared red hat google account (#44)
3cf2d1 diff | tree
2020-06-15 Pablo Solar Vilariño
Renamed comp review project (#51)
e6ddfc diff | tree
2020-06-11 Jaime Ramírez
fix(Jenkinsfile): Fixing timeout issue (#50)
a397c5 diff | tree
2020-06-11 Jaime Ramírez
fix(adopt-a-pup): Handle denied adoptions (#48)
523d18 diff | tree
2020-06-11 Jaime Ramírez
ci(Jenkinsfile): Reduced timeout for input
8489b8 diff | tree
2020-06-11 Jaime Ramírez
ci(Jenkinsfile): Catch timeout exception (#49)
a654d9 diff | tree
2020-06-11 Pablo Solar Vilariño
Renamed adopt-a-pup- service names and changed kubefiles to use Red Hat Tra...
d4a550 diff | tree
more commits...
2020-06-19 master Pablo Solar Vilariño Update gossip README to use the official repository (#61) log | tree | raw
2020-06-11 adopt-a-pup-photo-picker Jaime Ramírez Added photo gallery modal to animal creation form log | tree | raw
2020-06-08 dependabot/npm_and_yarn/e... dependabot[bot] Bump websocket-extensions in /exchange-application/frontend/v1 log | tree | raw
2020-05-26 dependabot/npm_and_yarn/e... dependabot[bot] Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4 in /exchange-application/frontend/v1 log | tree | raw
2020-05-21 ch04-lab Pablo Solar Vilariño ch07 LAB modifications to the frontend application: red header log | tree | raw
all branches...