Guillaume Coré
2019-01-28 02b32c174294af014a803625e9a5c248a4d281a5
commit | author | age
1d2130 1 ---
3c6889 2 - import_playbook: ../../setup_runtime.yml
GC 3
83dbfb 4 - name: Backup event log of the user
GC 5   hosts: localhost
6   connection: local
7   gather_facts: False
8   become: no
9   environment:
10     AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{aws_access_key_id}}"
11     AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{aws_secret_access_key}}"
12     AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{aws_region_final|d(aws_region)}}"
13   tasks:
14     - name: Get fact for stack
15       cloudformation_facts:
16         stack_name: "{{ project_tag }}"
17       register: stack_facts
5f97b6 19     - when: project_tag in stack_facts.ansible_facts.cloudformation
GC 20       block:
21         - name: Grab and set stack creation_time
22           set_fact:
23             stack_creation_time: >-
24               {{ stack_facts.ansible_facts.cloudformation[project_tag].stack_description.creation_time }}
25             stack_status: >-
26               {{ stack_facts.ansible_facts.cloudformation[project_tag].stack_description.stack_status }}
83dbfb 27
00f985 28         - when: stack_status == "CREATE_COMPLETE"
GC 29           block:
30             - name: Grab student user
31               set_fact:
32                 student_user: >-
33                   {{ stack_facts.ansible_facts.cloudformation[project_tag].stack_outputs.StudentUser }}
35             - name: Backup event log for user
36               shell: >-
37                 aws cloudtrail lookup-events
38                 --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=Username,AttributeValue={{ student_user }}
39                 --start-time {{ stack_creation_time }}
40                 > {{ output_dir }}/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_cloudtrail_event_log.json
41               when: email is defined or owner is defined
83dbfb 42
3c6889 43 - name: Build inventory
GC 44   hosts: localhost
45   connection: local
46   gather_facts: False
47   become: no
48   tasks:
49     - when: cloud_provider == 'ec2'
50       block:
51       - name: Run infra-ec2-create-inventory Role
52         include_role:
53           name: infra-ec2-create-inventory
55       - name: Run Common SSH Config Generator Role
56         include_role:
57           name: infra-common-ssh-config-generate
729b05 58         when: "'bastions' in groups"
3c6889 59
1dc20e 60 - name: Start clientVM and cluster instances if they are stopped
GC 61   hosts: localhost
62   connection: local
63   gather_facts: False
64   become: no
65   environment:
66     AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{aws_access_key_id}}"
67     AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{aws_secret_access_key}}"
68     AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{aws_region_final|d(aws_region)}}"
69   tasks:
5f97b6 70     - when:
GC 71         - stack_status is defined
72         - stack_status == 'CREATE_COMPLETE'
0f742d 73       block:
00f985 74         - set_fact:
GC 75             clientvm_id: "{{ hostvars[groups.bastions[0]].instance_id }}"
76           when:
77             - "'bastions' in groups"
78             - groups.bastions | length > 0
1dc20e 79
00f985 80         - fail:
GC 81             msg: "No clientVM present"
82           when: >-
6e88d8 83             'bastions' not in groups or groups.bastions | length == 0
1dc20e 84
00f985 85         - when:
GC 86             - stack_status is defined
87             - stack_status == 'CREATE_COMPLETE'
88           block:
89             - name: Start clientVM instance
90               command: "aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids '{{clientvm_id}}'"
1dc20e 91
00f985 92             - name: Get cluster instance Ids
GC 93               command: >-
94                 aws ec2 describe-instances
95                 --filters
96                 "Name=tag:clusterid,Values=cluster-{{ guid }}"
97                 "Name=instance-state-name,Values=pending,running,shutting-down,stopping,stopped"
98                 --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].InstanceId'
99                 --output text
100               changed_when: false
101               # Sometimes deployment fails before any OCP instances is created, so comment this line:
102               # failed_when: instanceids.stdout | trim | length == 0
103               register: instanceids
1dc20e 104
00f985 105             - name: Start cluster instances
GC 106               when: instanceids.stdout | trim | length > 0
107               command: >-
108                     aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids {{ instanceids.stdout | trim }}
110             - name: Wait for clientVM instance
111               command: "aws ec2 wait instance-running --instance-ids '{{clientvm_id}}'"
113             - name: Wait for cluster instances
114               when: instanceids.stdout | trim | length > 0
115               ignore_errors: true
116               command: >-
117                     aws ec2 wait instance-running
118                     --filters "Name=tag:clusterid,Values=cluster-{{ guid }}"
1dc20e 119
3c6889 120 - name: Destroy OCP 4 resources using the installer
GC 121   hosts: bastions
122   gather_facts: false
123   become: no
124   run_once: yes
125   tasks:
00f985 126     - when:
GC 127         - hostvars.localhost.stack_status is defined
128         - hostvars.localhost.stack_status == 'CREATE_COMPLETE'
466e11 129       block:
00f985 130         - name: Set facts for remote access
GC 131           set_fact:
132             ansible_ssh_extra_args: >-
133               {{ ansible_ssh_extra_args|d() }}
134               -F {{hostvars.localhost.output_dir}}/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_ssh_conf
3c6889 135
00f985 136         - name: Wait for linux host to be available
GC 137           wait_for_connection:
138             timeout: 20
466e11 139
00f985 140         - name: Pack an archive of everything in case something goes wrong
GC 141           become: yes
142           archive:
1327e6 143             path:
GC 144               - /home
145               - /root
00f985 146             dest: /tmp/home.tar.gz
41fa25 147
00f985 148         - name: Fetch the archive
GC 149           fetch:
150             flat: yes
151             src: /tmp/home.tar.gz
152             dest: "{{ hostvars.localhost.output_dir }}/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_user_home.tar.gz"
154         - stat:
368c46 155             path: /home/{{ ansible_user }}/cluster-{{ guid }}/metadata.json
00f985 156           register: statclusterdir
GC 157
158         - when: statclusterdir.stat.exists
159           block:
160           - name: destroy terraform resources (openshift-install destroy cluster)
161             command: openshift-install destroy cluster --dir=/home/{{ ansible_user }}/cluster-{{ guid }}/
162             register: destroyr
164           - name: pack an archive of everything
165             archive:
166               path: /home/{{ansible_user}}/cluster-{{ guid }}
167               dest: /tmp/cluster-{{ guid }}.tar.gz
169           - name: get archive of environment target dir
170             fetch:
171               flat: yes
172               src: /tmp/cluster-{{ guid }}.tar.gz
173               dest: "{{ hostvars.localhost.output_dir }}/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_cluster-{{ guid }}.tar.gz"
b16ec4 174           - set_fact:
GC 175               oktodelete: yes
177         - when: not statclusterdir.stat.exists
178           block:
1327e6 179             - name: Detect cluster dir using the terraform file (/root)
GC 180               find:
181                 file_type: file
182                 paths: /root
183                 pattern: terraform.tfstate
184                 recurse: yes
185                 depth: 5
186               become: yes
187               register: findr
189             - name: Destroy all clusters
190               loop: "{{ findr.files }}"
191               include_tasks: destroy_cluster.yml
192               vars:
193                 cluster_dir: "{{ item.path | dirname }}"
194                 username: root
196             - name: Detect cluster dir using the terraform file (/home)
b16ec4 197               find:
GC 198                 file_type: file
199                 paths: /home
200                 pattern: terraform.tfstate
201                 recurse: yes
202                 depth: 5
203               become: yes
204               register: findr
1327e6 206             - name: Destroy all clusters
b16ec4 207               loop: "{{ findr.files }}"
GC 208               include_tasks: destroy_cluster.yml
209               vars:
210                 cluster_dir: "{{ item.path | dirname }}"
1327e6 211                 username: "{{ item.path | dirname | regex_replace('/home/([^/]+).*', '\\1') }}"
b16ec4 212
GC 213             - set_fact:
214                 oktodelete: yes
1b3067 215       always:
GC 216         - name: Test if janitor is present
217           command: command -v janitor
218           register: commandjanitor
219           delegate_to: localhost
221         - when: commandjanitor.rc == 0
222           block:
223             - name: Run janitor to get existing resources
224               environment:
225                 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{aws_access_key_id}}"
226                 AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{aws_secret_access_key}}"
227                 AWS_REGION: "{{aws_region_final|d(aws_region)}}"
30e276 228               command: >-
1b3067 229                 janitor
GC 230                 -u={{ hostvars.localhost.student_user }}
30e276 231                 -t='{{ hostvars.localhost.stack_creation_time }}'
GC 232                 -r
233                 -quiet
1b3067 234               register: janitorreg
GC 235               delegate_to: localhost
237             - debug:
238                 var: janitorreg.stdout
240             - name: Send email about remaining resources
241               when:
242                 - janitorreg.stdout_lines | length > 0
243                 - report_email is defined
244               mail:
245                 subject: "OCP4 lab: Remaining resources found for user {{ hostvars.localhost.student_user }}"
246                 to: "{{ report_email }}"
247                 body: "{{ janitorreg.stdout }}"
248                 from: "{{ report_from_email | d(report_email) }}"
249                 headers:
250                   - Reply-To={{ report_reply_to_email | d(report_email) }}
251               delegate_to: localhost
253             - name: Output janitor logs
254               when: report_email is not defined
255               debug:
256                 var: janitorreg.stdout
3c6889 257
GC 258 - name: Delete ocp4 provisioner stack
259   hosts: localhost
260   connection: local
261   gather_facts: False
262   become: no
6e88d8 263   environment:
GC 264     AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{aws_access_key_id}}"
265     AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{aws_secret_access_key}}"
266     AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{aws_region_final|d(aws_region)}}"
3c6889 267   tasks:
6e88d8 268     - set_fact:
GC 269         aws_public_zone: "{{ guid }}.{{ subdomain_base_suffix | regex_replace('^\\.', '') }}."
271     - name: Grab zone ID
21b51b 272       # use CLI here because the route53_zone module is not graceful and asks for all zones
GC 273       # then iterates in python to find the one. This causes Throttling errors.
274       #
275       command: >-
276         aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name
277         --dns-name {{ aws_public_zone }}
278         --max-items 2
6e88d8 279       register: awsroute53zone
02b32c 280       changed_when: false
21b51b 281
GC 282     - set_fact:
283         hostedzoneid: "{{ item.Id | regex_replace('/hostedzone/', '') }}"
284       when: item.Name == aws_public_zone
285       loop: "{{ awsroute53zone.stdout|from_json|json_query('HostedZones') }}"
6e88d8 286
b0d7b3 287     - when: hostedzoneid is defined
GC 288       block:
289         - name: Get all records from the environment public zone
290           route53_facts:
291             hosted_zone_id: "{{ hostedzoneid }}"
292             query: record_sets
293           register: records
294           until: records is succeeded
295           retries: 10
296           delay: "{{ 60|random(start=3, step=1) }}"
6e88d8 297
b0d7b3 298         - debug:
GC 299             var: records
300             verbosity: 2
6e88d8 301
b0d7b3 302         - name: Delete all non-alias records from the environment public zone
GC 303           route53:
304             zone: "{{aws_public_zone}}"
305             record: "{{item.Name}}"
306             type: "{{item.Type}}"
307             value: "{{item.ResourceRecords|json_query('[].Value')}}"
308             ttl: "{{item.TTL}}"
309             state: absent
310           when: >-
311             'Name' in item
312             and 'ResourceRecords' in item
313             and item.Name != aws_public_zone
314           with_items: "{{records.ResourceRecordSets }}"
315           ignore_errors: yes
4269ea 316
b0d7b3 317         - name: Delete all ALIAS records from the environment public zone
GC 318           route53:
319             zone: "{{aws_public_zone}}"
320             record: "{{item.Name | regex_replace('\\\\052', '*') }}"
321             type: "{{item.Type}}"
322             alias: yes
323             alias_hosted_zone_id: "{{ item.AliasTarget.HostedZoneId }}"
324             value: "{{ item.AliasTarget.DNSName }}"
325             alias_evaluate_target_health: "{{ item.AliasTarget.EvaluateTargetHealth }}"
326             state: absent
327           when: >-
328             'Name' in item
329             and 'AliasTarget' in item
330             and item.Name != aws_public_zone
6e88d8 331
b0d7b3 332           with_items: "{{records.ResourceRecordSets }}"
GC 333           ignore_errors: yes
6e88d8 334
b0d7b3 335         - name: Remove public dns zone manually because sometimes it still has A records
GC 336           route53_zone:
337             zone: "{{ guid }}.{{ subdomain_base_suffix | regex_replace('^\\.', '') }}."
338             state: absent
339           ignore_errors: yes
6e88d8 340
3c6889 341     - name: Run infra-ec2-template-destroy
GC 342       include_role:
343         name: infra-ec2-template-destroy
1dc20e 344       when:
4f7bfa 345         # Before deleting the provisioner, make sure destroy terraform successfully run.
00f985 346         - stack_status is defined
GC 347         - stack_status == 'CREATE_COMPLETE'
1dc20e 348         - "'bastions' in groups"
GC 349         - groups.bastions | length > 0
350         - hostvars[groups.bastions[0]].oktodelete
00f985 351
GC 352     - name: Run infra-ec2-template-destroy
353       include_role:
354         name: infra-ec2-template-destroy
355       when:
356         # delete stack if stack creation failed
357         - stack_status is defined
358         - stack_status != 'CREATE_COMPLETE'