owners admin
last changeWednesday, March 18, 2020 01:28 +0100
size27.6 MB
stats4,016 commits and 686 tags in 3 years, 2 months metrics
repository url
2020-03-17 ocp4-ocs-migration-prod-0.1 Checking if generated key were created or not before deployment (#1355) commit | log
2020-03-16 ocp4-workshop-pipelines-prod-0.4 Add agnosticd_user_info for ocp4_workshop (#1320) commit | log
2020-03-14 ocp4-workload-quay-rhpds-prod-1.8 More checks. Check for ClusterVersion to make the role work on both 4.1 and... commit | log
2020-03-13 ocp4-workshop-pipelines-prod-0.3 Add SELinux policy writing workshop (#1329) commit | log
2020-03-13 ansible-workshops-prod-0.1 first release ansible-workshops tag | commit | log
all tags...
2020-03-18 test Razique Mahroua Set of fixes to make the provisioning of DO999 and DO280 courses compatible... log | tree | raw
2020-03-09 bs/doc_tweaks Bowe Strickland doc tweak log | tree | raw
2020-03-04 development Patrick T. Rutledge III Update pre_infra.yml (#1235) log | tree | raw
2020-03-03 1024-presquash joelbirchler WIP github_ssh_key is now git_ssh_key log | tree | raw
2020-02-26 ocp4-repo-path Jim Rigsbee Update to the ocp4-workshop repo template file log | tree | raw
all branches...