Guillaume Coré
2018-05-11 15b4acf38372addb000ed75d2c3a23957427cc0d
commit | author | age
928f77 1 ---
GC 2 - name: Delete Infrastructure
3   hosts: localhost
4   connection: local
5   gather_facts: False
6   become: no
7   vars_files:
8     - "{{ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH}}/configs/{{env_type}}/env_vars.yml"
9     - "{{ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH}}/configs/{{env_type}}/env_secret_vars.yml"
10   environment:
11     AZURE_CLIENT_ID: "{{azure_service_principal}}"
12     AZURE_TENANT: "{{azure_tenant}}"
13     AZURE_SECRET: "{{azure_password}}"
14     AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: "{{azure_subscription_id}}"
15     # AZURE_CONFIG_DIR: create a specific config dir for this stack to allow concurrent access for 'az' command
16     AZURE_CONFIG_DIR: "/tmp/.azure-{{project_tag}}"
17   tasks:
ef668f 18     - name: Delete delegation for NS to the main DNSZone
GC 19       azure_rm_dnsrecordset:
20         resource_group: "{{az_dnszone_resource_group|default('dns')}}"
21         relative_name: "{{guid}}"
22         zone_name: "{{HostedZoneId}}"
23         record_type: NS
24         state: absent
3cc138 26     - name: Destroy method resourceGroup (standalone ResourceGroup)
GC 27       when: az_destroy_method|default('resource_group') == 'resource_group'
28       block:
15b4ac 29         - name: Delete the resource group
GC 30           azure_rm_resourcegroup:
31             name: "{{az_resource_group}}"
32             state: absent
33             force: true
34           tags:
35             - destroying
36             - destroy_cloud_deployment
37             - destroy_azure_deployment
38           register: azure_result
39           until: azure_result|succeeded
40           retries: 6
41           delay: 10
42           ignore_errors: yes
43           when:
44             - cloud_provider == 'azure'
928f77 45
15b4ac 46         - name: report azure error
GC 47           fail:
48             msg: "FAIL {{ az_resource_group }} Azure delete group"
49           when:
50             - not azure_result|succeeded
51             - cloud_provider == 'azure'
52           tags:
53             - destroying
54             - destroy_cloud_deployment
55             - destroy_azure_deployment
3cc138 56
GC 57     - name: Method destroy deployment (shared ResourceGroup)
58       when: az_destroy_method|default('resource_group') == 'deployment'
59       environment:
60         AZURE_CLIENT_ID: "{{azure_service_principal}}"
61         AZURE_TENANT: "{{azure_tenant}}"
62         AZURE_SECRET: "{{azure_password}}"
63         AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: "{{azure_subscription_id}}"
64         # AZURE_CONFIG_DIR: create a specific config dir for this stack to allow concurrent access
65         AZURE_CONFIG_DIR: "/tmp/.azure-{{project_tag}}"
66       block:
15b4ac 67         - set_fact:
GC 68             t_dest: "{{ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH}}/workdir/{{ env_type }}.{{ guid }}.{{cloud_provider}}_cloud_template"
3cc138 69
15b4ac 70         - name: Get all resources from the deployment
GC 71           command: az group deployment show --name {{env_type}}.{{guid}} --resource-group {{az_resource_group}}
72           changed_when: false
73           register: az_dep
74           until: az_dep|succeeded
75           retries: 5
3cc138 76
15b4ac 77         - debug:
GC 78             var: az_dep
79             verbosity: 2
3cc138 80
15b4ac 81         - name: Get all resources from tag
GC 82           command: az resource list --tag 'Project={{project_tag}}'
83           register: az_tag
84           restries: 5
85           until: az_tag|succeeded
86           changed_when: false
3cc138 87
15b4ac 88         - name: delete all resources
GC 89           vars:
90             ids_tags: "{{ az_tag.stdout|from_json|json_query('[*].id')}}"
91             ids_deployment: "{{ az_dep.stdout|from_json|json_query('properties.additionalProperties.outputResources[*].id')}}"
92             ids: "{{ids_deployment|union(ids_tags)}}"
93           command: "az resource delete --ids {{ids|join(' ')}} --resource-group {{az_resource_group}}"
94           register: az_delete
95           until: az_delete|succeeded
96           retries: 5
97           when: ids|length > 0