Guillaume Coré
2018-05-11 15b4acf38372addb000ed75d2c3a23957427cc0d
commit | author | age
aa20d9 1 ---
S 2 - name: Step 001 Deploy Infrastructure
15b4ac 3   hosts:
aa20d9 4     - localhost
S 5     - "{{ ('tag_' ~ env_type ~ '_' ~ guid ~ '_bastion') | replace('-', '_') }}"
6   connection: local
7   gather_facts: false
8   become: false
9   vars_files:
10     - "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/configs/{{ env_type }}/env_vars.yml"
11     - "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/configs/{{ env_type }}/env_secret_vars.yml"
12   tags:
13     - step001
14     - create_ssh_config
15   tasks:
15b4ac 16     - name: Store bastion hostname as a fact
GC 17       set_fact:
18         bastion_hostname:
19           internal: "{{ ravello_groups  | json_query('bastion.hosts') }}"
20           external: "{{ ravello_groups | json_query('_meta.hostvars.\"\".externalFqdn') }}"
21     - add_host:
22         name: '{{ bastion_hostname.external }}'
23         groups: bastion_host
24     - name: Create quick_ssh script
25       copy:
26         content: |
27             #!/bin/bash
28             ssh -i {{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/workdir/{{ guid }}key cloud-user@{{ bastion_hostname.external }}
29         dest: '{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/workdir/{{ guid }}'
30         mode: 0755
31       # when: delete_app_post_deploy
aa20d9 32
15b4ac 33       #  - name: set ansible_ssh_common_args
GC 34       #    set_fact:
35       #      ansible_ssh_common_args: '-o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -q cloud-user@{{ bastion_hostname.external }}'
36       #      # ansible_ssh_common_args: '-F "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/workdir/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_ssh_conf" -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=30m'
37     - name: Create empty local ssh config as defined by deploy_local_ssh_config_location
38       file:
39         dest: "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/workdir/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_ssh_conf"
40         state: touch
aa20d9 41
15b4ac 42     - name: Add bastion proxy config to workdir ssh config file
GC 43       blockinfile:
44         dest: "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/workdir/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_ssh_conf"
45         marker: "##### {mark} ADDED BASTION PROXY HOST {{ env_type }}-{{ guid }} ######"
46         content: |
47             Host {{ bastion_hostname.external }}
48               Hostname {{ bastion_hostname.external }}
49               IdentityFile {{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/workdir/{{ env_authorized_key }}
50               IdentitiesOnly yes
51               User {{ remote_user }}
52               ControlMaster auto
53               ControlPath /tmp/%h-%r
54               ControlPersist 5m
55               StrictHostKeyChecking no
56       tags:
57         - bastion_proxy_config_main
aa20d9 58
aa469b 59 - name: Add other hosts to workdir ssh file
DB 60   include: "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/configs/{{ env_type }}/add_hosts_ssh_config.yml"
2e9b22 61
DB 62 #- name: copy ssh config to /root/.ssh/config
63 #  hosts: localhost
64 #  tasks:
65 #    - name: back up current ssh config file
15b4ac 66 #      copy:
2e9b22 67 #        src: /root/.ssh/config
DB 68 #        dest: /root/.ssh/config.bak
69 #        owner: root
70 #        group: root
71 #        mode: 0400
72 #    - name: copy workdir ssh file to .ssh/config
15b4ac 73 #      copy:
2e9b22 74 #        src: "{{ ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH }}/workdir/{{ env_type }}_{{ guid }}_ssh_conf"
DB 75 #        dest: /root/.ssh/config
76 #        owner: root
77 #        group: root
78 #        mode: 0400