Judd Maltin
2020-03-09 4853d514b6feed9810999a4fc02dc6801d8015ba
commit | author | age
83a3b0 1 #jinja2: lstrip_blocks: True
8d7955 2 ---
WK 3 AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
4 Mappings:
4853d5 5   RegionMapping: {{ aws_ami_region_mapping | to_json }}
JM 6   DNSMapping: {{ aws_dns_mapping | to_json }}
8d7955 7
WK 8 Resources:
9   Vpc:
10     Type: "AWS::EC2::VPC"
11     Properties:
fc2bc8 12       CidrBlock: ""
8d7955 13       EnableDnsSupport: true
WK 14       EnableDnsHostnames: true
15       Tags:
16         - Key: Name
17           Value: "{{vpcid_name_tag}}"
18         - Key: Hostlication
19           Value:
20             Ref: "AWS::StackId"
22   VpcInternetGateway:
23     Type: "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway"
25   VpcGA:
26     Type: "AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment"
27     Properties:
28       InternetGatewayId:
29         Ref: VpcInternetGateway
30       VpcId:
31         Ref: Vpc
33   VpcRouteTable:
34     Type: "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
35     Properties:
36       VpcId:
37         Ref: Vpc
39   VPCRouteInternetGateway:
40     DependsOn: VpcGA
41     Type: "AWS::EC2::Route"
42     Properties:
43       GatewayId:
44         Ref: VpcInternetGateway
45       DestinationCidrBlock: ""
46       RouteTableId:
47         Ref: VpcRouteTable
49   PublicSubnet:
50     Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
51     DependsOn:
52       - Vpc
53     Properties:
fc2bc8 54       CidrBlock: ""
8d7955 55       Tags:
WK 56         - Key: Name
57           Value: "{{project_tag}}"
58         - Key: Hostlication
59           Value:
60             Ref: "AWS::StackId"
61       MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true
62       VpcId:
63         Ref: Vpc
65   PublicSubnetRTA:
66     Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
67     Properties:
68       RouteTableId:
69         Ref: VpcRouteTable
70       SubnetId:
71         Ref: PublicSubnet
73   HostSG:
74     Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
75     Properties:
76       GroupDescription: Host
77       VpcId:
78         Ref: Vpc
79       Tags:
80         - Key: Name
81           Value: host_sg
83   HostUDPPorts:
84     Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress"
85     Properties:
86       GroupId:
87         Fn::GetAtt:
88           - HostSG
89           - GroupId
90       IpProtocol: udp
0c0b9c 91       FromPort: 60000
WK 92       ToPort: 60003
8d7955 93       CidrIp: ""
WK 94
0c0b9c 95   HostTCPPortsSSH:
8d7955 96     Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress"
WK 97     Properties:
98       GroupId:
99         Fn::GetAtt:
100           - HostSG
101           - GroupId
102       IpProtocol: tcp
0c0b9c 103       FromPort: 22
WK 104       ToPort: 22
105       CidrIp: ""
106   HostTCPPortsHTTP:
107     Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress"
108     Properties:
109       GroupId:
110         Fn::GetAtt:
111           - HostSG
112           - GroupId
113       IpProtocol: tcp
114       FromPort: 80
115       ToPort: 80
116       CidrIp: ""
117   HostTCPPortsHTTPS:
118     Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress"
119     Properties:
120       GroupId:
121         Fn::GetAtt:
122           - HostSG
123           - GroupId
124       IpProtocol: tcp
125       FromPort: 443
126       ToPort: 443
8d7955 127       CidrIp: ""
WK 128
129   zoneinternalidns:
130     Type: "AWS::Route53::HostedZone"
131     Properties:
132       Name: "{{ zone_internal_dns }}"
133       VPCs:
134         - VPCId:
135             Ref: Vpc
136           VPCRegion:
137             Ref: "AWS::Region"
138       HostedZoneConfig:
139         Comment: "Created By ansible agnostic deployer"
4853d5 141 {# if deploying many clientvms #}
7246db 142 {% if num_users|d(1)|int > 1 %}
WK 143 {% for c in range(1,num_users|int+1) %}
145   clientvm{{loop.index}}:
146     Type: "AWS::EC2::Instance"
147     Properties:
6af01e 148 {% if custom_image is defined %}
GC 149       ImageId: {{ custom_image.image_id }}
150 {% else %}
7246db 151       ImageId:
WK 152         Fn::FindInMap:
153         - RegionMapping
154         - Ref: AWS::Region
379595 155 {% if 'image_id' in instances[0] %}
GC 156         - {{ instances[0].image_id }}
157 {% else %}
4853d5 158         - 'RHEL81'
6af01e 159 {% endif %}
379595 160 {% endif %}
7246db 161       InstanceType: "{{instances[0]['flavor'][cloud_provider]}}"
WK 162       KeyName: "{{instances[0]['key_name'] | default(key_name)}}"
163       SecurityGroupIds:
164         - "Fn::GetAtt":
165           - HostSG
166           - GroupId
167       SubnetId:
168         Ref: PublicSubnet
169       Tags:
170         - Key: Name
171           Value: clientvm{{loop.index}}
172         - Key: internaldns
173           Value: clientvm{{loop.index}}.{{chomped_zone_internal_dns}}
174         - Key: "owner"
175           Value: "{{ email | default('unknownuser') }}"
176         - Key: "Project"
177           Value: "{{project_tag}}"
178         - Key: "{{project_tag}}"
179           Value: "{{ instances[0]['name'] }}"
180 {% for tag in instances[0]['tags'] %}
181         - Key: {{tag['key']}}
182           Value: {{tag['value']}}
183 {% endfor %}
184       BlockDeviceMappings:
185         - DeviceName: "/dev/sda1"
186           Ebs:
187             VolumeSize: {{ instances[0]['rootfs_size'] | default('50') }}
188 {% for vol in instances[0]['volumes']|default([]) %}
189         - DeviceName: "{{ vol['device_name'] }}"
190           Ebs:
191             VolumeType: "{{ vol['volume_type'] | d('gp2') }}"
192             VolumeSize: "{{ vol['volume_size'] | d('20') }}"
193 {% endfor %}
195   clientvm{{loop.index}}InternalDNS:
196     Type: "AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup"
197     Properties:
198       HostedZoneId:
199         Ref: zoneinternalidns
200       RecordSets:
201       - Name: "clientvm{{loop.index}}.{{zone_internal_dns}}"
202         Type: A
203         TTL: 10
204         ResourceRecords:
205           - "Fn::GetAtt":
206             - clientvm{{loop.index}}
207             - PrivateIp
208       - Name: "bastion{{loop.index}}.{{zone_internal_dns}}"
209         Type: A
210         TTL: 10
211         ResourceRecords:
212           - "Fn::GetAtt":
213             - clientvm{{loop.index}}
214             - PrivateIp
216   clientvm{{loop.index}}EIP:
217     Type: "AWS::EC2::EIP"
218     DependsOn:
219     - VpcGA
220     Properties:
221       InstanceId:
222         Ref: clientvm{{loop.index}}
224   clientvm{{loop.index}}PublicDNS:
225     Type: "AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup"
226     DependsOn:
227       - clientvm{{loop.index}}EIP
228     Properties:
229       HostedZoneId: {{HostedZoneId}}
230       RecordSets:
231           - Name: "clientvm{{loop.index}}.{{subdomain_base}}."
232             Type: A
233             TTL: 10
234             ResourceRecords:
235             - "Fn::GetAtt":
236               - clientvm{{loop.index}}
237               - PublicIp
238           - Name: "bastion{{loop.index}}.{{subdomain_base}}."
239             Type: A
240             TTL: 10
241             ResourceRecords:
242             - "Fn::GetAtt":
243               - clientvm{{loop.index}}
244               - PublicIp
245 {% endfor %}
4853d5 247
JM 248 {# deploying just one clientvm #}
7246db 249 {% else %}
8d7955 250   clientvm:
WK 251     Type: "AWS::EC2::Instance"
252     Properties:
6af01e 253 {% if custom_image is defined %}
GC 254       ImageId: {{ custom_image.image_id }}
255 {% else %}
8d7955 256       ImageId:
WK 257         Fn::FindInMap:
258         - RegionMapping
259         - Ref: AWS::Region
4853d5 260 {% if 'image_id' in instances[0] %}
JM 261         - {{ instances[0].image_id }}
262 {% else %}
263         - 'RHEL81'
264 {% endif %}
6af01e 265 {% endif %}
8d7955 266       InstanceType: "{{instances[0]['flavor'][cloud_provider]}}"
WK 267       KeyName: "{{instances[0]['key_name'] | default(key_name)}}"
268       SecurityGroupIds:
269         - "Fn::GetAtt":
270           - HostSG
271           - GroupId
272       SubnetId:
273         Ref: PublicSubnet
274       Tags:
275         - Key: Name
276           Value: clientvm
277         - Key: internaldns
278           Value: clientvm.{{chomped_zone_internal_dns}}
279         - Key: "owner"
280           Value: "{{ email | default('unknownuser') }}"
281         - Key: "Project"
282           Value: "{{project_tag}}"
283         - Key: "{{project_tag}}"
284           Value: "{{ instances[0]['name'] }}"
285 {% for tag in instances[0]['tags'] %}
286         - Key: {{tag['key']}}
287           Value: {{tag['value']}}
288 {% endfor %}
289       BlockDeviceMappings:
290         - DeviceName: "/dev/sda1"
291           Ebs:
292             VolumeSize: {{ instances[0]['rootfs_size'] | default('50') }}
293 {% for vol in instances[0]['volumes']|default([]) %}
294         - DeviceName: "{{ vol['device_name'] }}"
295           Ebs:
296             VolumeType: "{{ vol['volume_type'] | d('gp2') }}"
297             VolumeSize: "{{ vol['volume_size'] | d('20') }}"
298 {% endfor %}
300   clientvmInternalDNS:
301     Type: "AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup"
302     Properties:
303       HostedZoneId:
304         Ref: zoneinternalidns
305       RecordSets:
306       - Name: "clientvm.{{zone_internal_dns}}"
307         Type: A
308         TTL: 10
309         ResourceRecords:
310           - "Fn::GetAtt":
311             - clientvm
312             - PrivateIp
0a2561 313       - Name: "bastion.{{zone_internal_dns}}"
WK 314         Type: A
315         TTL: 10
316         ResourceRecords:
317           - "Fn::GetAtt":
318             - clientvm
319             - PrivateIp
8d7955 320
WK 321   clientvmEIP:
322     Type: "AWS::EC2::EIP"
323     DependsOn:
324     - VpcGA
325     Properties:
326       InstanceId:
327         Ref: clientvm
329   clientvmPublicDNS:
330     Type: "AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup"
331     DependsOn:
332       - clientvmEIP
333     Properties:
334       HostedZoneId: {{HostedZoneId}}
335       RecordSets:
336           - Name: "clientvm.{{subdomain_base}}."
337             Type: A
338             TTL: 10
339             ResourceRecords:
340             - "Fn::GetAtt":
341               - clientvm
342               - PublicIp
0a2561 343           - Name: "bastion.{{subdomain_base}}."
WK 344             Type: A
345             TTL: 10
346             ResourceRecords:
347             - "Fn::GetAtt":
348               - clientvm
349               - PublicIp
7246db 350 {% endif %}
8d7955 351
WK 352 Outputs:
353   Route53internalzoneOutput:
354     Description: The ID of the internal route 53 zone
355     Value:
0c0b9c 356       Ref: zoneinternalidns