James Falkner
2020-03-12 92e5f31395261f0c0cd6dc7b1591b24b082b9095
commit | author | age
990342 1 apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
JF 2 kind: ClusterServiceVersion
3 metadata:
4   annotations:
5     certified: 'false'
6     repository: 'https://github.com/openshift-knative/serverless-operator'
7     support: 'Red Hat, Inc.'
8     alm-examples: |-
9       [
10         {
11           "apiVersion": "operator.knative.dev/v1alpha1",
12           "kind": "KnativeServing",
13           "metadata": {
14             "name": "knative-serving"
15           },
16           "spec": {
17             "config": {
18               "autoscaler": {
19                 "container-concurrency-target-default": "100",
20                 "container-concurrency-target-percentage": "1.0",
21                 "enable-scale-to-zero": "true",
22                 "max-scale-up-rate": "10",
23                 "panic-threshold-percentage": "200.0",
24                 "panic-window": "6s",
25                 "panic-window-percentage": "10.0",
26                 "scale-to-zero-grace-period": "30s",
27                 "stable-window": "60s",
28                 "tick-interval": "2s"
29               },
30               "defaults": {
31                 "revision-cpu-limit": "1000m",
32                 "revision-cpu-request": "400m",
33                 "revision-memory-limit": "200M",
34                 "revision-memory-request": "100M",
35                 "revision-timeout-seconds": "300"
36               },
37               "deployment": {
38                 "registriesSkippingTagResolving": "ko.local,dev.local"
39               },
40               "gc": {
41                 "stale-revision-create-delay": "24h",
42                 "stale-revision-lastpinned-debounce": "5h",
43                 "stale-revision-minimum-generations": "1",
44                 "stale-revision-timeout": "15h"
45               },
46               "logging": {
47                 "loglevel.activator": "info",
48                 "loglevel.autoscaler": "info",
49                 "loglevel.controller": "info",
50                 "loglevel.queueproxy": "info",
51                 "loglevel.webhook": "info"
52               },
53               "observability": {
54                 "logging.enable-var-log-collection": "false",
55                 "metrics.backend-destination": "prometheus"
56               },
57               "tracing": {
58                 "backend": "none",
59                 "sample-rate": "0.1"
60               }
61             }
62           }
63         }
64       ]
65     capabilities: Seamless Upgrades
66     olm.operatorNamespace: openshift-operators
67     containerImage: >-
92e5f3 68       registry.redhat.io/openshift-serverless-1-tech-preview/knative-rhel8-operator@sha256:55623cc6982e3b25d2077d6331f74d784f366eb2af1835f4b923be583e3bb35b
990342 69     categories: 'Networking,Integration & Delivery,Cloud Provider,Developer Tools'
JF 70     description: >-
71       Provides a collection of API's based on Knative to support deploying and
72       serving
73       of serverless applications and functions.
74     olm.operatorGroup: global-operators
92e5f3 75   name: serverless-operator.v1.5.0
990342 76   namespace: openshift-operators
JF 77   labels:
78     olm.api.75423c66e1c26296: provided
79     olm.api.fceaacb4e1c6ac8c: provided
80 spec:
81   customresourcedefinitions:
82     owned:
83       - description: Represents an installation of a particular version of Knative Serving
84         displayName: Knative Serving
85         kind: KnativeServing
86         name: knativeservings.operator.knative.dev
87         statusDescriptors:
88           - description: The version of Knative Serving installed
89             displayName: Version
90             path: version
91           - description: Conditions of Knative Serving installed
92             displayName: Conditions
93             path: conditions
94             x-descriptors:
95               - 'urn:alm:descriptor:io.kubernetes.conditions'
96         version: v1alpha1
97       - description: Represents an installation of a particular version of Knative Serving
98         displayName: Knative Serving (obsolete)
99         kind: KnativeServing
100         name: knativeservings.serving.knative.dev
101         statusDescriptors:
102           - description: The version of Knative Serving installed
103             displayName: Version
104             path: version
105           - description: Conditions of Knative Serving installed
106             displayName: Conditions
107             path: conditions
108             x-descriptors:
109               - 'urn:alm:descriptor:io.kubernetes.conditions'
110         version: v1alpha1
111   apiservicedefinitions: {}
112   keywords:
113     - serverless
114     - FaaS
115     - microservices
116     - scale to zero
117     - knative
118     - serving
119   displayName: OpenShift Serverless Operator
120   provider:
121     name: 'Red Hat, Inc.'
122   maturity: alpha
123   installModes:
124     - supported: false
125       type: OwnNamespace
126     - supported: false
127       type: SingleNamespace
128     - supported: false
129       type: MultiNamespace
130     - supported: true
131       type: AllNamespaces
92e5f3 132   version: 1.5.0
990342 133   icon:
JF 134     - base64data: >-
135         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
136       mediatype: image/svg+xml
92e5f3 137   minKubeVersion: 1.15.0
990342 138   links:
JF 139     - name: Documentation
140       url: >-
141         https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/openshift_container_platform/4.2/html-single/serverless/index
142     - name: Source Repository
143       url: 'https://github.com/openshift-knative/serverless-operator'
144   install:
145     spec:
146       clusterPermissions:
147         - rules:
148             - apiGroups:
149                 - '*'
150               resources:
151                 - '*'
152               verbs:
153                 - '*'
154           serviceAccountName: knative-serving-operator
155         - rules:
156             - apiGroups:
157                 - ''
158               resources:
159                 - pods
160                 - services
161                 - events
162                 - configmaps
163               verbs:
164                 - '*'
165             - apiGroups:
166                 - ''
167               resources:
168                 - namespaces
169               verbs:
170                 - get
171             - apiGroups:
172                 - apps
173               resources:
174                 - deployments
175                 - replicasets
176               verbs:
177                 - '*'
178             - apiGroups:
179                 - apiextensions.k8s.io
180               resources:
181                 - customresourcedefinitions
182               verbs:
183                 - '*'
184             - apiGroups:
185                 - networking.k8s.io
186               resources:
187                 - networkpolicies
188               verbs:
189                 - '*'
190             - apiGroups:
191                 - monitoring.coreos.com
192               resources:
193                 - servicemonitors
194               verbs:
195                 - get
196                 - create
197             - apiGroups:
198                 - networking.internal.knative.dev
199               resources:
200                 - clusteringresses
201                 - clusteringresses/status
202                 - clusteringresses/finalizers
203                 - ingresses
204                 - ingresses/status
205                 - ingresses/finalizers
206               verbs:
207                 - '*'
208             - apiGroups:
209                 - route.openshift.io
210               resources:
211                 - routes
212                 - routes/custom-host
213                 - routes/status
214                 - routes/finalizers
215               verbs:
216                 - '*'
217             - apiGroups:
218                 - operator.knative.dev
219               resources:
220                 - knativeservings
221                 - knativeservings/finalizers
222               verbs:
223                 - '*'
224           serviceAccountName: knative-openshift-ingress
225       deployments:
226         - name: knative-serving-operator
227           spec:
228             replicas: 1
229             selector:
230               matchLabels:
231                 name: knative-serving-operator
232             template:
233               metadata:
234                 annotations:
235                   sidecar.istio.io/inject: 'false'
236                 labels:
237                   name: knative-serving-operator
238               spec:
239                 containers:
240                   - env:
241                       - name: POD_NAME
242                         valueFrom:
243                           fieldRef:
244                             fieldPath: metadata.name
245                       - name: OPERATOR_NAME
246                         value: knative-serving-operator
247                       - name: SYSTEM_NAMESPACE
248                         valueFrom:
249                           fieldRef:
250                             fieldPath: metadata.namespace
251                       - name: METRICS_DOMAIN
252                         value: knative.dev/serving-operator
253                       - name: KO_DATA_PATH
254                         value: /tmp/
255                     image: >-
92e5f3 256                       registry.redhat.io/openshift-serverless-1-tech-preview/knative-serving-rhel8-operator@sha256:06847407883d00871a19b9183824d77895e68aa6439d80e0e4a4eb4151ec1c86
990342 257                     imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
JF 258                     name: knative-serving-operator
259                     ports:
260                       - containerPort: 9090
261                         name: metrics
262                     volumeMounts:
263                       - mountPath: /tmp/knative-serving
264                         name: release-manifest
265                 serviceAccountName: knative-serving-operator
266                 volumes:
267                   - configMap:
268                       items:
92e5f3 269                         - key: knative-serving-v0.12.1.yaml
JF 270                           path: knative-serving-v0.12.1.yaml
990342 271                       name: ko-data
JF 272                     name: release-manifest
273         - name: knative-serving-openshift
274           spec:
275             replicas: 1
276             selector:
277               matchLabels:
278                 name: knative-serving-openshift
279             template:
280               metadata:
281                 labels:
282                   app: openshift-admission-server
283                   name: knative-serving-openshift
284               spec:
285                 containers:
286                   - command:
287                       - knative-serving-openshift
288                     env:
289                       - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
290                         value: ''
291                       - name: POD_NAME
292                         valueFrom:
293                           fieldRef:
294                             fieldPath: metadata.name
295                       - name: OPERATOR_NAME
296                         value: knative-serving-openshift
297                       - name: MIN_OPENSHIFT_VERSION
92e5f3 298                         value: 4.3.0
990342 299                       - name: REQUIRED_NAMESPACE
JF 300                         value: knative-serving
92e5f3 301                       - name: KOURIER_MANIFEST_PATH
JF 302                         value: deploy/resources/kourier/kourier-latest.yaml
990342 303                       - name: IMAGE_queue-proxy
JF 304                         value: >-
92e5f3 305                           registry.redhat.io/openshift-serverless-1-tech-preview/serving-queue-rhel8@sha256:63d3b837aacbec5967063be5eada4ab65b733f0dba088a6f9c518c5c1b409c9a
990342 306                       - name: IMAGE_activator
JF 307                         value: >-
92e5f3 308                           registry.redhat.io/openshift-serverless-1-tech-preview/serving-activator-rhel8@sha256:b0c7030f235ec828a975ecc990e34ae2dc3bf88188c1f243f5568bd1a749c0e9
990342 309                       - name: IMAGE_autoscaler
JF 310                         value: >-
92e5f3 311                           registry.redhat.io/openshift-serverless-1-tech-preview/serving-autoscaler-rhel8@sha256:2a3dade388c15f6c839b4e746e2ae80bc4a22c727a01d5c2d3f06609b234c08f
990342 312                       - name: IMAGE_autoscaler-hpa
JF 313                         value: >-
92e5f3 314                           registry.redhat.io/openshift-serverless-1-tech-preview/serving-autoscaler-hpa-rhel8@sha256:98a68724567a8f6737223d5edccfd4021312649338c63742b6ccf1c08c89aabc
990342 315                       - name: IMAGE_controller
JF 316                         value: >-
92e5f3 317                           registry.redhat.io/openshift-serverless-1-tech-preview/serving-controller-rhel8@sha256:e655d181bb8b50114f133c86cea6aaf1d1f6e00b848aaa6b94e0efdba2642959
990342 318                       - name: IMAGE_webhook
JF 319                         value: >-
92e5f3 320                           registry.redhat.io/openshift-serverless-1-tech-preview/serving-webhook-rhel8@sha256:a3dd1619be816b6cc673ed4e3a610ae6832a1216841258356ce36687c90fb7f1
JF 321                       - name: IMAGE_3scale-kourier-gateway
322                         value: >-
323                           registry.redhat.io/openshift-service-mesh/proxyv2-rhel8@sha256:be1e61060e5663bc628147a1a56e16dd1fdba7a0f200eda75c6d997c18e15306
324                       - name: IMAGE_3scale-kourier-control
325                         value: >-
326                           registry.redhat.io/openshift-serverless-1-tech-preview/kourier-control-rhel8@sha256:94106df34f035678962b3bf644f432b59e81b9978536d0827feb8cafac52831c
990342 327                     image: >-
92e5f3 328                       registry.redhat.io/openshift-serverless-1-tech-preview/knative-rhel8-operator@sha256:55623cc6982e3b25d2077d6331f74d784f366eb2af1835f4b923be583e3bb35b
990342 329                     imagePullPolicy: Always
JF 330                     name: knative-serving-openshift
331                 serviceAccountName: knative-serving-operator
332         - name: knative-openshift-ingress
333           spec:
334             replicas: 1
335             selector:
336               matchLabels:
337                 name: knative-openshift-ingress
338             template:
339               metadata:
340                 labels:
341                   name: knative-openshift-ingress
342               spec:
343                 containers:
344                   - command:
345                       - knative-openshift-ingress
346                     env:
347                       - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
348                         value: ''
349                       - name: POD_NAME
350                         valueFrom:
351                           fieldRef:
352                             fieldPath: metadata.name
353                       - name: OPERATOR_NAME
354                         value: knative-openshift-ingress
355                     image: >-
92e5f3 356                       registry.redhat.io/openshift-serverless-1-tech-preview/ingress-rhel8-operator@sha256:77d4e74c63b6f0930e2ecf14c611c17cd0d288b1216422476d909e655f5ee827
990342 357                     imagePullPolicy: Always
JF 358                     name: knative-openshift-ingress
359                 serviceAccountName: knative-openshift-ingress
360       permissions:
361         - rules:
362             - apiGroups:
363                 - ''
364               resources:
365                 - pods
366                 - services
367                 - endpoints
368                 - persistentvolumeclaims
369                 - events
370                 - configmaps
371                 - secrets
372               verbs:
373                 - '*'
374             - apiGroups:
375                 - ''
376               resources:
377                 - namespaces
378               verbs:
379                 - get
380             - apiGroups:
381                 - apps
382               resources:
383                 - deployments
384                 - daemonsets
385                 - replicasets
386                 - statefulsets
387               verbs:
388                 - '*'
389             - apiGroups:
390                 - monitoring.coreos.com
391               resources:
392                 - servicemonitors
393               verbs:
394                 - get
395                 - create
396             - apiGroups:
397                 - apps
398               resourceNames:
399                 - knative-serving-operator
400               resources:
401                 - deployments/finalizers
402               verbs:
403                 - update
404             - apiGroups:
405                 - operator.knative.dev
406               resources:
407                 - '*'
408               verbs:
409                 - '*'
410           serviceAccountName: knative-serving-operator
411     strategy: deployment
412   maintainers:
413     - email: serverless-support@redhat.com
414       name: Serverless Team
415   description: >-
416     The Red Hat Serverless Operator provides a collection of API's to
418     install various "serverless" services.
421     This is a **[Tech Preview
422     release](https://access.redhat.com/support/offerings/techpreview)!**
425     # Knative Serving
428     Knative Serving builds on Kubernetes to support deploying and
430     serving of serverless applications and functions. Serving is easy
432     to get started with and scales to support advanced scenarios. The
434     Knative Serving project provides middleware primitives that
436     enable:
439     - Rapid deployment of serverless containers
441     - Automatic scaling up and down to zero
92e5f3 443     - Routing and network programming
990342 444
JF 445     - Point-in-time snapshots of deployed code and configurations
448     ## Prerequisites
451     The Serverless Operator's provided APIs such as Knative Serving
453     have certain requirements with regards to the size of the underlying
92e5f3 455     cluster. See [Getting started with OpenShift
JF 456     Serverless](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/openshift_container_platform/4.3/html-single/serverless_applications/index#serverless-getting-started)
990342 457
92e5f3 458     for more info.
990342 459
JF 460
461     ## Further Information
464     For documentation on using Knative Serving, see the
466     [serving
92e5f3 467     section](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/openshift_container_platform/4.3/html-single/serverless_applications/index#knative-serving).
JF 468   replaces: serverless-operator.v1.4.1