Guillaume Coré
2018-09-03 b5c784120a0c01d19e64129b8dfd93812bddeed1
commit | author | age
a4fa8d 1 ---
93e8aa 2 # This condition cannot be set outside of the role
GC 3 # If set in the 'when' of the loop, it's not evaluated between calls
4 # and this role will run everytime.
5 - when: stack_deployed is not defined or stack_deployed == false
6   block:
7     - set_fact:
8         cloud_tags_final: "{{ cloud_tags | from_json }}"
9       when: cloud_tags is string
2a18ae 10
93e8aa 11     - set_fact:
GC 12         cloud_tags_final: "{{ cloud_tags | d({}) }}"
13       when: cloud_tags is not string
2a18ae 14
S 15
93e8aa 16     - name: Wait a bit for the previous stack and child resources to be deleted
GC 17       pause:
18         minutes: "{{ cloudformation_pause | d(0)}}"
19       when:
20         - cloudformation_pause is defined
21         - cloudformation_out is defined
22         - cloudformation_out is failed
2a18ae 23
3e2a8d 24     - name: Launch CloudFormation template (local)
93e8aa 25       # environment:
GC 26       #   AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{aws_access_key_id}}"
27       #   AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{aws_secret_access_key}}"
28       #   AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{aws_region_loop|d(aws_region)}}"
29       cloudformation:
30         aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key_id }}"
31         aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_access_key }}"
32         stack_name: "{{ project_tag }}"
33         state: "present"
34         region: "{{ aws_region_loop | d(aws_region) | d(region) | d('us-east-1')}}"
35         # rollback is unreliable, it can make this task hang forever.
36         disable_rollback: true
37         template: "{{ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH}}/workdir/{{ env_type }}.{{ guid }}.{{cloud_provider}}_cloud_template"
38         tags: "{{ cf_tags | combine(cloud_tags_final)}}"
39       tags:
40         - aws_infrastructure_deployment
41         - provision_cf_template
42       register: cloudformation_out
43       until: >-
44         cloudformation_out is succeeded
9d5fdb 45         or (
GC 46           'output' in cloudformation_out
47           and cloudformation_out.output in ["Stack CREATE complete", "Stack is already up-to-date."]
48         )
93e8aa 49       retries: "{{ cloudformation_retries | default(3) }}"
GC 50       delay: "{{ cloudformation_retry_delay | default(30) }}"
3e2a8d 51       when: stat_template.stat.size <= 51200
GC 52       ignore_errors: yes
54     - name: Launch CloudFormation template (from S3)
55       # environment:
56       #   AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{aws_access_key_id}}"
57       #   AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{aws_secret_access_key}}"
58       #   AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{aws_region_loop|d(aws_region)}}"
59       cloudformation:
60         aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key_id }}"
61         aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_access_key }}"
62         stack_name: "{{ project_tag }}"
63         state: "present"
64         region: "{{ aws_region_loop | d(aws_region) | d(region) | d('us-east-1')}}"
65         # rollback is unreliable, it can make this task hang forever.
66         disable_rollback: true
b5c784 67         template_url: "{{bucket_templates}}/{{env_type}}.{{guid}}.{{cloud_provider}}_cloud_template"
3e2a8d 68         tags: "{{ cf_tags | combine(cloud_tags_final)}}"
GC 69       tags:
70         - aws_infrastructure_deployment
71         - provision_cf_template
cffbc6 72       register: cloudformation_out_s3
3e2a8d 73       until: >-
GC 74         cloudformation_out is succeeded
75         or (
76           'output' in cloudformation_out
77           and cloudformation_out.output in ["Stack CREATE complete", "Stack is already up-to-date."]
78         )
79       retries: "{{ cloudformation_retries | default(3) }}"
80       delay: "{{ cloudformation_retry_delay | default(30) }}"
81       when: stat_template.stat.size > 51200
93e8aa 82       ignore_errors: yes
5c7a03 83
cffbc6 84     # We cannot have the same name for the register because the skipped task is always succeeded.
GC 85     # We write back to cloudformation_out if it used the s3 method:
86     - name: Set fact cloudformation_out
87       set_fact:
88         cloudformation_out: "{{ cloudformation_out_s3 }}"
89       when:
90         - stat_template.stat.size > 51200
93e8aa 92     - name: debug cloudformation
GC 93       debug:
94         var: cloudformation_out
95       tags: provision_cf_template
96       when: not cloudformation_out is succeeded
5c7a03 97
93e8aa 98     - name: debug cloudformation
GC 99       debug:
100         var: cloudformation_out
101         verbosity: 2
102       tags: provision_cf_template
5c7a03 103
93e8aa 104     - when: cloudformation_out is failed
GC 105       block:
106         # TODO: move this into destroy_tasks.yml
107         - name: Delete S3 bucket if it exists
108           environment:
109             AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{aws_access_key_id}}"
110             AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{aws_secret_access_key}}"
111             AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{aws_region_loop|d(aws_region)}}"
112           s3_bucket:
113             name: "{{ env_type }}-{{ guid }}"
114             state: absent
115             force: yes
116             region: "{{ aws_region_loop|d(aws_region) }}"
117           tags:
118             - remove_s3
119           register: s3_result
120           until: s3_result is succeeded
121           retries: 5
122           delay: 60
123           ignore_errors: yes
125         - name: report s3 error
126           fail:
127             msg: "FAIL {{ project_tag }} delete s3"
128           when:
129             - s3_result is not succeeded
131         - name: Destroy cloudformation template
132           cloudformation:
133             aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key_id }}"
134             aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_access_key }}"
135             stack_name: "{{project_tag}}"
136             state: "absent"
137             region: "{{aws_region_loop|d(aws_region)}}"
138             disable_rollback: true
139             tags:
140               Stack: "project {{env_type}}-{{ guid }}"
141           tags:
142             - destroying
143             - destroy_cf_deployment
144             - destroy_cloud_deployment
145           register: cloudformation_destroy_result
146           until: cloudformation_destroy_result is succeeded
147           retries: 5
148           delay: 10
149           ignore_errors: true
151         - name: report Cloudformation error
152           fail:
153             msg: "FAIL {{ project_tag }} Destroy Cloudformation"
154           when: cloudformation_destroy_result is failed
155           tags:
156             - destroying
157             - destroy_cf_deployment
158             - destroy_cloud_deployment
160     - name: Save aws_region_loop into aws_region_final
161       set_fact:
162         aws_region_final: "{{aws_region_loop}}"
64036a 163         # keep cloudformation_out elsewhere because it's overriden by later runs of this
GC 164         # role even if task is skipped (it's a register)
165         cloudformation_out_final: "{{cloudformation_out}}"
93e8aa 166       when: cloudformation_out is succeeded
GC 167
168     - name: Output region
169       debug:
a55590 170         var: cloudformation_out_final
S 171         verbosity: 2
172     - name: Output region
173       debug:
93e8aa 174         msg: "FALLBACK REGION = {{aws_region_final}}"
GC 175       when:
176         - cloudformation_out is succeeded
177         - aws_region != aws_region_final
179     - set_fact:
180         stack_deployed: true
181       when: cloudformation_out is succeeded
183     - set_fact:
184         stack_deployed: false
185       when: cloudformation_out is failed