Nate Stephany
2020-03-05 d111f66d11f4433d4eba4a30dbd9399ca46d22cf
commit | author | age
a637ad 1 ---
WK 2 # Implement your Workload removal tasks here
d111f6 4 - name: Remove Quay Resources
a637ad 5   k8s:
WK 6     state: absent
1598bb 7     definition: "{{ lookup('template', item ) | from_yaml }}"
WK 8   loop:
9   - ./templates/quay.j2
d111f6 10
NS 11 - name: Remove Red Hat Quay Operator (OLM install)
12   when: _quay_operator_hub | bool
13   k8s:
14     state: absent
15     definition: "{{ lookup('template', item ) | from_yaml }}"
16   loop:
17   - ./templates/subscription.j2
18   - ./templates/operatorgroup.j2
20 - name: Remove Red Hat Quay Operator (Manual install)
21   when: not _quay_operator_hub | bool
22   k8s:
23     state: absent
24     definition: "{{ lookup('template', item ) | from_yaml }}"
25   loop:
1598bb 26   - ./templates/operator.j2
WK 27   - ./templates/service_account.j2
28   - ./templates/role.j2
29   - ./templates/role_binding.j2
3ada4a 30   - ./templates/cluster_role_binding.j2
1598bb 31   # NOT removing Cluster Resources because there may be
3ada4a 32   # other projects with Quay Operators in them.
1598bb 33   # Removing Cluster Resources would screw those up.
WK 34   #- ./templates/cluster_role.j2
35   #- ./templates/crd.j2
a637ad 36
d111f6 37 - name: Remove Red Hat Quay Operator (Shared resources)
NS 38   k8s:
39     state: absent
40     definition: "{{ lookup('template', item ) | from_yaml }}"
41   loop:
42   - ./templates/pull_secret.j2
43   - ./templates/quay_superuser_secret.j2
44   - ./templates/quay_config_secret.j2
45   - ./templates/quay_ssl_certificate_secret.j2
46   - ./templates/project.j2
a637ad 49 # Leave this as the last task in the playbook.
WK 50 - name: remove_workload tasks complete
51   debug:
52     msg: "Remove Workload tasks completed successfully."
53   when: not silent|bool