2018-09-06 febf59bde588523e1a1bf7f654116eb6e1b301ec
commit | author | age
e2d605 1 #jinja2: lstrip_blocks: True
S 2 ---
3 AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
4 Mappings:
c73d82 5 {% include 'templates/region_mapping.j2' %}
e2d605 6
S 7 Resources:
8   Vpc:
9     Type: "AWS::EC2::VPC"
10     Properties:
11       CidrBlock: ""
12       EnableDnsSupport: true
13       EnableDnsHostnames: true
14       Tags:
15         - Key: Name
16           Value: "{{vpcid_name_tag}}"
17         - Key: Hostlication
18           Value:
19             Ref: "AWS::StackId"
21   VpcInternetGateway:
22     Type: "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway"
24   VpcGA:
25     Type: "AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment"
26     Properties:
27       InternetGatewayId:
28         Ref: VpcInternetGateway
29       VpcId:
30         Ref: Vpc
32   VpcRouteTable:
33     Type: "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
34     Properties:
35       VpcId:
36         Ref: Vpc
38   VPCRouteInternetGateway:
39     DependsOn: VpcGA
40     Type: "AWS::EC2::Route"
41     Properties:
42       GatewayId:
43         Ref: VpcInternetGateway
44       DestinationCidrBlock: ""
45       RouteTableId:
46         Ref: VpcRouteTable
48   PublicSubnet:
49     Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
50     DependsOn:
51       - Vpc
52     Properties:
3934e2 53 {% if aws_availability_zone is defined %}    
WK 54       AvailabilityZone: {{ aws_availability_zone }}
55 {% endif %}
e2d605 56       CidrBlock: ""
S 57       Tags:
58         - Key: Name
59           Value: "{{project_tag}}"
60         - Key: Hostlication
61           Value:
62             Ref: "AWS::StackId"
63       MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true
64       VpcId:
65         Ref: Vpc
c73d82 66
e2d605 67
S 68   PublicSubnetRTA:
69     Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
70     Properties:
71       RouteTableId:
72         Ref: VpcRouteTable
73       SubnetId:
74         Ref: PublicSubnet
76   HostSG:
77     Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
78     Properties:
79       GroupDescription: Host
80       VpcId:
81         Ref: Vpc
82       Tags:
83         - Key: Name
84           Value: host_sg
86   HostUDPPorts:
87     Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress"
88     Properties:
89       GroupId:
90         Fn::GetAtt:
91           - HostSG
92           - GroupId
93       IpProtocol: udp
94       FromPort: 0
95       ToPort: 65535
96       CidrIp: ""
98   HostTCPPorts:
99     Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress"
100     Properties:
101       GroupId:
102         Fn::GetAtt:
103           - HostSG
104           - GroupId
105       IpProtocol: tcp
106       FromPort: 0
107       ToPort: 65535
108       CidrIp: ""
110   zoneinternalidns:
111     Type: "AWS::Route53::HostedZone"
112     Properties:
113       Name: "{{ zone_internal_dns }}"
114       VPCs:
115         - VPCId:
116             Ref: Vpc
117           VPCRegion:
118             Ref: "AWS::Region"
119       HostedZoneConfig:
120         Comment: "Created By ansible agnostic deployer"
122   CerttestDNS:
123       Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
124       DependsOn:
125         - master1EIP
126       Properties:
127         HostedZoneId: "{{HostedZoneId}}"
128         RecordSets:
129           - Name: "{{certtest_public_dns}}"
130             Type: A
131             TTL: 10
132             ResourceRecords:
133               - Fn::GetAtt:
134                   - master1
135                   - PublicIp
137   CloudDNS:
138     Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
139     DependsOn:
140 {% for c in range(1,(infranode_instance_count|int)+1) %}
141       - "infranode{{loop.index}}EIP"
142 {% endfor %}
143     Properties:
144       HostedZoneId: "{{HostedZoneId}}"
145       RecordSets:
146         - Name: "{{cloudapps_dns}}"
147           Type: A
148           TTL: 900
149           ResourceRecords:
150 {% for c in range(1,(infranode_instance_count|int)+1) %}
151             - Fn::GetAtt:
152                 - infranode{{loop.index}}
153                 - PublicIp
154 {% endfor %}
c73d82 155
GC 156   clientVMLaunchConfiguration:
157     Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
158     DependsOn: HostSG
159     Properties:
160       AssociatePublicIpAddress: True
161       BlockDeviceMappings:
162         - DeviceName: "/dev/sda1"
163           Ebs:
164             VolumeSize: {{ rootfs_size_clientvm }}
165         - DeviceName: "{{docker_device}}"
166           Ebs:
167             VolumeSize: 100
168             VolumeType: gp2
169       ImageId:
170         Fn::FindInMap:
171         - RegionMapping
172         - Ref: AWS::Region
173         - RHELAMI
174       InstanceType: {{clientvm_instance_type}}
175       KeyName: {{key_name}}
176       SecurityGroups:
177         - "Fn::GetAtt":
178           - HostSG
179           - GroupId
181   clientVMScalingGroup:
182     Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
183     DependsOn: VpcGA
184     Properties:
185       VPCZoneIdentifier: 
186         - Ref: PublicSubnet
187       #AvailabilityZones:
188       #  Fn::GetAZs: ""
189       #   - Fn::GetAtt:
190       #       - PublicSubnetClientVM
191       #       - AvailabilityZone
192       #   - Fn::GetAtt:
193       #       - PublicSubnetClientVM2
194       #       - AvailabilityZone
195       LaunchConfigurationName:
196         Ref: clientVMLaunchConfiguration
197       MinSize: {{num_users}}
198       MaxSize: 200
199       DesiredCapacity: {{num_users}}
200       Tags:
201         - Key: "owner"
202           Value: "{{ email | default('unknownuser') }}"
203           PropagateAtLaunch: True
204         - Key: "Project"
205           Value: "{{project_tag}}"
206           PropagateAtLaunch: True
207         - Key: "{{project_tag}}"
208           Value: "clientvm"
209           PropagateAtLaunch: True
210         - Key: "AnsibleGroup"
211           Value: "clientvms"
212           PropagateAtLaunch: True
213         - Key: "ostype"
214           Value: "linux"
215           PropagateAtLaunch: True
e2d605 217
S 218 {% for instance in instances %}
219 {% if instance['dns_loadbalancer']|d(false)|bool and not instance['unique']|d(false)|bool %}
220   {{instance['name']}}DNSLoadBalancer:
221     Type: "AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup"
222     DependsOn:
223 {% for c in range(1, (instance['count']|int)+1) %}
224       - {{instance['name']}}{{c}}EIP
225 {% endfor %}
226     Properties:
227       HostedZoneId: {{HostedZoneId}}
228       RecordSets:
229       - Name: "{{instance['name']}}.{{subdomain_base}}."
230         Type: A
231         TTL: 900
232         ResourceRecords:
233 {% for c in range(1,(instance['count'] |int)+1) %}
234           - "Fn::GetAtt":
235             - {{instance['name']}}{{c}}
236             - PublicIp
237 {% endfor %}
238 {% endif %}
240 {% for c in range(1,(instance['count'] |int)+1) %}
241   {{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}:
242     Type: "AWS::EC2::Instance"
243     Properties:
244       ImageId:
245         Fn::FindInMap:
246         - RegionMapping
247         - Ref: AWS::Region
248         - {{ instance['image_id'] | default('RHELAMI') }}
249       InstanceType: "{{instance['flavor'][cloud_provider]}}"
250       KeyName: "{{instance['key_name'] | default(key_name)}}"
251 {% if instance['UserData'] is defined %}
252       {{instance['UserData']}}
253 {% endif %}
254       SecurityGroupIds:
255         - "Fn::GetAtt":
256           - HostSG
257           - GroupId
258       SubnetId:
259         Ref: PublicSubnet
260       Tags:
261 {% if instance['unique'] | d(false) | bool %}
262         - Key: Name
263           Value: {{instance['name']}}
264         - Key: internaldns
265           Value: {{instance['name']}}.{{chomped_zone_internal_dns}}
266 {% else %}
267         - Key: Name
268           Value: {{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}
269         - Key: internaldns
270           Value: {{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}.{{chomped_zone_internal_dns}}
271 {% endif %}
272 {% if instance['name'] == 'node' %}
273 {% if c > (node_instance_count|int) - (new_node_instance_count|int) %}
274         - Key: newnode
275           Value: true
276 {% endif %}
277 {% endif %}
278         - Key: "owner"
279           Value: "{{ email | default('unknownuser') }}"
280         - Key: "Project"
281           Value: "{{project_tag}}"
282         - Key: "{{project_tag}}"
283           Value: "{{ instance['name'] }}"
284 {% for tag in instance['tags'] %}
285         - Key: {{tag['key']}}
286           Value: {{tag['value']}}
287 {% endfor %}
288       BlockDeviceMappings:
289         - DeviceName: "/dev/sda1"
290           Ebs:
291             VolumeSize: {{ instance['rootfs_size'] | default('50') }}
292 {% for vol in instance['volumes']|default([]) if
293   (vol.purpose|d('') == 'glusterfs' and install_glusterfs|bool)
294   or (vol.purpose|d('') == 'nfs' and install_nfs|bool)
295   or vol.purpose|d('') not in ['glusterfs', 'nfs'] %}
296         - DeviceName: "{{ vol['device_name'] }}"
297           Ebs:
298             VolumeType: "{{ vol['volume_type'] | d('gp2') }}"
299             VolumeSize: "{{ vol['volume_size'] | d('20') }}"
300 {% endfor %}
302   {{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}InternalDNS:
303     Type: "AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup"
304     Properties:
305       HostedZoneId:
306         Ref: zoneinternalidns
307       RecordSets:
308 {% if instance['unique'] | d(false) | bool %}
309       - Name: "{{instance['name']}}.{{zone_internal_dns}}"
310 {% else %}
311       - Name: "{{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}.{{zone_internal_dns}}"
312 {% endif %}
313         Type: A
314         TTL: 10
315         ResourceRecords:
316           - "Fn::GetAtt":
317             - {{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}
318             - PrivateIp
320 {% if instance['public_dns'] %}
321   {{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}EIP:
322     Type: "AWS::EC2::EIP"
323     DependsOn:
324     - VpcGA
325     Properties:
326       InstanceId:
327         Ref: {{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}
329   {{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}PublicDNS:
330     Type: "AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup"
331     DependsOn:
332       - {{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}EIP
333     Properties:
334       HostedZoneId: {{HostedZoneId}}
335       RecordSets:
336 {% if instance['unique'] | d(false) | bool %}
337           - Name: "{{instance['name']}}.{{subdomain_base}}."
338 {% else %}
339           - Name: "{{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}.{{subdomain_base}}."
340 {% endif %}
341             Type: A
342             TTL: 10
343             ResourceRecords:
344             - "Fn::GetAtt":
345               - {{instance['name']}}{{loop.index}}
346               - PublicIp
347 {% endif %}
348 {% endfor %}
349 {% endfor %}
351   Route53User:
352     Type: AWS::IAM::User
353     Properties:
354       Policies:
355         - PolicyName: Route53Access
356           PolicyDocument:
357             Statement:
358               - Effect: Allow
359                 Action: route53domains:*
360                 Resource: "*"
361               - Effect: Allow
362                 Action: route53:*
363                 Resource: "*"
365   Route53UserAccessKey:
366       DependsOn: Route53User
367       Type: AWS::IAM::AccessKey
368       Properties:
369         UserName:
370           Ref: Route53User
372   RegistryS3:
373     Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
374     Properties:
375       BucketName: "{{ env_type }}-{{ guid }}"
376       Tags:
377         - Key: Name
378           Value: "s3-{{ env_type }}-{{ guid }}"
379         - Key: Project
380           Value: "{{project_tag}}"
381         - Key: owner
382           Value: "{{ email | default('unknown')}}"
384   S3User:
385     Type: AWS::IAM::User
386     DependsOn:
387       - RegistryS3
388     Properties:
389       Policies:
390         - PolicyName: S3Access
391           PolicyDocument:
392             Statement:
393               - Effect: Allow
394                 Action: s3:ListAllMyBuckets
395                 Resource: "*"
396               - Effect: Allow
397                 Action: "s3:*"
398                 Resource:
399                   Fn::Join:
400                     - ""
401                     - - "arn:aws:s3:::"
402                       - Ref: RegistryS3
403                       - "/*"
405   S3UserAccessKey:
406       Type: AWS::IAM::AccessKey
407       DependsOn:
408         - S3User
409       Properties:
410         UserName:
411           Ref: S3User
413   BucketPolicy:
414     Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
415     DependsOn:
416       - RegistryS3
417     Properties:
418       PolicyDocument:
419         Id: Give registry access to user
420         Statement:
421           - Sid: AllAccess
422             Action:
423               - "s3:*"
424             Effect: Allow
425             Resource:
426               Fn::Join:
427                 - ""
428                 - - "arn:aws:s3:::"
429                   - Ref: RegistryS3
430             Principal:
431               AWS:
432                 Fn::GetAtt:
433                   - S3User
434                   - Arn
435       Bucket:
436         Ref: RegistryS3
438 Outputs:
c73d82 439   AutoScalingGroupClientVM:
GC 440     Value:
441       Ref: clientVMScalingGroup
e2d605 442   Route53internalzoneOutput:
S 443     Description: The ID of the internal route 53 zone
444     Value:
445       Ref: zoneinternalidns
446   S3User:
447     Value:
448       Ref: S3User
449     Description: IAM User for RegistryS3
450   S3UserAccessKey:
451     Value:
452       Ref: S3UserAccessKey
453     Description: IAM User for RegistryS3
454   S3UserSecretAccessKey:
455     Value:
456       Fn::GetAtt:
457         - S3UserAccessKey
458         - SecretAccessKey
459     Description: IAM User for RegistryS3
460   Route53User:
461     Value:
462       Ref: Route53User
463     Description: IAM User for Route53 (Let's Encrypt)
464   Route53UserAccessKey:
465     Value:
466       Ref: Route53UserAccessKey
467     Description: IAM User for Route53 (Let's Encrypt)
468   Route53UserSecretAccessKey:
469     Value:
470       Fn::GetAtt:
471         - Route53UserAccessKey
472         - SecretAccessKey
473     Description: IAM User for Route53 (Let's Encrypt)