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Simple example

A simple deplyoment creating a bastion host and two worker nodes. It can't get simpler ...

Environment variables

Deployment is controlled by two configuration files:

  • env_vars.yml
  • sample_vars.yml

env_vars.yml defines all configuration parameters that COULD be modified, whereas sample_vars.yml is a template for all environment specific values that HAVE to be changed.

Start by creating a copy of sample_vars.yml and rename it (e.g. my_sample_vars.yml). Then modifiy all parameters to match your environment.


Some deployments need secrets e.g. your AWS credentials or API tokens.

DO NOT add these to git !

Instead create a file called e.g. ./ansible/my_secret_vars.yml and store all secrets etc. there. This file can also be reused for other deplyoments.


Both my_sample_vars.yml my_secret.vars.yml are in the .gitignore configuration which SHOULD protect you from adding them to git!

Run the Ansible playbooks

Run follwoing commands from the ./ansible folder:


ansible-playbook main.yml -e @configs/simple-example/my_sample_vars.yml -e @my_secret_vars.yml


ansible-playbook destroy.yml -e @configs/simple-example/my_sample_vars.yml -e @my_secret_vars.yml