2014-10-06 41fb0b79f0e617f73ac1b6c31a35b1e6b1f94e7a
author deisner <>
Monday, October 6, 2014 23:01 +0200
committer deisner <>
Monday, October 6, 2014 23:01 +0200
tree f628e9bb7aaa4dc08a34f020f45c364d87a382f9 tree | zip | gz
parent 7ca2f5591b01a685606766b4f798e06e2a17a6b6 view | diff
Update functional_testing.rst

Make it clear that the file in the functional_testing directory is the one to edit. Also, warn about a potential "gotcha": if the file is executable, it will be silently ignored. (I ran into this problem while going through the tutorial. This can happen if the file is being edited on a network file share from a different OS, for example.).
1 files modified
6 ■■■■■ changed files
docs/quick_tutorial/functional_testing.rst 6 ●●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history