Michael Merickel
2017-03-28 441503653073f465c0140f6f78f079526cf8efc2
author Michael Merickel <michael@merickel.org>
Tuesday, March 28, 2017 08:18 +0200
committer Michael Merickel <michael@merickel.org>
Tuesday, March 28, 2017 08:18 +0200
tree 49f281aad4167de14a9f1b39e3c829fd71a4bc03 tree | zip | gz
parent 8b96cfeedd5aee88cfb1a744d480130853526a87 view | diff
depend on python_requires in pip 9+ to check runtime versions

- The python_requires checks work when installing a wheel as well, which
these checks did not affect.
1 files modified
12 ■■■■■ changed files
setup.py 12 ●●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history