Bert JW Regeer
2016-10-03 b547c3412472a4b5e40dcb4fbff994f1ea74cf29
author Bert JW Regeer <>
Monday, October 3, 2016 06:27 +0200
committer Michael Merickel <>
Monday, October 3, 2016 17:52 +0200
tree 813ada4341cfd0d004de34554d4754eb131436a3 tree | zip | gz
parent 7b1f01fc47055b58aa2f548d0b920d739cb4e93a view | diff
All of the tests assume that there is a Content-Type set

But the application in this case doesn't actually send a Content-Type,
and thus there is no charset, and thus the tests should be assuming the
output is binary not text.

Add a Content-Type to be sent back from the app.

This is required to pass all tests on WebOb >1.7 where
Request.get_response(app) will no longer add the default_content_type if
a headerlist is passed in to Response.__init__, this allows
the Response to match what was provided by the app.
1 files modified
43 ■■■■■ changed files
pyramid/tests/test_scripts/ 43 ●●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history