Chris Rossi
2009-07-22 b8e2b16985c7e5b4cabf87be73c6384266b8d3b6
author Chris Rossi <>
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 18:24 +0200
committer Chris Rossi <>
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 18:24 +0200
tree f8872c71c33b7906faef025cf43a87badd3ea7f6 tree | zip | gz
parent 8d222e48b669652a2c454047cf821439f10c2a8c view | diff
Actually, now that I think about it, this is probably wrong.  I'm reverting
this change for now.

What I observed is that in a ZODB based app, the ZODB connection was closed
when I let the closer fall out of scope. I see from examining the code,
though, that this is a side effect of the environ that the closer hangs on
to getting deleted. There is nothing here that pops the registry when the
closer is deleted. You still have to call the closer for that to happen.

1 files modified
10 ■■■■■ changed files
repoze/bfg/ 10 ●●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history